[:en]SBI 2018 Notification – Specialist officer [:]


SBI 2018 Notification – Specialist officer

SBI 2018 Notification – Specialist officer 


SBI SO 2018 Notification has been finally released by State Bank of India. The Online Application is invited for the post of Deputy Manager (Internal Audit) from 5th of January 2018. The Online Application window closes on 28th January 2018. SBI will be conducting Online Exam for the same tentatively on 25th February 2018.


Official Notification Link :-  Notification

Exam Pattern

PapersSubjectsNo. of QuestionsMarksDuration
Paper 1Test of Reasoning505090 mins
Quantitative Aptitude3535
English Language3535
Paper 2Professional Knowledge (PK)5010045 mins


Two Papers will be conducted. Paper 1 will be of 90 minutes and will comprise of 120 marks. The sections asked are Quantitative Aptitude, English Language and Reasoning.

Paper 2 will have a subject dedicated completely to a candidate’s Professional Knowledge in his/her area of expertise. The paper will be of 50 marks and the total duration to complete this paper will be 45 minutes.

The result will be declared based on the total marks obtained by a candidate in both the papers. The selected candidates from the written test are finally called for the Interview Process. The final selection is done on a candidate’s performance in his/her Interview.




DepartmentEducational QualificationAge LimitExperience
For Deputy Manager (Internal Audit)CA degree from a Institute of Chartered Accountant of India. Preference will be given to CISA.Min 21 years & Max 35 yearsMinimum 2 years experience in statutory/internal/ Concurrent Audit of Banks, in/with a Chartered Accountant firm engaged in statutory/internal/Concurrent Audit of Banks or in employment of a Bank. Experience Certificate issued by the firms for employees working in CA firms/Copy of the engagement letter from Banks for others, would be required. Specific Skills required: Working Knowledge in MS Office.



Application Fees

An application fee of Rs 600 is required to be paid by candidates belonging to General and OBC category.The same amount is narrowed down to Rs. 100/– for candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD category.


Selection Process

Candidates are selected through an interview process for different posts filled through SBI SO 2018-19.The Interview Process is conducted for the candidates selected through online test. The qualifying marks will be decided by State Bank of India. A candidate is required to bring all the necessary documents for the interview process.


For more Details Stay Tuned





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