[:en][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_btn title=”SSC CGL -17 NOTIFICATION” style=”classic” color=”info” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fssc.nic.in%2FSSC_WEBSITE_LATEST%2Fnotice%2Fnotice_pdf%2FCGLE2017Notice.pdf||target:%20_blank|”][vc_btn title=”SSC CGL-17 APPLY ONLINE ” style=”classic” color=”success” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fssconline.nic.in%2Fssc%2F||target:%20_blank|”][vc_gallery interval=”3″ images=”7259″ img_size=”350X350″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_btn title=”SSC CGL -17 REGISTRATION.” style=”classic” color=”pink” align=”center” i_type=”openiconic” css_animation=”flipInX” button_block=”true” add_icon=”true” link=”|||rel:nofollow” css=”.vc_custom_1496306398776{background-color: #ef8b51 !important;}”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1496823341314{background-color: #ea6912 !important;}”][gravityform id=”5″ title=”false” description=”false” ajax=”true”][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”SSC CGL CUT OFF MARKS” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center” use_theme_fonts=”yes” css_animation=”slideInLeft”][vc_column_text]Cut off marks for Tier I – List I (For all posts)

2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
SC 114 80.25 77 77 64 63.5
ST 103 74.25 69.5 69 62 63.25
OBC 125.5 89.5 82 85 70 70.25
Ex.S 92 67.75 62 25 25 60
OH 97 69 68.75 67 60 50
HH 20 20 25 25 25 50
VH 68 51 40 61 25 50
UR 137 102.25 96.5 102 82 86.75

Candidates qualified in Tier I – List I for all posts

2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
SC 24227 23624 24910 19570 18960 12726
ST 11352 11087 11109 8973 8816 6323
OBC 56192 58137 59581 47432 43257 30101
Ex.S 4965 4648 4466 3906 7934 2564
OH 2742 2859 2310 2135 1944 2286
HH 2008 2021 1328 575 682 169
VH 1411 1412 1390 470 861 308
UR 46422 41084 37548 31860 30148 17083
Total 149319 144871 142642 114921 112602 71560

Cut off marks (Tier I + Tier II) for interview posts (Other than Statistical Investigator / Compiler and all non interview posts)

2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
SC 373 365.5 359.25 284 281.25
ST 359.25 349.75 345.75 282 295.75
OBC 411 398.75 395.75 319 323.75
Ex.S 358 361 345 308 293
OH 344.75 340 345 274 246
HH 253 231 228 191 200
VH 332 359 315.25 261 246
UR 430.75 426 424.5 349 354.75

Cut off marks (Tier I + Tier II) for all non interview posts only

2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
SC 345 331.5 334 251 247.25
ST 327.5 308.5 314 242 251.75
OBC 387 365 368.5 281.5 283.75
Ex.S 255 288 226 211 180
OH 323.5 307 305.75 227 208
HH 210.5 182 201.5 123 150
VH 259 307 300.25 225 150
UR 410.25 397.25 401 313 315.25

[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”How to Prepare for SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam in 2 Months” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%2381d742″ css_animation=”fadeInDown”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Organization is an indispensable part of exam preparation. Yet students often forget to chalk out a well-organized study-plan and end up wasting a lot of time and energy getting overwhelmed with the vast syllabus. However, this is not going to be the case with you because this article will help you plan exactly how to prepare for SSC CGL Tier 1 exam within 2 months. This article will let you know preparation guidelines for SSC CGL 2017 Exam along with time management tips that how much time you should devote to each section while preparing for SSC CGL Tier I.

Before you read ahead, see the detailed syllabus for the exam to know the detailed break-up of various sections and the probable mark-distribution. Now, first of all, make sure you know everything about the pattern of the exam. Check out the last year’s exam pattern. To get an idea about the 2017 exam pattern, see the table:

Exam Pattern to Prepare For SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam:

Subject Questions Marks
General Intelligence & Reasoning 25 50
General Awareness 25 50
Quantitative Aptitude 25 50
English Language 25 50
Total 100 200

The total time you get for solving the paper is 75 minutes. There is no sectional time limit so you have the liberty to attempt various sections in any order you want. Now let’s go through each section individually and device a strategy that can give you the impetus you require to ace this exam.

How to prepare for SSC CGL Tier I in 2 month – General Intelligence and Reasoning:

Solving General Intelligence (GI) questions can be very tricky unless you have sufficient practice. In addition to solving practice papers, try at least 50 GI and reasoning questions every day. This way you will have practiced at least 2000 questions of GI and reasoning before your actual exam. As you go on practicing, you will gradually devise tricks of your own to tackle GI questions.

Begin your Reasoning preparation here:

  • Testbook Reasoning:This is undoubtedly the best place to clear all concepts in order to prepare for SSC CGL Tier 1 exam.
  • Testbook Reasoning Quiz:To ensure that you are actually learning and not just wasting time, keep a track of your preparation by taking these quizzes. These quizzes are prepared by keeping in mind the SSC CGL Exam pattern & last year exam analysis.

Topics like Puzzles, analogy, coding-decoding, series, figure-based questions, etc. are very scoring. Start with these and move on to more versatile questions. You will notice a massive improvement in your accuracy within a week if you practice consistently. Furthermore, non-verbal reasoning topics like image assembling, figure-counting, etc. require you to employ visual imagination. Do not skip or ignore these questions because they seem time-consuming to you. Solving them is the best way to make them less time consuming.

Note: While practicing, your aim is to be able to attempt at least 15-20 questions in 20 minutes with reasonable accuracy. In the exam also, try to solve this section in no more than 20 minutes.

How to prepare for SSC CGL in 2 month – General Awareness:

General awareness (GA) is the most scoring section of the exam. If you prepare this section thoroughly now, it will not take more than 10 minutes of your time during the exam. You can utilize the time you save here for doing calculations in Quantitative Aptitude. The exam usually has more questions from static GK than Current Affairs. Therefore, focus more on static GK and simultaneously stay in touch with Current Affairs.

Prepare the subjects in the following order of priority:

Science>> Polity>> History>> Geography>> Economy>> Miscellaneous

Static GK mainly pertains to Culture, Indian History, Geography (India+World), Environment, Economy and Polity. Instead of cramming mindlessly, make notes and mindmaps to remember facts, chronology of events, cause and effect, etc. Doing this will also make your revision process quicker. Practice at least 75 questions of GA everyday within 30 minutes. From this sections focus on those topics which are asked in SSC CGL 2016 Tier I exam.

The following material will help you cover almost all aspects of General Awareness:

  • Current Affairs App:Since you have more than two months of time, go through the notes and capsules in the App. Also, take the Daily/Weekly/Monthly Quizzes.
  • Static GK:These capsules are important to keep you up to date on trivia and events and to boost your General Awareness.
  • GK Quiz:Improve your General Awareness with these short quizzes. To prepare for SSC CGL Tier 1 exam and simultaneously test yourself, these quizzes are the best platform.
  • Current Affairs Capsules:If you don’t have an Android app, read Daily/Monthly Capsules of the past 3 months.
  • Current Affairs Quiz:Make it a point to take these quizzes daily.

For the list of recommended books for this section, check out more of our posts on how to prepare this section more efficiently.

Note: When it comes to General Awareness, revision is the key to success!

How to prepare for SSC CGL in 2 months – Quantitative Aptitude

Quantitative aptitude is considered to be the most difficult and time-consuming part of the exam. But since you still have an enough time to prepare for SSC CGL Tier 1 exam. So, utilise this time & make yourself expertise in at least some of the areas of quant section. For this you can start with the topics such as percentage, profit & loss, ratio & proportion, speed distance & time, boat & stream, data interpretation etc. Begin your preparation here:

  • Testbook Quant:Carefully go through all the shortcuts, concepts and tips.
  • Testbook Quant Quiz:Assess yourself with these tiny quizzes having solutions to fix your mistakes on the spot.
  • Math Shortcut Tricks: Shortcut tricks can help you big time in Quantitative Aptitude.
  • Take one mock testdaily leading up to the exam.
  • Practice on app When you’re travelling or bored. When you sit down to practice.
  • Read all the solutions carefully to understand the concepts used in the questions.

Simplification, interest, percentages, ratio and proportion and age-problems are easy and scoring so spend more time with these topics. Profit and loss, number series, mensuration, number systems, speed and distance, etc. are scoring topics but take more time to solve. While going through the previous years’ question papers, analyze the nature of the questions asked from these as well as other topics. Learn all the important formulas by heart and time yourself while practicing. Furthermore, practice on the app daily.

Don’t underestimate the importance of analyzing your preparation while preparing for Quantitative Aptitude. Solve as many different types of questions and topics as you can to know your strong and weak areas. Two weeks before the exam, practice more of those questions which you are more confident about. It’s best if you keep reviewing your strategy as per your progress.

Note: Try to allocate at least 2 hours from your entire day to practice questions from quantitative aptitude section. In the exam, don’t give more than 25 minutes to this section.

How to prepare for SSC CGL in 1 month – English Language:

There are three important aspects that you need to master to efficiently prepare for SSC CGL Tier 1 English test. These are vocabulary, grammar and comprehension. If you achieve proficiency in vocabulary and grammar, you will win half the battle. After this, all you need is to work on comprehension.

The pattern and questions in this exam often get repeated. Therefore, a thorough preparation can help you wrap up this entire section within 15 minutes in the exam.

To take a look at the kind of questions you should practice, see our post on Preparing English Language for SSC CGL.


Practice at least 10 comprehension passages daily. The trick here is to read the questions before you read the passage, as then while reading the passage you will know exactly what you are looking for. In fact, sometimes, the answers to all the questions which follow the passage lie in the initial paragraphs.


Since you have to prepare for the SSC CGL Tier 1 exam, you probably get to read a lot. Whenever you come across a new word, check the meaning of the word and try to reuse it and its synonyms and antonyms in sentences. Also, make sure you do this for all the new words that you come across in the model/previous years’ question papers and while studying Current Affairs. Do make it a point to go through our Word Power Made Easy Capsules to learn memory techniques for vocabulary, grammar lessons, tips, tricks and more.


Just like vocabulary, your grammar will also improve if you read more sincerely. In any case, try as many questions as you can on:

  • Error Spotting
  • Phrase Replacement
  • Fill in the Blanks

Once you exhaust model/previous years’ papers, move over to other sources to practice at least 30 questions of grammar each day. Try to quickly scan across newspapers like ‘The Hindu’ daily. Some other sources you can rely on are:

  • English for Competitive Exams Modules: The best technique for contextual usage, grammar.
  • Testbook English Quiz:Practice questions in tiny quizzes and see where you stand among your peers.
  • Grammarly:Type in your grammar-related query on Google and click on the links from Grammarly.
  • English Stack Exchange:Type in your grammar-related query on Google and click on links from English Stack Exchange. Or visit the forum to learn English in an unstructured format, one doubt at a time.
  • Thesaurus:Learn synonyms and antonyms for different words.

More Rules to Follow While You Prepare for SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam:

  1. The first thing you should do when you sit to study is to solve a mock question paper. Solve at least one mock paper every day.
  2. Time yourself section-wise.
  3. After you solve a mock test, review it in and out. Analyze your errors, time taken, accuracy and approach.
  4. Try different time-management strategies like the ones given below and adopt the one that suits you the best.
  5. Try more SSC CGL Tests
  • Give more time to sections that you are more strong in. This will ensure that you can effectively use the time duration of the exam. Remember that there are no sectional time limits and no sectional cut offs. So your job is to simply maximize your score however you can.
  • Try different order of attempt patterns in your mock tests. Some with English first, some Quant first. Or try your toughest section first. See which strategy works best for you.

You can also check out blogs for SSC CGL Exam Preparation

SSC CGL Recruitment
Notification 2017 SSC CGL Exam Analysis 2016
All Slots & All Days SSC CGL Questions Asked 2016
All Days & All Shifts Official SSC CGL Tier I Cut Off 2016

Hopefully, after reading this post you will know exactly how to prepare for SSC CGL Tier 1 exam. However, if there is still something more you need help with, then please comment below and let us know.

Latest Detailed SSC CGL Syllabus (Tier I) – Based on Predicted Pattern 2017

2 months ago . 20 Comments

The SSC CGL Tier I Exam 2017, is scheduled to take place from 1st August to 20th August 2017. This is the time for you to roll up your sleeves and start preparing for the SSC CGL Tier I 2017. Here is the detailed SSC CGL syllabus for Tier I exam. This Detailed SSC CGL Syllabus tells you the weightage (mark-distribution) of various topics, priority order, importance, number of questions you can expect from each topic and types of questions.

Looking for SSC CGL Syllabus for Tier II 

SSC CGL Tier II – Detailed Syllabus

The following detailed SSC CGL syllabus for Tier I exam will also give you a section-wise preparation strategy along with an overall look for all topics in the syllabus. It will tell you the mark distribution so that you can decide which topics to prepare first and how much time to devote to them.


First let us look at the exam pattern for SSC CGL Tier I.

SSC CGL Tier I Exam Pattern

Subject Questions Marks Time
General Intelligence
& Reasoning
25 50 75 minutes (Total)

For VH & Candidates
suffering from
Cerebral Palsy:
100 minutes

General Awareness 25 50
Quantitative Aptitude 25 50
English Language 25 50
TOTAL 100 200

Negative Marking: There will be negative marking of 0.5 marks for each wrong answer in the Tier I exam.

Now let us look at the section-wise SSC CGL syllabus.

Detailed SSC CGL Syllabus for Tier I Exam 

Note: This is a predicted pattern based on previous years’ weightages as well as the new pattern announced.

·         SSC CGL Syllabus – English Language:

English Language

Priority Set Nature of Questions Topic Weightage (# of Qs) Approach
I. 1. Scoring

2. Easy to Solve

3. High Accuracy Possible

4. Time Consuming

Reading Comprehension 5 (1 passage) The passage could be on any topic.

Questions are mostly
fact based &
can be directly picked out
of the passage.
Sometimes vocabulary
questions are asked
on commonly used words.

II. 1. Scoring

2. Easy to Solve

3. High Accuracy Possible

4. Quick Solve

Fill in the Blanks 0-5 A mix of grammar and
vocabulary based questions.Important topics:Phrasal verbs, conjunctions,
prepositions, tenses,
usage in context,
confusable words




Choose the correctly spelt
word or the misspelt word
from different words.
The same word can be
spelt in different ways and
you are asked to selec
t the correct spelling.
III. 1. Moderate to High Score Possible

2. Moderately Time Consuming

3. Moderate to High Accuracy Possible

Phrase or Idiom Meaning


0-2 Easy to moderate difficulty level

The meaning of the
phrase or idiom can
be asked in a sentence.

The meaning can
also be asked directly.


Synonyms and Antonyms




One word given with four
options to choose from,
(either synonyms
or antonyms).Rarely the words can
be given in sentences.Prepare a list of commonly
asked words to answer
this part and score full marks.
One Word Substitution 3-5 Substitute one word
for the phrase given.Go through a list of the
one word substitutions
from past papers and solve
questions on
one word substitution.
IV. 1. Moderately Scoring

2. Time Consuming

3. Moderate Accuracy Possible

Replacement/ Sentence
5 A mix of grammar and
vocabulary Based questions.Important Topics:
Subject-Verb Agreement,
Article-Noun Agreement,
Correct Part of Speech,
Correct use of Prepositions,
Parallelism, Phrasal Verbs,
Sentence Construction,
Degree of Comparison,
Correct use of different
parts of speech,
Easily confusable words,
Usage in Context,
Avoid guessing too
much in these questions.
Be aware of
no-improvement questions
Error Spotting 3-5 Grammar based

Important Topics:
Subject-Verb Agreement,
Article-Noun Agreement,
Correct Part of Speech,
Correct use of Prepositions,
Phrasal Verbs,
Sentence Construction,
Degree of Comparison,
Correct use of
different parts of speech.

Avoid guessing too
much in these questions as some questions are tricky.

·         SSC CGL Syllabus – General Awareness:

General Awareness

Chapter Topic Weightage
(# Qs)
Total Weightage
of Chapter
Static Culture 1-2 14
Indian History 2-3
(Indian + World)
Environment 1-2
Economy 2-3
Polity 2-3
Science Biology 1-2 9
Chemistry 1-2
Physics +Space Science 1-2
Computer &
Mobile Technology
Diseases, pollution 1-2
Nutrition 1-2
Others Current Affairs 0-1 2
Misc. GK- Sports,
People In News,
Dates, Portfolios, Schemes 0-1

Questions Asked in SSC CGL Tier I 2016

·         SSC CGL Syllabus – Quantitative Aptitude:

Quantitative Aptitude

Priority Order Nature of questions Topic Weightage (# Qs) Approach
I. 1. Scoring

2. Easy to Solve

3. Less time consuming

4. More accuracy

Simplification 1-2 Questions on BODMAS Rule, Fractions, , Surds and Indices etc.
Interest 1-2 Problems on Simple, Compound Interests and Installments
Percentage 0-1 Calculation oriented
basic Percentage Problems
Ratio and Proportion 1-2 Problems on Simple,
Compound Ratios
and Direct/Indirect Proportions
Average 0-1 Problems on Average
Weight/Height/Marks etc.
Problems on Ages 0-1 Basic Problems on Ages
II. 1. Scoring

2. Easy if proper steps are followed carefully

3. More time consuming

Speed Time And Distance 1-2 Problems on Average/Relative
speeds, Boats, Trains etc.
Profit and Loss 1-2 Problems on Profit/Loss, Dishonest/Successive dealings, Partnerships etc.
Number Series 0-1 Moderate to difficult problems on Completing the series, Finding Missing/Wrong Term
Number System 1-2 Moderate problems on LCM & HCF, Irrational or Rational Numbers,
Proper steps should be followed to solve irrational to rational numbers
Mensuration 2-3 Problems on Plane Figures such as Square, Rectangle, Circles, Cone, Cylinder etc.
Data Interpretation 0-3 Problems on Bar/Line Graphs,
Pie Charts, Tables etc.
III. 1. Tricky

2. Might take more time than usual

3. Lesser chances of solving correctly

Time and Work 1-2 Problems on Work efficiency,
Wages and Pipes etc.
Mixture problems 0-1 To Make A Mixture From Two Or More Entities/Mixtures
Algebra 2-3 Basic Linear Equations in
one or two variables, Quadratic & Algebraic Identities are important.
Remember all the identities
Geometry 3-4 Problems related to Triangles congruency, Similarity theorems, Circle chords & tangent theorems, Co-ordinate geometry etc.

Remember all the theorems.

Trigonometry 2-3 Problems based on Trigonometric ratios and Identities, Height and Distance etc…

Remember all the
Trigonometric Identities.

·         SSC CGL Syllabus – Genreal Intelligence & Reasoning

General Intelligence & Reasoning

of Qs
Chapters Weightage (# of Qs) Approach
1. Scoring

2. Easy to Solve

3. Less Time Consuming

4. Sometimes a bit Difficult

Classification 2-3 Number, Letter, GK
and Meaningful Words based qs.
Analogy 2-3 Letter, Number,
GK & Meaning based qs.
Coding Decoding 2-3 Questions on Coding by Analogy,
Coding and decoding
by letter shifting
& Coding Letters of a Word.Could also include,
Coding and decoding in fictitious language.
Puzzle 2-3 Number based puzzles
like 7 × 5 × 6 × 5 = 6575,
then 8 × 7 × 4 × 6 = ?orFind the correct
equation type questions.orQuant based questions
like on age, speed and distance.orSeating arrangement questions.
1. Easy to Solve

2. High Accuracy possible

3. May be time consuming

Matrix 0-1 1 or 2 Matrix of letters
with numbers are given
from which correct set
of numbers for given
word is to find out.
Word formation 1-2 From the given word
find whether the
given option words
can be formed or not.
Arranging words in Meaningful order or Dictionary order 1-2 It can be meaningful
order of doing a certain task, or following a certain rule.In dictionary order
words are to be arranged
according to dictionary
sequence in ascending
or descending order.
1. Easy to Solve

2. High Accuracy possible

3. Less Time Consuming

Venn diagram 0-2 Problems based on
Venn DiagramTypes of Question:
Represent the relation
between Student,

Teacher and Boys
Directions & Distances 0-1 Simple problems that
can be solved by just
drawing all
information on paper.
1. May be Time Consuming

2. May be tricky

Blood Relations 0-1 Family Tree or
General Blood Relation
Missing Number 1-2 Find the missing number
from the given
matrix or diagram.
Series 2-3 Mainly questions on
Number & Alphabet series.
Question Type:
Complete the given series
a_bc_ _cbad_bcd_cda
1. Scoring

2. Sometimes a bit Difficult

3. Visual imagination is required

Non Verbal Reasoning 3-4 Ques like Complete the pattern, Assemble Image,
Mirror Image,
Hidden Image,
Counting Figures.Figure based Analogy/
Classification/Series or
cube based ques may be asked.
1. May be tricky

2. Sometimes a bit Difficult

3. Time Consuming

Verbal Reasoning 0-1 Questions on Statements and Conclusions, Statements
and Inferences, Statements and Assumptions,
Assertion and Reason.Questions on Course of Action & Statements and
Arguments can also be asked.

 How to Use this SSC CGL Syllabus as a Guide

    1. The priority set in this SSC CGL Syllabus shows you what order you should attempt the questions in the paper.
    2. There are no priority set specified for General Intelligence/Reasoning and General Awareness sections. You need to attempt questions in this section in the order in which they appear in the exam.
    3. While prepping for the exam, keep the weightages and breadth of topic in mind.
    4. Work from top to bottom of the list in each section of SSC CGL Syllabus while preparing.
    5. In Round 1 of your preparation, distribute time according to the weightage while studying for each topic.
    6. In Round 2 of your preparation, distribute time according to order in which the topics are listed.
    7. Follow a proper study guide for every subject. For example, the guides give below:

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][:te][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_btn title=”SSC CGL -17 NOTIFICATION” style=”classic” color=”info” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fssc.nic.in%2FSSC_WEBSITE_LATEST%2Fnotice%2Fnotice_pdf%2FCGLE2017Notice.pdf||target:%20_blank|”][vc_btn title=”SSC CGL-17 APPLY ONLINE ” style=”classic” color=”success” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fssconline.nic.in%2Fssc%2F||target:%20_blank|”][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_btn title=”SSC CGL -17 REGISTRATION.” style=”classic” color=”pink” align=”center” i_type=”openiconic” css_animation=”flipInX” button_block=”true” add_icon=”true” link=”|||rel:nofollow” css=”.vc_custom_1496306398776{background-color: #ef8b51 !important;}”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1496306249018{background-color: #ea6912 !important;}”][gravityform id=”5″ title=”false” description=”false” ajax=”true”][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”SSC CGL CUT OFF MARKS” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center” use_theme_fonts=”yes” css_animation=”slideInLeft”][vc_column_text]Cut off marks for Tier I – List I (For all posts)

2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
SC 114 80.25 77 77 64 63.5
ST 103 74.25 69.5 69 62 63.25
OBC 125.5 89.5 82 85 70 70.25
Ex.S 92 67.75 62 25 25 60
OH 97 69 68.75 67 60 50
HH 20 20 25 25 25 50
VH 68 51 40 61 25 50
UR 137 102.25 96.5 102 82 86.75

Candidates qualified in Tier I – List I for all posts

2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
SC 24227 23624 24910 19570 18960 12726
ST 11352 11087 11109 8973 8816 6323
OBC 56192 58137 59581 47432 43257 30101
Ex.S 4965 4648 4466 3906 7934 2564
OH 2742 2859 2310 2135 1944 2286
HH 2008 2021 1328 575 682 169
VH 1411 1412 1390 470 861 308
UR 46422 41084 37548 31860 30148 17083
Total 149319 144871 142642 114921 112602 71560

Cut off marks (Tier I + Tier II) for interview posts (Other than Statistical Investigator / Compiler and all non interview posts)

2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
SC 373 365.5 359.25 284 281.25
ST 359.25 349.75 345.75 282 295.75
OBC 411 398.75 395.75 319 323.75
Ex.S 358 361 345 308 293
OH 344.75 340 345 274 246
HH 253 231 228 191 200
VH 332 359 315.25 261 246
UR 430.75 426 424.5 349 354.75

Cut off marks (Tier I + Tier II) for all non interview posts only

2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
SC 345 331.5 334 251 247.25
ST 327.5 308.5 314 242 251.75
OBC 387 365 368.5 281.5 283.75
Ex.S 255 288 226 211 180
OH 323.5 307 305.75 227 208
HH 210.5 182 201.5 123 150
VH 259 307 300.25 225 150
UR 410.25 397.25 401 313 315.25

[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”How to Prepare for SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam in 2 Months” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%2381d742″ css_animation=”fadeInDown”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Organization is an indispensable part of exam preparation. Yet students often forget to chalk out a well-organized study-plan and end up wasting a lot of time and energy getting overwhelmed with the vast syllabus. However, this is not going to be the case with you because this article will help you plan exactly how to prepare for SSC CGL Tier 1 exam within 2 months. This article will let you know preparation guidelines for SSC CGL 2017 Exam along with time management tips that how much time you should devote to each section while preparing for SSC CGL Tier I.

Before you read ahead, see the detailed syllabus for the exam to know the detailed break-up of various sections and the probable mark-distribution. Now, first of all, make sure you know everything about the pattern of the exam. Check out the last year’s exam pattern. To get an idea about the 2017 exam pattern, see the table:

Exam Pattern to Prepare For SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam:

Subject Questions Marks
General Intelligence & Reasoning 25 50
General Awareness 25 50
Quantitative Aptitude 25 50
English Language 25 50
Total 100 200

The total time you get for solving the paper is 75 minutes. There is no sectional time limit so you have the liberty to attempt various sections in any order you want. Now let’s go through each section individually and device a strategy that can give you the impetus you require to ace this exam.

How to prepare for SSC CGL Tier I in 2 month – General Intelligence and Reasoning:

Solving General Intelligence (GI) questions can be very tricky unless you have sufficient practice. In addition to solving practice papers, try at least 50 GI and reasoning questions every day. This way you will have practiced at least 2000 questions of GI and reasoning before your actual exam. As you go on practicing, you will gradually devise tricks of your own to tackle GI questions.

Begin your Reasoning preparation here:

  • Testbook Reasoning:This is undoubtedly the best place to clear all concepts in order to prepare for SSC CGL Tier 1 exam.
  • Testbook Reasoning Quiz:To ensure that you are actually learning and not just wasting time, keep a track of your preparation by taking these quizzes. These quizzes are prepared by keeping in mind the SSC CGL Exam pattern & last year exam analysis.

Topics like Puzzles, analogy, coding-decoding, series, figure-based questions, etc. are very scoring. Start with these and move on to more versatile questions. You will notice a massive improvement in your accuracy within a week if you practice consistently. Furthermore, non-verbal reasoning topics like image assembling, figure-counting, etc. require you to employ visual imagination. Do not skip or ignore these questions because they seem time-consuming to you. Solving them is the best way to make them less time consuming.

Note: While practicing, your aim is to be able to attempt at least 15-20 questions in 20 minutes with reasonable accuracy. In the exam also, try to solve this section in no more than 20 minutes.

How to prepare for SSC CGL in 2 month – General Awareness:

General awareness (GA) is the most scoring section of the exam. If you prepare this section thoroughly now, it will not take more than 10 minutes of your time during the exam. You can utilize the time you save here for doing calculations in Quantitative Aptitude. The exam usually has more questions from static GK than Current Affairs. Therefore, focus more on static GK and simultaneously stay in touch with Current Affairs.

Prepare the subjects in the following order of priority:

Science>> Polity>> History>> Geography>> Economy>> Miscellaneous

Static GK mainly pertains to Culture, Indian History, Geography (India+World), Environment, Economy and Polity. Instead of cramming mindlessly, make notes and mindmaps to remember facts, chronology of events, cause and effect, etc. Doing this will also make your revision process quicker. Practice at least 75 questions of GA everyday within 30 minutes. From this sections focus on those topics which are asked in SSC CGL 2016 Tier I exam.

The following material will help you cover almost all aspects of General Awareness:

  • Current Affairs App:Since you have more than two months of time, go through the notes and capsules in the App. Also, take the Daily/Weekly/Monthly Quizzes.
  • Static GK:These capsules are important to keep you up to date on trivia and events and to boost your General Awareness.
  • GK Quiz:Improve your General Awareness with these short quizzes. To prepare for SSC CGL Tier 1 exam and simultaneously test yourself, these quizzes are the best platform.
  • Current Affairs Capsules:If you don’t have an Android app, read Daily/Monthly Capsules of the past 3 months.
  • Current Affairs Quiz:Make it a point to take these quizzes daily.

For the list of recommended books for this section, check out more of our posts on how to prepare this section more efficiently.

Note: When it comes to General Awareness, revision is the key to success!

How to prepare for SSC CGL in 2 months – Quantitative Aptitude

Quantitative aptitude is considered to be the most difficult and time-consuming part of the exam. But since you still have an enough time to prepare for SSC CGL Tier 1 exam. So, utilise this time & make yourself expertise in at least some of the areas of quant section. For this you can start with the topics such as percentage, profit & loss, ratio & proportion, speed distance & time, boat & stream, data interpretation etc. Begin your preparation here:

  • Testbook Quant:Carefully go through all the shortcuts, concepts and tips.
  • Testbook Quant Quiz:Assess yourself with these tiny quizzes having solutions to fix your mistakes on the spot.
  • Math Shortcut Tricks: Shortcut tricks can help you big time in Quantitative Aptitude.
  • Take one mock testdaily leading up to the exam.
  • Practice on app When you’re travelling or bored. When you sit down to practice.
  • Read all the solutions carefully to understand the concepts used in the questions.

Simplification, interest, percentages, ratio and proportion and age-problems are easy and scoring so spend more time with these topics. Profit and loss, number series, mensuration, number systems, speed and distance, etc. are scoring topics but take more time to solve. While going through the previous years’ question papers, analyze the nature of the questions asked from these as well as other topics. Learn all the important formulas by heart and time yourself while practicing. Furthermore, practice on the app daily.

Don’t underestimate the importance of analyzing your preparation while preparing for Quantitative Aptitude. Solve as many different types of questions and topics as you can to know your strong and weak areas. Two weeks before the exam, practice more of those questions which you are more confident about. It’s best if you keep reviewing your strategy as per your progress.

Note: Try to allocate at least 2 hours from your entire day to practice questions from quantitative aptitude section. In the exam, don’t give more than 25 minutes to this section.

How to prepare for SSC CGL in 1 month – English Language:

There are three important aspects that you need to master to efficiently prepare for SSC CGL Tier 1 English test. These are vocabulary, grammar and comprehension. If you achieve proficiency in vocabulary and grammar, you will win half the battle. After this, all you need is to work on comprehension.

The pattern and questions in this exam often get repeated. Therefore, a thorough preparation can help you wrap up this entire section within 15 minutes in the exam.

To take a look at the kind of questions you should practice, see our post on Preparing English Language for SSC CGL.


Practice at least 10 comprehension passages daily. The trick here is to read the questions before you read the passage, as then while reading the passage you will know exactly what you are looking for. In fact, sometimes, the answers to all the questions which follow the passage lie in the initial paragraphs.


Since you have to prepare for the SSC CGL Tier 1 exam, you probably get to read a lot. Whenever you come across a new word, check the meaning of the word and try to reuse it and its synonyms and antonyms in sentences. Also, make sure you do this for all the new words that you come across in the model/previous years’ question papers and while studying Current Affairs. Do make it a point to go through our Word Power Made Easy Capsules to learn memory techniques for vocabulary, grammar lessons, tips, tricks and more.


Just like vocabulary, your grammar will also improve if you read more sincerely. In any case, try as many questions as you can on:

  • Error Spotting
  • Phrase Replacement
  • Fill in the Blanks

Once you exhaust model/previous years’ papers, move over to other sources to practice at least 30 questions of grammar each day. Try to quickly scan across newspapers like ‘The Hindu’ daily. Some other sources you can rely on are:

  • English for Competitive Exams Modules: The best technique for contextual usage, grammar.
  • Testbook English Quiz:Practice questions in tiny quizzes and see where you stand among your peers.
  • Grammarly:Type in your grammar-related query on Google and click on the links from Grammarly.
  • English Stack Exchange:Type in your grammar-related query on Google and click on links from English Stack Exchange. Or visit the forum to learn English in an unstructured format, one doubt at a time.
  • Thesaurus:Learn synonyms and antonyms for different words.

More Rules to Follow While You Prepare for SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam:

  1. The first thing you should do when you sit to study is to solve a mock question paper. Solve at least one mock paper every day.
  2. Time yourself section-wise.
  3. After you solve a mock test, review it in and out. Analyze your errors, time taken, accuracy and approach.
  4. Try different time-management strategies like the ones given below and adopt the one that suits you the best.
  5. Try more SSC CGL Tests
  • Give more time to sections that you are more strong in. This will ensure that you can effectively use the time duration of the exam. Remember that there are no sectional time limits and no sectional cut offs. So your job is to simply maximize your score however you can.
  • Try different order of attempt patterns in your mock tests. Some with English first, some Quant first. Or try your toughest section first. See which strategy works best for you.

You can also check out blogs for SSC CGL Exam Preparation

SSC CGL Recruitment
Notification 2017 SSC CGL Exam Analysis 2016
All Slots & All Days SSC CGL Questions Asked 2016
All Days & All Shifts Official SSC CGL Tier I Cut Off 2016

Hopefully, after reading this post you will know exactly how to prepare for SSC CGL Tier 1 exam. However, if there is still something more you need help with, then please comment below and let us know.

Latest Detailed SSC CGL Syllabus (Tier I) – Based on Predicted Pattern 2017

2 months ago . 20 Comments

The SSC CGL Tier I Exam 2017, is scheduled to take place from 1st August to 20th August 2017. This is the time for you to roll up your sleeves and start preparing for the SSC CGL Tier I 2017. Here is the detailed SSC CGL syllabus for Tier I exam. This Detailed SSC CGL Syllabus tells you the weightage (mark-distribution) of various topics, priority order, importance, number of questions you can expect from each topic and types of questions.

Looking for SSC CGL Syllabus for Tier II 

SSC CGL Tier II – Detailed Syllabus

The following detailed SSC CGL syllabus for Tier I exam will also give you a section-wise preparation strategy along with an overall look for all topics in the syllabus. It will tell you the mark distribution so that you can decide which topics to prepare first and how much time to devote to them.

First let us look at the exam pattern for SSC CGL Tier I.

SSC CGL Tier I Exam Pattern

Subject Questions Marks Time
General Intelligence
& Reasoning
25 50 75 minutes (Total)

For VH & Candidates
suffering from
Cerebral Palsy:
100 minutes

General Awareness 25 50
Quantitative Aptitude 25 50
English Language 25 50
TOTAL 100 200

Negative Marking: There will be negative marking of 0.5 marks for each wrong answer in the Tier I exam.

Now let us look at the section-wise SSC CGL syllabus.

Detailed SSC CGL Syllabus for Tier I Exam 

Note: This is a predicted pattern based on previous years’ weightages as well as the new pattern announced.

·         SSC CGL Syllabus – English Language:

English Language

Priority Set Nature of Questions Topic Weightage (# of Qs) Approach
I. 1. Scoring

2. Easy to Solve

3. High Accuracy Possible

4. Time Consuming

Reading Comprehension 5 (1 passage) The passage could be on any topic.

Questions are mostly
fact based &
can be directly picked out
of the passage.
Sometimes vocabulary
questions are asked
on commonly used words.

II. 1. Scoring

2. Easy to Solve

3. High Accuracy Possible

4. Quick Solve

Fill in the Blanks 0-5 A mix of grammar and
vocabulary based questions.Important topics:Phrasal verbs, conjunctions,
prepositions, tenses,
usage in context,
confusable words




Choose the correctly spelt
word or the misspelt word
from different words.
The same word can be
spelt in different ways and
you are asked to selec
t the correct spelling.
III. 1. Moderate to High Score Possible

2. Moderately Time Consuming

3. Moderate to High Accuracy Possible

Phrase or Idiom Meaning


0-2 Easy to moderate difficulty level

The meaning of the
phrase or idiom can
be asked in a sentence.

The meaning can
also be asked directly.


Synonyms and Antonyms




One word given with four
options to choose from,
(either synonyms
or antonyms).Rarely the words can
be given in sentences.Prepare a list of commonly
asked words to answer
this part and score full marks.
One Word Substitution 3-5 Substitute one word
for the phrase given.Go through a list of the
one word substitutions
from past papers and solve
questions on
one word substitution.
IV. 1. Moderately Scoring

2. Time Consuming

3. Moderate Accuracy Possible

Replacement/ Sentence
5 A mix of grammar and
vocabulary Based questions.Important Topics:
Subject-Verb Agreement,
Article-Noun Agreement,
Correct Part of Speech,
Correct use of Prepositions,
Parallelism, Phrasal Verbs,
Sentence Construction,
Degree of Comparison,
Correct use of different
parts of speech,
Easily confusable words,
Usage in Context,
Avoid guessing too
much in these questions.
Be aware of
no-improvement questions
Error Spotting 3-5 Grammar based

Important Topics:
Subject-Verb Agreement,
Article-Noun Agreement,
Correct Part of Speech,
Correct use of Prepositions,
Phrasal Verbs,
Sentence Construction,
Degree of Comparison,
Correct use of
different parts of speech.

Avoid guessing too
much in these questions as some questions are tricky.

·         SSC CGL Syllabus – General Awareness:

General Awareness

Chapter Topic Weightage
(# Qs)
Total Weightage
of Chapter
Static Culture 1-2 14
Indian History 2-3
(Indian + World)
Environment 1-2
Economy 2-3
Polity 2-3
Science Biology 1-2 9
Chemistry 1-2
Physics +Space Science 1-2
Computer &
Mobile Technology
Diseases, pollution 1-2
Nutrition 1-2
Others Current Affairs 0-1 2
Misc. GK- Sports,
People In News,
Dates, Portfolios, Schemes 0-1

Questions Asked in SSC CGL Tier I 2016

·         SSC CGL Syllabus – Quantitative Aptitude:

Quantitative Aptitude

Priority Order Nature of questions Topic Weightage (# Qs) Approach
I. 1. Scoring

2. Easy to Solve

3. Less time consuming

4. More accuracy

Simplification 1-2 Questions on BODMAS Rule, Fractions, , Surds and Indices etc.
Interest 1-2 Problems on Simple, Compound Interests and Installments
Percentage 0-1 Calculation oriented
basic Percentage Problems
Ratio and Proportion 1-2 Problems on Simple,
Compound Ratios
and Direct/Indirect Proportions
Average 0-1 Problems on Average
Weight/Height/Marks etc.
Problems on Ages 0-1 Basic Problems on Ages
II. 1. Scoring

2. Easy if proper steps are followed carefully

3. More time consuming

Speed Time And Distance 1-2 Problems on Average/Relative
speeds, Boats, Trains etc.
Profit and Loss 1-2 Problems on Profit/Loss, Dishonest/Successive dealings, Partnerships etc.
Number Series 0-1 Moderate to difficult problems on Completing the series, Finding Missing/Wrong Term
Number System 1-2 Moderate problems on LCM & HCF, Irrational or Rational Numbers,
Proper steps should be followed to solve irrational to rational numbers
Mensuration 2-3 Problems on Plane Figures such as Square, Rectangle, Circles, Cone, Cylinder etc.
Data Interpretation 0-3 Problems on Bar/Line Graphs,
Pie Charts, Tables etc.
III. 1. Tricky

2. Might take more time than usual

3. Lesser chances of solving correctly

Time and Work 1-2 Problems on Work efficiency,
Wages and Pipes etc.
Mixture problems 0-1 To Make A Mixture From Two Or More Entities/Mixtures
Algebra 2-3 Basic Linear Equations in
one or two variables, Quadratic & Algebraic Identities are important.
Remember all the identities
Geometry 3-4 Problems related to Triangles congruency, Similarity theorems, Circle chords & tangent theorems, Co-ordinate geometry etc.

Remember all the theorems.

Trigonometry 2-3 Problems based on Trigonometric ratios and Identities, Height and Distance etc…

Remember all the
Trigonometric Identities.

·         SSC CGL Syllabus – Genreal Intelligence & Reasoning

General Intelligence & Reasoning

of Qs
Chapters Weightage (# of Qs) Approach
1. Scoring

2. Easy to Solve

3. Less Time Consuming

4. Sometimes a bit Difficult

Classification 2-3 Number, Letter, GK
and Meaningful Words based qs.
Analogy 2-3 Letter, Number,
GK & Meaning based qs.
Coding Decoding 2-3 Questions on Coding by Analogy,
Coding and decoding
by letter shifting
& Coding Letters of a Word.Could also include,
Coding and decoding in fictitious language.
Puzzle 2-3 Number based puzzles
like 7 × 5 × 6 × 5 = 6575,
then 8 × 7 × 4 × 6 = ?orFind the correct
equation type questions.orQuant based questions
like on age, speed and distance.orSeating arrangement questions.
1. Easy to Solve

2. High Accuracy possible

3. May be time consuming

Matrix 0-1 1 or 2 Matrix of letters
with numbers are given
from which correct set
of numbers for given
word is to find out.
Word formation 1-2 From the given word
find whether the
given option words
can be formed or not.
Arranging words in Meaningful order or Dictionary order 1-2 It can be meaningful
order of doing a certain task, or following a certain rule.In dictionary order
words are to be arranged
according to dictionary
sequence in ascending
or descending order.
1. Easy to Solve

2. High Accuracy possible

3. Less Time Consuming

Venn diagram 0-2 Problems based on
Venn DiagramTypes of Question:
Represent the relation
between Student,

Teacher and Boys
Directions & Distances 0-1 Simple problems that
can be solved by just
drawing all
information on paper.
1. May be Time Consuming

2. May be tricky

Blood Relations 0-1 Family Tree or
General Blood Relation
Missing Number 1-2 Find the missing number
from the given
matrix or diagram.
Series 2-3 Mainly questions on
Number & Alphabet series.
Question Type:
Complete the given series
a_bc_ _cbad_bcd_cda
1. Scoring

2. Sometimes a bit Difficult

3. Visual imagination is required

Non Verbal Reasoning 3-4 Ques like Complete the pattern, Assemble Image,
Mirror Image,
Hidden Image,
Counting Figures.Figure based Analogy/
Classification/Series or
cube based ques may be asked.
1. May be tricky

2. Sometimes a bit Difficult

3. Time Consuming

Verbal Reasoning 0-1 Questions on Statements and Conclusions, Statements
and Inferences, Statements and Assumptions,
Assertion and Reason.Questions on Course of Action & Statements and
Arguments can also be asked.

 How to Use this SSC CGL Syllabus as a Guide

    1. The priority set in this SSC CGL Syllabus shows you what order you should attempt the questions in the paper.
    2. There are no priority set specified for General Intelligence/Reasoning and General Awareness sections. You need to attempt questions in this section in the order in which they appear in the exam.
    3. While prepping for the exam, keep the weightages and breadth of topic in mind.
    4. Work from top to bottom of the list in each section of SSC CGL Syllabus while preparing.
    5. In Round 1 of your preparation, distribute time according to the weightage while studying for each topic.
    6. In Round 2 of your preparation, distribute time according to order in which the topics are listed.
    7. Follow a proper study guide for every subject. For example, the guides give below:

