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[:en]SSC MTS Tier 2 Exam- Student Experience [:]

  • Post author:
  • Post published:January 28, 2018
  • Post category:Notifications
  • Post last modified:January 28, 2018

[:en]SSC MTS Tier 2 Exam- Student Experience

SSC MTS Tier 2 Exam- Student Experience


  • As you all know that SSC MTS Tier 2 is Descriptive – 30 mins – 50 Marks and its only of Qualifying Nature
  • Its only of Qualifying in Nature , No Marks Will be Added to Fianl Merit List
  • 5 Topic Where given for Letter Writing and Essay
  • There Were No BOXES given and No Word Limit was Metioned



Topics Asked for ESSAY in my Paper

  1. Rainy Season
  2. Mobile Phone
  3. Education and Life
  4. Cricket
  5. Resposibility Of a Citizen

Topics Asked for LETTER WRITING  in my Paper

  1. Write a letter to the editor mentioning the situation of Law and Order in your area.
  2. Write a letter to your father seeking permission to visit Jaipur.
  3. Write a letter to your father seeing permission for summer vacations.
  4. Write a letter to Electricity Board facing the irregularity of your electricity bill.
  5. Write a Letter to Municipal Corporation for the bad maintaince of the local area



This was my experience …


Let us know yours when you complete

You can ask me if you have any doubts we shall respond on it




