IPO Exam Syllabus and Books & Reading material
The Syllabus for IP Exam is what you check for.
IP Exam Syllabus and Books- Paper I
IPO Books that you should go through are given in the links below for your convenience. Some IPO Books from Swamy Publishers are given at the end of this article.
IP Exam Syllabus is as follows:
Additional Reading:
Revised National Small Savings schemes Rules, 2019
IPO Exam Syllabus and Books- Paper II
IP Exam Syllabus and Books- Paper III
IP Exam Syllabus for Paper III is as follows:
IPO Exam 2021-Paper III |
1)Postal Manual Volume II
a) Chapter III – Appeals and Petitions |
b) Chapter IV – Personal matters |
c) Chapter V – Security Deposits |
d) Chapter VII – Forged Counterfeit stamps, defaced postage stamps, coins, and currency notes |
2) POSTAL MANUAL VOL. III: Postal Volume III(free resource)
3)Postal Manual Volume VIII
4) CCS (CONDUCT) RULES 1964 or
CCS Conduct Rules 1964(free resource) |
5) CCS (CCA) RULES, 1965:
CCS CCA Rules 1965(free resource)
6) CCS TEMPORARY SERVICE RULES: CCS Temporary Service Rules 1965(free resource) |
7) SERVICE RULES FOR POSTAL GDS: GDS (Conduct and Engagement) Rules, 2011: GDS Conduct and Engagement Rules 2020(free resource)
8)Brochure on Casual Labourers and instructions on Casual laborer issued
9) CONSTITUTION OF INDIA: Constitution of India(free resource) 10) Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 a) Section-1-Short Title, extent, and commencement b) Section-2- Definitions |
11) CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, 1908:Code of Criminal Procedure 1973(free resource) a) Section-1-Short Title, extent, and commencement b) Section-2- Definitions |
c) Section 82-Cr PC: Proclamation for person absconding, d) Section-83: Attachment of property of a person absconding |
e)Section-84: Claims and objections to attachments, f) Section-85: Release, sale & restoration of attached property |
12) Indian Evidence Act, 1872: a) Section-1: Short title, extent & commencement b) Section-5: Evidence may be given of facts in issue and relevant facts |
c) Section-6: The relevancy of facts forming part of the same transaction, |
d) Section-7: Facts which are the occasion, |
e) Section-8: motive, preparation, and previous or subsequent conduct. |
f) Chapter-III:(Section 56 to 58): Facts that need not be proved. |
g)Chapter-IV: (section 59 to 60): Of oral evidence. |
h) Chapter-V: (Section 61 to 73 A): Of documentary evidence |
13) Indian Penal Code: a) Chapter-II: General Explanation: |
b) Chapter-III: Of Punishments |
c) Chapter-IX: Of offenses by or relating to Public servants |
d) Chapter-X: Of Contempts of the Lawful Authority of Public servants |
e) Chapter-XIX: Of the Criminal Breach of Contract of Service |
14) Instructions issued by Directorate and DoP&T on the maintenance of APAR (CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS) : Instructions issued by Directorate and DoP&T on the maintenance of APAR(free resource) |
15) Central Administrative Tribunal Act, 1985 (CENTRAL ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL): or Central Administrative Tribunal Act(free resource) |
16) Revenue Recovery Act, 1890
17) Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
18) Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 & Prevention of Corruption Act 1988 read with its (Amendment) 2018(free resource) |
IPO Exam Syllabus and Books in Paper IV |
IPO Exam 2021–Paper IV |
1) 25 Questions on English language (MCQs) |
2) 50 questions on Current Affairs (Minimum 10 questions each from the field of: (i) Indian Economy and(ii) Polity, (iii) Sports, (iv) Culture & (v) Science (MCQs) |
3) 50 questions on Reasoning, Interpersonal skills, Mental Aptitude, Intelligence, and Ethics (MCQs) |
4) Noting (approx. 200 words) and Drafting (approx. 200 words) on a given topic [25 marks each] |