(1.) Which of the following leaders did not participate in the 1857 revolt :
(A.) Rani Lakshmi Bai
(B.) Tatya Tope
(C.) Kunwar Singh
(D.) Wali Khan
Ans: D
(2.) The Vedas, Upanishad, Puran and Dharmsutra are written in which language?
(PA/SA Exam-Cancelled-2019)
(A.) Sanskrit
(B.) Palt.
(C.) Prakrit
(D.) Hindi
Ans: A
(3.) Who said this: “My life is my message”
(PA/SA Exam-2019)
(A.) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
(B.) John F. Kennedy
(C.) Mahatma Gandhi
(D.) Dr. AbdulKalam
Ans: C
(4.) The Jalianwalabagh massacre happened in the year
(A.) 1905
(B.) 1919
(C.) 1942
(D.) 1900
Ans: B
(5.) “Awake, arise, stop not till the goal is reached” (UttisthataJagrataPrapyaVarannibodhata) is a slogan popularized by
(PA/SA Exam-2019)
(A.) MunshiPremchand
(B.) Mahatma Gandhi
(C.) Swami Vivekananda
(D.) Dr. AbdulKalam
Ans: C
(6.) Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan’ slogan was of
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Bihar Circle)
(A.) Subhash Chandra Bose
(B.) Mahatma Gandhi
(C.) DayandSaraswati
(D.) Lal Bahadur Shastri
Ans: D
(7.) From where did Mahatma Gandhi start his historic Dandi March?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) Sabarmati Ashram
(B.) Dandi
(C.) Chauri Chaura
(D.) Champaran
Ans: A
(8.) Tansen, a great musician of his time, was in the court of
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Gujrath Circle)
(A.) Bahadur Singh
(B.) Shahjahan
(C.) Jahangir
(D.) Akbar
Ans: D
(9.) ‘HindSwaraj’, a book by Mahatma Gandhi in 1909 was originally written in
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Gujrath Circle)
(A.) Hindi
(B.) Gujarathi
(C.) English
(D.) Urdu
Ans: B
(10.) The Lahore Conspiracy Case was registered against whom?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Gujrath Circle)
(A.) VDSavarkar
(B.) Aurobindo Ghosh
(C.) Ram PrasadBismil
(D.) Bhagt Singh
Ans: D
(11.) The minimum age required to become Prime Minister of India is
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) 25 Years
(B.) 30 Years
(C.) 21 Years
(D.) 18 Years
Ans: A
(12.) The Oath of office is conducted to the President by
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Speaker of Lok sabha
(B.) Vice President of India
(C.) Chief Justice of India
(D.) None of the above
Ans: C
(13.) The last ruler of the Mughal dynasty was
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Akbar
(B.) Babar
(C.) Aurangazeb
(D.) Bahadurshah Zafar
Ans: D
(14.) When Non-cooperation movement was started by Mahatma Gandhi
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) 1st July 1920
(B.) 1st August 1920
(C.) 8th August 1942
(D.) 13th April 1919
Ans: B
(15.) Who said this “Cowards can never be moral”
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Swami Vivekananda
(B.) ShivaKhera
(C.) Mahatma Gandhiji
(D.) Rahindranath Tagore
Ans: C
(16.) Who said this “Your best teacher is your last mistake’
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) APJ AbdulKalam
(B.) Mahatma Gandhi
(C.) RamakrishnaParamahamsa
(D.) Swami Vivekananda
Ans: A
(17.) Nau Jawan Bharat Sabha was founded by
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Jammu Kashmir Circle)
(A.) Chadra Sekhar Azad
(B.) Bhagat Singh
(C.) Rajguru
(D.) Lala Lajpat Rai
Ans: B
(18.) Who was the founder of Brahma Samaj?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Jammu Kashmir Circle)
(A.) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(B.) Swamy Vivekanand
(C.) Mahatma Gandhi
(D.) Aurobindo Ghosh
Ans: A
(19.) The first Satyagraha campaing of Gandhiji was started in:
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Jammu Kashmir Circle)
(A.) Dandi
(B.) Kheda
(C.) Champaran
(D.) Bardoli
Ans: C
(20.) When did Jalianwala Bagh’s massacre take place?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) 13 April, 1919
(B.) 13 March 1920
(C.) 13 May 1919
(D.) 13 June 1919
Ans: A
(21.) Who is the author of the book “The Indian Struggle?”
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
(B.) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(C.) Lala Lajpat Rai
(D.) Subhash Chandra Bose
Ans: D
(22.) The concept of Five Great vows of Ahimsa,Satya, Asteya, Aparigraha and Brahmacharya is related to:
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Arthashastra
(B.) Jainism
(C.) Gandhian Ethics
(D.) Buddhism
Ans: B
(23.) Who gave the famous statement: “Orujarati, Orumatam,Orudaivammanushyanu”(one caste,one religion, one God for humankind?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Shri Narayana Guru
(B.) Shri Kumaran Asan
(C.) Shri Ayyankali
(D.) None of these
Ans: A
(24.) Who gave the slogan “Do or Die”?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Mahatma Gandhi
(B.) Bhagat Singh
(C.) Subhash Chandra Bose
(D.) Lala Lajpat Rai
Ans: A
(25.) Kuka Movement is associated with which of the following states?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Madya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Assam
(B.) Bengal
(C.) Punjab
(D.) Maharashtra
Ans: C
(26.) In which year, the famous “Dandi March” by Mahatma Gandhi took place?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) 1920
(B.) 1930
(C.) 1940
(D.) 1942
Ans: B
(27.) Upanishad are books on:
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Odisha Circle)
(A.) Religion
(B.) Yoga
(C.) Law
(D.) Philosophy
Ans: D
(28.) In which Year Jallianwala Bagh Massacre occurred?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Punjab Circle)
(A.) 1915
(B.) 1919
(C.) 1921
(D.) 1926
Ans: B
(29.) Which act was known as ‘Black-Bill’?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Rowlatt Act
(B.) Pitt’s India Act
(C.) The Regulating Act
(D.) Indian Council Act
Ans: A
(30.) The first Satyagraha campaing of Gandhiji was started in:
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) Dandi
(B.) Kheda
(C.) Champaran
(D.) Bardoli
Ans: C
(31.) Who said “swaraj is my birth right and I shall have it”
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Gopala Krishna ghokale
(B.) Balaganghader tilak
(C.) Bipin Chandra Pal
(D.) MahatmaGhandhi
Ans: B
(32.) Brahmo Samaj was started by which of the following:
(PA/SA Exam 2020-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Swami Vivekananda
(B.) Keshub Chandra Sen
(C.) Swami Dayanand Saraswati
(D.) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Ans: D
(33.) Who among the following is known as ‘Mother of Indian Revolution’?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Chhattisgarh Circle)
(A.) Rani Laxmi Bai of Jhansi
(B.) Annie Besant
(C.) Bhikaji Rustam Kama
(D.) Sarojini Naidu
Ans: C
Exp: BhikajiCama was one the pioneers of India’s struggle for independence. On August 21, 1907, an International Socialist Conference was being held at Stuttgart, a city in Germany. It was on this occasion that Bhikaji Rustom Cama unfurled the first version of the Indian national flag. She was popularly known as ‘The Mother of the Indian Revolution’.
(34.) Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, the Mahotsav is launched on March 12, 2021 on completion of
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) 90 Years of Dandi march
(B.) 91 Years of Dandi march
(C.) 92 Years of Dandi march
(D.) 89 Years of Dandi march
Ans: B
(35.) Awake arise stop not till the goal is reached is a slogan popularized by
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Mahatma Gandhi
(B.) Swam Vivekananda
(C.) Dr. AbdulKalam
(D.) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Ans: B
Exp: “Arise awake and stop not until the goal is reached.” is a slogan popularized in the late 19th century by Indian Hindu monk Swami Vivekananda, who took inspiration in a sloka of Katha Upanishad.
(36.) “A customer is the most important visitor in our premises. He is not dependent on us. We dependent on him” Who said this
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Mahatma Gandhi
(B.) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(C.) Swami Vivekananda
(D.) Dr. AbdulKalam
Ans: A
(37.) During which of the following movements, “VandeMataram’ became the theme song of the Indian National Movement? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Jharkhand Circle)
(A.) Non co-operation Movement
(B.) Quit India Movement
(C.) ChamparanSataygrah
(D.) Swadeshi Movement
Ans: D
Exp: During the Swadeshi Movement, “VandeMataram” became the popular song of people.
(38.) Who among the following was not a member of partition council?(PA/SA Exam 2021-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Sardar Patel
(B.) Jawaharlal Nehru
(C.) Mohammad Ali Jinnah
(D.) Liaqat Ali
Ans: B
Exp: After geographical partition, there was a need of partition and equitable distribution of cash in treasuries, bank balances, records and archives, railways, institutes, printing presses, hospitals, army, government employees, and so on—a formidable task, with potential for massive controversies and disagreements. The two main officials were HM Patel for India, and Chaudhary Muhammad Ali for Pakistan. They were overall in-charge, and guided ten expert committees looking into various division of assets and liabilities. What the expert committees could not resolve went to HM Patel and Chaudhary Muhammad Ali; what they, in turn, could not settle went to a Partition Council. The Partition Council comprised Sardar Patel and Rajendra Prasad, with Rajaji as alternate member. Pakistan was represented by MA Jinnah and Liaqat Ali, with AbdurRab Nishtar as an alternate member.
(39.) Who of the following was the leader of lo theBardoli Satyagraha? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) IndulalYaggik
(B.) M.K Gandhi
(C.) Sardar Patel
(D.) None of the above
Ans: C
Exp: The Bardoli Satyagraha, 1928 was a movement in the independence struggle led by Sardar Vallabhai Patel for the farmers of Bardoli against the unjust raising of taxes.
(40.) Quit India Movement was launched in response to:
(PA/SA Exam 2021-North Eastern Circle)
(A.) Cabinet Mission
(B.) Cripps Proposals
(C.) Simon Commission Report
(D.) Wavell Plan
Ans: B
(41.) Who composed the ‘Gayatri Mantra”?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-North Eastern Circle)
(A.) Vishwamitra
(B.) Vasishtha
(C.) Indra
(D.) Parikshita
Ans: A
Exp: Vishvamitra is the composer of Gayatri Mantra. Gayatri Mantra first appeared in the Rig Veda. It is also known as Savitri Mantra. Vashishtha composed hymns which are dedicated to Agni, Indra, and other gods.
(42.) TheWahabi Movement was suppressed by whom? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Lord Elgin-I
(B.) Lord Ellen borough
(C.) Lord Mayo
(D.) LordHardinge-I
Ans: A
(43.) Who among the following was the editor of the journal “The Indian Sociologist”?(PA/SA Exam 2021-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Shyamji Krishnavarma
(B.) DadabhaiNaoroji
(C.) Mohan Azad
(D.) Mohammed Ali Jinnah
Ans: A
Exp: The Indian Sociologist was an Indian nationalist journal in the early 20th century. Its subtitle was An Organ of Freedom, and Political, Social, and Religious Reform. The journal was edited by Shyamji Krishnavarma from 1905 to 1914, then between 1920 and 1922.
(44.) From where did Mahatma Gandhi start is historicDandi March (PA/SA Exam 2021-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) SabarmatiAshramam
(B.) Chauri Chaura
(C.) Dandi
(D.) Champaran
Ans: A
Exp: On 12 March 1930, Gandhi and 78 satyagrahis, among whom were men belonging to almost every region, caste, creed, and religion of India, set out on foot for the coastal village of Dandi, Gujarat, 385 km from their starting point at Sabarmati Ashram.
(45.) Who handed over the charge of Indian National Army toNetaji Subhash Chandra Bose? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) Ras Bihari Bose
(B.) Mohan Singh
(C.) Hardyal
(D.) MahendraPatap
Ans: A
Exp: The unit was dissolved in December 1942 after apprehensions of Japanese motives with regards to the INA led to disagreements and distrust between Mohan Singh and INA leadership on one hand, and the League’s leadership, most notably Rash Behari Bose, who handed over the Indian National Army to Subhas Chandra Bose
(46.) The resolution of “Poorna Swaraj” was adopted at which session of the Congress? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Calcutta session of 1929
(B.) Lahore Session of 1929
(C.) Karachi session of 1931
(D.) Avadi session of 1927
Ans: B
Exp: The Indian National Congress, on 19 December 1929, passed the historic ‘Purna Swaraj’ – (total independence) resolution – at its Lahore session.
(47.) The outbreak ofTinnevely riot in 1908 was in response to the arrest and subsequent conviction of Indian Nationalists namely (PA/SA Exam 2021-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru
(B.) Subramania Siva and V.O. Chidambaram Pillai
(C.) C Rajagopalachari andSardarVedharathinam
(D.) None of the above
Ans: B
(48.) Which among the following led toJallianwala Bagh massacre? (PA/SA Exam 2021-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) The Arms Act
(B.) TheRowlatt Act
(C.) The Public Safety Act
(D.) Vernacular Press Act
Ans: B
Exp: The correct answer is The Rowlatt Act. The Rowlatt Act (Black Act) was passed on March 10, 1919, authorizing the government to imprison or confine, without a trial, any person associated with seditious activities. This led to nationwide unrest.
(49.) It is impossible to find God outside of ourselves. Our own souls contribute all of the divinity that is outside of us. We are the greatest temple. The objectification is only a faint imitation of what we see within ourselves”(PA/SA Exam 2021-West Bengal Circle)
Above are the words of
(A.) Swamy Vivekananda
(B.) Mahatma Gandhi
(C.) Rabindranath Tagore
(D.) Mother Teresa
Ans: A
(50.) “The Earth has enough to meet everyone’s needs, but not every man’s greed”.(PA/SA Exam 2021-West Bengal Circle)
Above is the quote of
(A.) Jawaharlal Nehru
(B.) Dr.Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan
(C.) Mahatma Gandhi
(D.) Dr.APJAbdulKalam
Ans: C
Exp: Mahatma Gandhi said, “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.” What Gandhi meant was that the nature earth has enough resources and means to meet the basic requirements of a man but it can’t serve the endless greed of man. He added that the rich must not only restrict their wants but must also treat their wealth as ‘trust’ for poor and use it for the welfare of poor.
(51.) In which year Mahatma Gandhi paid his first visit to Bihar?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Bihar Circle)
(A.) 1917
(B.) 1921
(C.) 1923
(D.) 1925
Ans: A
(52.) Which one of the following personality was associated with Home Rule League?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Bihar Circle)
(A.) BalGangadhar Tilak
(B.) Subhash Chandra Bose
(C.) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(D.) Rani Lakshmi Bai
Ans: A
(53.) During Indian freedom struggle in which year the famous Civil Disobedience movement started?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Bihar Circle)
(A.) 1928
(B.) 1930
(C.) 1932
(D.) 1934
Ans: B
(54.) Which of the following movements immediately followed the partition of Bengal?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Assam Circle)
(A.) Non-cooperation Movement
(B.) Swadeshi Movement
(C.) Civil Disobedience Movement
(D.) Ghadar Movement
Ans: B
(55.) In the absence of Gandhi, the Quit India movement had been led by
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Assam Circle)
(A.) Jawaharlal Nehru
(B.) Sarojini Naidu
(C.) Aruna Asaf Ali
(D.) DadabhaiNaoroji
Ans: C
(56.) Who was the first tirthankara of the Jains?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) Rishabahanath
(B.) Jagannath
(C.) Bhaironnath
(D.) Kalinath
Ans: A
(57.) Who handed over the charge of Indian National Army to Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) Ras Bihari Bose
(B.) Lala Hardyal
(C.) Mohan Singh
(D.) MahendraPatap
Ans: A
(58.) During Indian freedom struggle in which year the famous Civil Disobedience movement started?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Haryana Circle)
(A.) 1928
(B.) 1930
(C.) 1932
(D.) 1934
Ans: B
(59.) Which one of the following personality was associated with Home Rule League?
(A.) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Haryana Circle)
(B.) Subhash Chandra Bose
(C.) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(D.) Rani Lakshmi Bai
Ans: A
(60.) Swaraj is my Birth Right and I shall have it This was advocated by
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Mahatma Gandhi
(B.) Lala Lajpat Rai
(C.) Sardar Patel
(D.) Lokmanya Tilak
Ans: D
(61.) What didGandhiji meant by ‘Sarvodaya’?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Non-Violence
(B.) Upliftment of untouchables or dalits
(C.) The birth of a new society based on ethical values
(D.) Satyagraha
Ans: C
(62.) From where did Mahatma Gandhi start his historic Dandi March?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Jammu Kashmir Circle)
(A.) Sabarmati Ashram
(B.) Dandi
(C.) Chauri Chaura
(D.) Champaran
Ans: A
(63.) Which Indian mass movement began with the famous ‘Dandi March’ of Mahatma Gandhiji?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Khilafat Movement
(B.) Non-co-operation Movement
(C.) Civil Disobedience Movement
(D.) Quit India Movement
Ans: C
(64.) Who among the following declared ‘Swaraj is my birth right, and I will have it’?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Aurobindo Ghosh
(B.) Lala Lajpat Rai
(C.) Bipin Chandra Pal
(D.) BalGangadhar Tilak
Ans: D
(65.) DadabhaiNouroji elected as the President of the Congress session for how many times
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Punjab Circle)
(A.) 2
(B.) 3
(C.) 4
(D.) 5
Ans: B
(66.) Who gave the title of “Sardar” to Ballabh Bhai Patel ?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) Mahatma Gandhi
(B.) Vinoba Bhave
(C.) Women ofBardoli
(D.) Peasants ofGujrat
Ans: A
(67.) Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the founder of:
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) Brahmo Samaj
(B.) Prathan Samaj
(C.) Ram Krishna Mission
(D.) Arya Samaj
Ans: A
(68.) Who among the following is considered to be the only woman in freedom struggle to go to jail for at least 42 times?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Sarojini Naid
(B.) Kanaklata Barua
(C.) Mani Ben
(D.) SushilaNayya
Ans: C
(69.) When “Quit India Movement” was started?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-UttarPradesh Circle)
(A.) August 1940
(B.) October 1940
(C.) August 1942
(D.) October 1942
Ans: C
(70.) Which is the oldest Veda?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-UttarPradesh Circle)
(A.) Rigveda
(B.) Samveda
(C.) Yajurveda
(D.) Atharveda
Ans: A
(71.) In which year Mahatma Gandhi paid his first visit to Bihar?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) 1917
(B.) 1921
(C.) 1923
(D.) 1925
Ans: A
(72.) Which one of the following personality was associated with Home Rule League?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) BalGangadhar Tilak
(B.) Subhash Chandra Bose
(C.) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(D.) Rani Lakshmi Bai
Ans: A
(73.) During Indian freedom struggle in which year the famous Civil Disobedience movement started?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) 1928
(B.) 1930
(C.) 1932
(D.) 1934
Ans: B
(74.) The Quit India movement started in the year
(PA/SA Exam 2022-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) 1940
(B.) 1941
(C.) 1942
(D.) 1943
Ans: C
(75.) The final power to decide whether a particular Bill is a Money Bill or not is vested with the following:
(PA/SA Exam-Cancelled-2019)
(A.) Prime Minister of India
(B.) Vice President of India
(C.) Speaker ofLok Sabha
(D.) Chairman,NitiAayog
Ans: C
(76.) Who was the interim Speaker of the 17th LokSabha
(PA/SA Exam-Cancelled-2019)
(A.) Maneka Gandhi
(B.) Om Birla
(C.) Virender Kumar
(D.) Kariya Munda
Ans: C
(77.) Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constitution of India was…
(PA/SA Exam-2019)
(A.) Motilal Nehru
(B.) Mahatma Gandhi
(C.) Dr BRAmbedkar
(D.) Jawaharlal Nehru
Ans: C
(78.) Number of Lok Sabha seats for elected members is…
(PA/SA Exam-2019)
(A.) 545
(B.) 534
(C.) 543
(D.) 542
Ans: C
(79.) Judge of Supreme Court retires normally at the age of…
(PA/SA Exam-2019)
(A.) 65 years
(B.) 70 years
(C.) 62 years
(D.) 68 years
Ans: A
(80.) Who was the president of Indian Constitution Assembly?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-AP Circle)
(A.) Dr Rajendra Prasad
(B.) Pt Jawaharlal Nehru
(C.) Sardar Patel
(D.) Dr BR Ambedkar
Ans: A
(81.) Fundamental rights were borrowed from the constitution of
(PA/SA Exam 2020-AP Circle)
(A.) USA
(B.) Ireland
(C.) Australia
(D.) Russia
Ans: A
(82.) Who was elected as permanent President of the Constituent Assembly
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Bihar Circle)
(A.) Sachchidananda Sinha
(B.) Jawaharlal Nehru
(C.) Dr Rajendra Prasad
(D.) Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
Ans: C
(83.) Directive principles of state policy in Indian constitution are borrowed from which country
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Bihar Circle)
(A.) Australia
(B.) United States of America
(C.) Britain
(D.) Ireland
Ans: D
(84.) Who is the present Chairman of Rajya Sabha
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Bihar Circle)
(A.) Om Birla
(B.) Venkaiah Naidu
(C.) Ramnath Kovind
(D.) Harivansh Narayan Singh
Ans: B
(85.) When did Constituent assembly adopt National Anthem?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) 20 January 1950
(B.) 21 May 1949
(C.) 24 January 1950
(D.) 13 November 1949
Ans: C
(86.) How many times financial emergency under Article 360 of the Indian constitution has been declared in India?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) Never
(B.) 19 times
(C.) 21 times
(D.) Only once
Ans: A
(87.) Who among the following can suspend the Fundamental Rights?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Gujrath Circle)
(A.) Parliament
(B.) The Prime Minister
(C.) The President
(D.) The Supreme Court
Ans: C
(88.) The Supreme Court of India at
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Gujrath Circle)
(A.) Mumbai
(B.) Kolkata
(C.) Chennai
(D.) New Delhi
Ans: D
(89.) The Indian Constitution came into effect on
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Jammu Kashmir Circle)
(A.) 26 January, 1950
(B.) 26 November, 1949
(C.) 15 August. 1947
(D.) 30 June, 1948
Ans: A
(90.) The Head of the State of India is
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Jammu Kashmir Circle)
(A.) President
(B.) Chief Justice of India
(C.) Prime Minister
(D.) Speaker of Lok Sabha
Ans: A
(91.) Article 21 of the Constitution of India Guarantees:
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) Right to Speech
(B.) Right to Life
(C.) Right to Freedom
(D.) None of the above
Ans: B
(92.) Where and when the national anthem of India JanaGana Mana’ was first sung?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) Calcutta, 1911
(B.) Calcutta, 1912
(C.) Delhi, 1911
(D.) Mumbai, 1912
Ans: A
(93.) Who among the following can remove the Governor of a State from Office
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Legislative Assembly
(B.) Parliament
(C.) President
(D.) Supreme Court
Ans: C
(94.) Which one of the following is not a fundamental duty mentioned in the constitution of India?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Kerala Circle)
(A.) to uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India;
(B.) to strive and secure for the citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India.
(C.) to safeguard public property and to abjure violence:
(D.) to strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievement
Ans: B
(95.) Article 17 of the Constitution of India deals with:
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Right to freedom of religion
(B.) Prohibition of employment of children in factories, etc
(C.) Right to freedom
(D.) Abolition of un-touchability
Ans: D
(96.) What is the central feature of Democracy?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Madya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Inequality
(B.) Discrimination
(C.) Equality
(D.) restrictions
Ans: C
(97.) If a 13-year old child is working in a factory, what is it called?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Madya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Freedom to education
(B.) Childlabour
(C.) Both (a) and (b)
(D.) None of these
Ans: B
(98.) Who was the first president of Indian National Congress?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) DadabhaiNaoroji
(B.) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(C.) W.C.Banerjee
(D.) Mahatma Gandhi
Ans: C
(99.) What is the strength of Rajya Sabha in India?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) 250 members
(B.) 252 members
(C.) 550 members
(D.) 552 members
Ans: A
(100.) Who is the ex-officio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha ?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) President
(B.) Vice President
(C.) Prime Minister
(D.) Speaker
Ans: B
(101.) Who advices State Government on legal matters?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Odisha Circle)
(A.) Attorney-General
(B.) Advocate- General
(C.) Solicitor-General
(D.) Chief Justice of High Court
Ans: B
(102.) Which article ensures Abolition of Untouchability?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Article 14
(B.) Article 15
(C.) Article 16
(D.) Article 17
Ans: D
(103.) Which of the following describes India as a secular state?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) Fundamental rights
(B.) Directive principles of state policy
(C.) Fifth schedule
(D.) Preamble of the constitution
Ans: D
(104.) What can be maximum strength of Rajya Sabha?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) 245
(B.) 250
(C.) 255
(D.) 260
Ans: B
(105.) The guardian of fundamental right
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Judiciary
(B.) Executive
(C.) Parliament
(D.) None of the above
Ans: A
(106.) The Indian Constitution was adopted on
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Telangana Circle)
(A.) 26th January, 1950
(B.) 13th January, 1946
(C.) 26th November, 1949
(D.) 31st December, 1949
Ans: C
(107.) How many members of the Rajya Sabha are elected every two years?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Telangana Circle)
(A.) All
(B.) One Fourth
(C.) Half
(D.) One Third
Ans: D
(108.) Which of the following article describes India also as Bharat?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-AP Circle)
(A.) Article-1
(B.) Article-2
(C.) Article-3
(D.) Article-4
Ans: A
Exp: Article-1 of the constitution describes India as Bharat, shall be a Union of states. The territory of India shall consist of Union Territories and territories of states.
(109.) The basic outcome of democracy is:
(PA/SA Exam 2021-AP Circle)
(A.) Military Outcome
(B.) Political, Social and Economic Outcome
(C.) Elimination of Poverty
(D.) Restricted and limited welfare policies
Ans: B
(110.) Which of the given options is not included in the state’s list?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Chhattisgarh Circle)
(A.) Law and Order
(B.) Agriculture
(C.) Education
(D.) NationalDefence
Ans: D
(111.) Who is the chief executive head of the state?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Chhattisgarh Circle)
(A.) Chief Minister
(B.) Governor
(C.) President
(D.) Chief Secretary
Ans: B
(112.) Consider the following statements:
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Delhi Circle)
i.) The Election Commission of India (ECI) was established under Article 324 of the Indian constitution
ii.) The ECI presently consists of one Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) and two Election Commissioners (ECs).
iii.) The ECI was made a multimember body through an Act of Parliament in 1989.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(A.) i only
(B.) ii only
(C.) i and ii only
(D.) i, ii and iii
Ans: D
(113.) Which one of the following is the guardian of Fundamental Rights?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Gujrath Circle)
(A.) Legislature
(B.) Political Parties
(C.) Executive
(D.) Judiciary
Ans: D
(114.) Which has become a legal right under 44th Constitutional Amendment?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Gujrath Circle)
(A.) Right to Education
(B.) Right to Property
(C.) Right to Judicial Remedies
(D.) Right to work
Ans: B
(115.) Who has been appointed as the first Union Minister of the new ‘Ministry of Cooperation?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Haryana Circle)
(A.) Kiren Rijiju
(B.) Anurag Singh Thakur
(C.) Nirmala Sitharaman
(D.) Amit Shah
Ans: D
Exp: Union Minister Amit Shah, has been appointed as the first Union Minister of the newly-set up Ministry of Cooperation along with his current Home Affairs portfolio. The setting up of the Ministry of Cooperation was aimed at providing more focus to the cooperative movement in the country. “Sahkar se samriddhi” (Prosperity from cooperation) is its vision statement, according to a release from the Cabinet Secretariat. This ministry will provide a separate administrative, legal, and policy framework to strengthen the cooperative movement in the country.
(116.) The first hour of every sitting in both houses of parliament (11 A.M to 12 P.M) is called as
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Zero Hour
(B.) Question Hour
(C.) Floor Hour
(D.) Privilege Hour
Ans: B
(117.) Directive Principles of State Policy in the Indian Constitution have been taken from the constitution of _____.
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) France
(B.) USA
(C.) Brittan
(D.) Ireland
Ans: D
Exp: Directive Principles of State Policies are not enforceable in a court of law. India borrowed the DPSP from Irish Constitution of 1937 which itself had borrowed it from Spanish Constitution. Further, the Government of India Act had some “instruments of Instructions” which became the immediate source of DPSP.
(118.) Which schedule of the Indian Constitution defines powers of Union and states?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-J & K Circle)
(A.) First Schedule
(B.) Third Schedule
(C.) Sixth Schedule
(D.) Seventh Schedule
Ans: D
Exp: The Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India defines and specifies allocation of powers and functions between Union & States. It contains three lists; i.e. 1) Union List, 2) State List and 3) Concurrent List
(119.) Untouchability is abolished by which article of Indian Constitution
(PA/SA Exam 2021-J & K Circle)
(A.) Article 21
(B.) Article 15
(C.) Article 17
(D.) Article 20
Ans: C
Exp: Article 17. Abolition of Untouchability. -“Untouchability” is abolished and its practice in any form is forbidden. The enforcement of any disability arising out of “Untouchability” shall be an offence punishable in accordance with law
(120.) Fill in the blank with correct option –
All the members of the Gram Sabha also elect a Sarpanch who is the panchayat_________(PA/SA Exam 2021-Jharkhand Circle)
(A.) President
(B.) Minister
(C.) Vice President
(D.) Pradhan
Ans: A
Exp: Every village Panchayat is divided into wards, i.e. smaller areas. Each ward elects a representative who is known as the Ward Member (Panch). All the members of the Gram Sabha also elect a Sarpanch who is the Panchayat President
(121.) Financial emergency can be imposed under which article of Constitution of India?(PA/SA Exam 2021-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Article 360
(B.) Article 365
(C.) Article 368
(D.) Article 372
Ans: A
(122.) Which of the following is not the fundamental duty for Indian Citizens? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) To safe guard public property
(B.) To uphold and protect the sovereignty
(C.) To obey all the women
(D.) To develop the scientific temper,” and the spirit of inequality and reform
Ans: C
(123.) How many states in India have Legislative Council?(PA/SA Exam 2021-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) In 6 states
(B.) In 7 states
(C.) In 8 states
(D.) In 9 states
Ans: A
Exp: Its establishment is defined in Article 168 of the Constitution of India. As of 2022, 6 out of 28 states have a State Legislative Council. These are Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Telangana, Maharashtra, Bihar, and Uttar Pradesh
(124.) __________is not a Fundamental Duty(PA/SA Exam 2021-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Follow ideals of freedom Struggle
(B.) Abide by the Indian Constitution
(C.) To practice family planning
(D.) Uphold and protect sovereignty and integrity of India
Ans: C
(125.) Which of the following article describes India also as Bharat?(PA/SA Exam 2021-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Article-1
(B.) Article-2
(C.) Article-3
(D.) Article-4
Ans: A
Exp: Article 1(1) says, “India, that is Bharat, shall be a Union of States.” This is the only provision in the Constitution on how this country be called for official and unofficial purposes
(126.) The Article-343 of the Indian Constitution is about(PA/SA Exam 2021-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Number of seats for theLok Sabha
(B.) Number of seats for theRajya Sabha
(C.) Hindi as official language
(D.) Special status to Kashmir
Ans: C
Exp: Hindi in Devanagari script is the official language of the Union . The form of numerals to be used for official purposes of the Union is the international form of Indian numerals {Article 343 (1) of the Constitution}. In addition to Hindi language English language may also be used for official purposes.
(127.) How many tiers are in thePanchayati Raj system of India? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) One-tier
(B.) Two-tier
(C.) Three-tier
(D.) Four-tier
Ans: C
Exp: Union Minister of Panchayati Raj Shri Vilasrao Deshmukh today informed the Rajya Sabha that where Part IX of the Constitution applies, States are required to constitute Panchayats at three tiers, i.e., Village, Intermediate and District except the States having a population of less than 20 lakhs, which may not
(128.) Goods and Services Tax (GST) was introduced through which amendment?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) 100th
(B.) 101st
(C.) 102nd
(D.) 103rd
Ans: B
(129.) In Indian Polity which one is supreme?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-North Eastern Circle)
(A.) The Supreme Court
(B.) The Constitution
(C.) The Parliament
(D.) Religion
Ans: B
Exp: Constitution and Parliament both hold the supreme position in the Indian political system. It is the supreme law of India. It defines the fundamental political principles establish the structure, procedures, powers, and duties of government institutions.
(130.) Which article of Indian Constitution enumerates Fundamental Duties of Indian Citizens?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-North Eastern Circle)
(A.) Article 50 A
(B.) Article 50 B
(C.) Article 51 A
(D.) Article 51 B
Ans: C
Exp: The fundamental duties of citizens were added to the constitution by the 42nd Amendment in 1976 under Article 51A part 4A, upon the recommendations of the Swaran Singh Committee.
(131.) Which article of the constitution gave constitutional status and protection to co-operative societies?(PA/SA Exam 2021-Punjab Circle)
(A.) 95th Constitutional Amendment Act
(B.) 96th Constitutional Amendment Act
(C.) 97th Constitutional Amendment Act
(D.) 98th Constitutional Amendment Act
Ans: C
Exp: The 97th Constitutional Amendment Act of the year 2011 gave constitutional status and protection to co-operative societies. The co-operative society in India has made significant contribution to various sectors of national economy and has achieved voluminous growth.
(132.) How many writs have been granted to citizens of India to safeguard their fundamental rights?(PA/SA Exam 2021-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) 5
(B.) 10
(C.) 6
(D.) 11
Ans: A
Exp: The Supreme Court has been empowered to issue writs, namely habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, certiorari and quo warranto, for the enforcement of the Fundamental Rights, while the High Courts have been empowered under Article 226 – which is not a Fundamental Right in itself – to issue these prerogative writs even
(133.) How many times has the financial emergency under Article 360 of the Constitution been imposed in India? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) never
(B.) 21 times
(C.) 19 times
(D.) only once
Ans: A
(134.) In which Article of the Indian Constitution Fundamental Duties have been enumerated?(PA/SA Exam 2021-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) 50 A
(B.) 52 A
(C.) 51 A
(D.) 53 A
Ans: C
(135.) In which list of Indian Constitution does education come? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) State List
(B.) Union List
(C.) Concurrent List
(D.) None of the above
Ans: C
Exp: The Indian constitution in its original enactment defined education as state subject. Under Article 42 of the constitution, an amendment was added in 1976 and education became a concurrent list subject which enables the central government to legislate it in the manner suited to it.
(136.) Which of the given options are not included in the state list?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Uttar Pradesh Circle)
(A.) National Defense
(B.) Law and Order
(C.) Agriculture
(D.) Education
Ans: A
(137.) Who allots election symbols to political parties?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Uttar Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Party Leader
(B.) Constitution of India
(C.) Government of India
(D.) Election Commission
Ans: D
Exp: Article 324 of the Indian constitution provides for the Election commission and its composition. Political parties are registered with the Election Commission under the law. The power to allot them election symbols rests with EC. Political Parties so registered with it are granted recognition at the State and National levels by the Election Commission on the basis of their poll performance at general elections according to criteria prescribed by it
(138.) What is the term of office of the Vice-President? (PA/SA Exam 2021-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) 6 years
(B.) 4 Years
(C.) 7 Years
(D.) 5 Years
Ans: D
Exp: The Vice-President holds office for a term of five years from the date on which he enters upon his office. He can resign from his office at any time by addressing the resignation letter to the president
(139.) Which of the following describes India as a secular state? (PA/SA Exam 2021-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Fundamental Rights
(B.) Directive Principles of State Policy
(C.) Preamble of the Constitution
(D.) Fifth Schedule
Ans: C
(140.) Who heads the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs in India? (PA/SA Exam 2021-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Finance Minister
(B.) Commerce Minister
(C.) Prime Minister
(D.) Cabinet Secretary
Ans: C
Exp: The major function of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA)is to review economic trends on a continuous basis, as also the problems and prospects, with a view to evolving a consistent and integrated economic policy framework for the country. It also directs and coordinates all policies and activities in the economic field including foreign investment that require policy decisions at the highest level. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) headed by Prime minster
(141.) Municipal Corporation is associated with which administrative set up?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Bihar Circle)
(A.) Rural area local bodies
(B.) Hilly area administrative bodies
(C.) Tribal area administrative bodies
(D.) Urban area local bodies
Ans: D
(142.) Who is the speaker of presentLokSabha ?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Bihar Circle)
(A.) Sh. Om Birla
(B.) Sh.KapilSibal
(C.) Sh.Anurag Singh Thakur
(D.) Sh.Piyush Goyal
Ans: A
(143.) How many Lok Sabha Constituencies are there in India?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-AP Circle)
(A.) 543
(B.) 534
(C.) 560
(D.) None of the above
Ans: A
(144.) Out of the following who is not recently nominated as Member of Rajyasabha ?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-AP Circle)
(A.) Ilayaraja
(B.) Vijayendra Prasad
(C.) P.T.Usha
(D.) Dr. C.M.Ramesh
Ans: D
(145.) Which type of government is chosen by the people?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Assam Circle)
(A.) Democratic Government
(B.) Dictatorship
(C.) Monarchy Government
(D.) None of these
Ans: A
(146.) Which of the following Articles of Indian Constitution give Right to Equality?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) 16 to 19
(B.) 16 to 23
(C.) 15 to 20
(D.) 14 to 18
Ans: D
(147.) The words ‘socialist’ and ‘secular’ were added to the preamble of the Indian constitution by which constitutional amendment?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) 84th amendment
(B.) 96th amendment
(C.) 73rd amendment
(D.) 42nd amendment
Ans: D
(148.) How long is the tenure of the members of Rajya sabha in India?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) 5 years
(B.) 7 years
(C.) 6 years
(D.) 8 years
Ans: C
(149.) Who has been given the power to enforce the Fundamental Rights by the Constitution of India?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Delhi Circle)
(A.) Parliament
(B.) President
(C.) Prime Minister
(D.) Supreme Court
Ans: D
(150.) Under which among the following acts, Civil Services started in India?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Delhi Circle)
(A.) Charter Act 1813
(B.) Charter Act 1833
(C.) Charter Act 1843
(D.) Charter Act 1823
Ans: B
(151.) The accounts of which of the following are not audited by CAG?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Delhi Circle)
(A.) Municipal Institutions
(B.) Central Government
(C.) State Government
(D.) Government Companies
Ans: A
(152.) For becoming the president of India the minimum age is-
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Gujarath Circle)
(A.) 25 years
(B.) 30 years
(C.) 35 years
(D.) 18 years
Ans: C
(153.) Fundamental Right in Indian Constitution is borrowed from which country?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Gujarath Circle)
(A.) Australia
(B.) Britain
(C.) America
(D.) Ireland
Ans: C
(154.) Municipal Corporation is associated with which administrative set up?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Haryana Circle)
(A.) Rural area local bodies
(B.) Hilly area administrative bodies
(C.) Tribal area administrative bodies
(D.) Urban area local bodies
Ans: D
(155.) A member of parliament will lose his membership of parliament if he is continuously absent from sessions for
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) 45 days
(B.) 60 days
(C.) 90 days
(D.) 365 days
Ans: D
(156.) For the election of President of India, a candidate should have completed the age of
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) 25 years
(B.) 30 years
(C.) 35 years
(D.) 18 years
Ans: C
(157.) How many times financial emergency under Article 360 of the Indian constitution has been declared in India?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Jammu Kashmir Circle)
(A.) Never
(B.) 19 times
(C.) 21times
(D.) Only once
Ans: A
(158.) The words ‘Socialist’ and ‘Secular’ were added to the preamble of the Indian constitution by which constitutional amendment?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Jammu Kashmir Circle)
(A.) 84-amendment
(B.) 96-amendment
(C.) 73-amendment
(D.) 42-amendment
Ans: D
(159.) Which of the following provision needs a special majority in Parliament?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Change in Fundamental Rights
(B.) Creation of New States
(C.) Abolition of Legislative Councils in State
(D.) rules and Procedures in Parliament
Ans: A
(160.) How many members of upper house (Rajya Sabha) can be nominated by President of India?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Eight
(B.) Ten
(C.) Twelve
(D.) Fifteen
Ans: C
(161.) Article 23 of the constitution of India deals with
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Prohibition of traffic in human beings and forced labour
(B.) Abolition of untouchability
(C.) Right to freedom of religion
(D.) Right to equality
Ans: A
(162.) The Fundamental duties were included in the Indian Constitution by:
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Kerala Circle)
(A.) The Constitution (Twenty-seventh amendment) Act, 1971
(B.) The Constitution (Twenty-first amendment) Act, 1967
(C.) The constitution (forty-second amendment) Act, 1976
(D.) The constitution (Fifty-third amendment) Act, 1986
Ans: C
(163.) Which is the upper house of Indian Parliament?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Maharshtra Circle)
(A.) Lok Sabha
(B.) Rajya Sabha
(C.) GramSabha
(D.) Vidhan Sabha
Ans: B
(164.) The minimum age to become a member of the Rajya Sabha is:
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Maharshtra Circle)
(A.) 21 years
(B.) 25 years
(C.) 28 years
(D.) 30 years
Ans: D
(165.) How many High Courts are there in India?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Maharshtra Circle)
(A.) 25
(B.) 27
(C.) 30
(D.) 32
Ans: A
(166.) Who was the chairman of the constitution Drafting Committee:
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Maharshtra Circle)
(A.) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(B.) Dr B.R.Ambedkar
(C.) DrRajendra Prasad
(D.) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Ans: B
(167.) Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with Fundamental Rights?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Odisha Circle)
(A.) Part I
(B.) Part II
(C.) Part III
(D.) Part IV
Ans: C
(168.) The President of India is elected by the numbers of an electoral college which does not include:
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Odisha Circle)
(A.) The elected members of theRajya Sabha
(B.) The elected members of theLok Sabha
(C.) The elected members of the State Assemblies
(D.) The elected members of the state Legislative Councils
Ans: D
(169.) The highest Law Officer in the State is?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Attorney General
(B.) Advocate General
(C.) Additional General
(D.) None of the above
Ans: B
(170.) Which articles of the constitution declares that the council of Ministers is collectively responsible to State Legislative Assembly?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Article 164
(B.) Article 168
(C.) Article 188
(D.) Article 189
Ans: A
(171.) The Judges of the Supreme Court retire at the age of:
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) 60 years
(B.) 65 years
(C.) 62 years
(D.) 58 years
Ans: B
(172.) How many members can be nominated to both the Houses of the Parliament by the Houses of the Parliament by the President?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) 14
(B.) 16
(C.) 10
(D.) 12
Ans: D
(173.) …….court issue the writs?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) District court
(B.) Panchayat
(C.) Civil/Criminal courts
(D.) Supreme/High courts
Ans: D
(174.) The constituent Assembly of India was setup according to the proposal of
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Telangana Circle)
(A.) The cripps Mission
(B.) The cabinet mission Plan
(C.) The Mountbatten plan
(D.) The Nehru plan
Ans: B
(175.) Who was the Indian Constitution drafting Committee Chairman ?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Telangana Circle)
(A.) Dr.Rajendra Prasad
(B.) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
(C.) Dr. B.RAmbedkar
(D.) Gandhiji
Ans: C
(176.) The writ of Habeas Corpus is
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Telangana Circle)
(A.) To safeguardpeple from illegal arrest
(B.) Thepetitins who required legal help to get his work done by respective public authorities
(C.) To prohibit a subordinate court from acting beyond its jurisdiction.
(D.) It prevents Usurpation of public offices
Ans: A
(177.) Who is the Chairperson of Niti Aayog?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Telangana Circle)
(A.) The president
(B.) The Prime Minister
(C.) The Vice President
(D.) The Chief Justice of India
Ans: B
(178.) Which part of the Indian constitution deals with Fundamental duties?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Telangana Circle)
(A.) Part II
(B.) Part III
(C.) Part IVA
(D.) Part V
Ans: C
(179.) Who was Chairman of the Indian Constitution’s Drafting Committee?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-UttarPradesh Circle)
(A.) Dr. B.R.Ambedkar
(B.) Dr.Rajendra Prasad
(C.) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad
(D.) C. Rajagopalachari
Ans: A
(180.) Who appoints the Advocate General of the State?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-UttarPradesh Circle)
(A.) The president of India
(B.) Chief Justice of High Court
(C.) Governor of the state
(D.) Chief Minister of the state
Ans: C
(181.) Municipal Corporation is associated with which administrative set up?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Rural area local bodies
(B.) Hilly area administrative bodies
(C.) Tribal area administrative bodies
(D.) Urban area local bodies
Ans: D
(182.) Who is the speaker of presentLokSabha ?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Sh. Om Birla
(B.) Sh.KapilSibal
(C.) Sh.Anurag Singh Thakur
(D.) Sh.Piyush Goyal
Ans: A
(183.) Which among the following option is considered as the ‘Three organs of theGovernment’
(PA/SA Exam 2022-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Legislature-Executive-Prime minister
(B.) Legislature-Executive-President
(C.) Legislature-Judiciary-Executive
(D.) Judiciary-Bureaucracy-Governor
Ans: C
(184.) Which among the article of the constitution contain the “Right to Life and Personal Liberty”?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Article 21
(B.) Article 14
(C.) Article 19
(D.) Article 25
Ans: A
(185.) Where are tea plantation found in India?
(PA/SA Exam-Cancelled-2019)
(A.) Karnataka & Kerala
(B.) Kerala and Uttar Pradesh
(C.) Kerala and Assam.
(D.) Assam and Tamil Nadu
Ans: D
(186.) The highest Mountain Peak in Uttarakhand is :
(PA/SA Exam-Cancelled-2019)
(A.) Saramati
(B.) Kanchenjunga
(C.) Kandto
(D.) Nanda Devi
Ans: D
(187.) Which of the following rivers do not flow in the West?
(PA/SA Exam-Cancelled-2019)
(A.) Godavari
(B.) Luni
(C.) Sabarmati
(D.) Mahi
Ans: A
(188.) Manas Tiger reserve in India, is in the state of…
(PA/SA Exam-2019)
(A.) Madhya Pradesh
(B.) West Bengal
(C.) Assam
(D.) Himachal Pradesh
Ans: C
(189.) In India, what percentage of total electricity produced, is contributed by Hydroelectricity
(PA/SA Exam-2019)
(A.) 29%
(B.) 19%
(C.) 31%
(D.) 22%
Ans: B
Exp: Question Ignore
(190.) “Grey revolution” in agriculture is related
(PA/SA Exam 2020-AP Circle)
(A.) Milk production
(B.) Fertilizer production
(C.) Wool production
(D.) Shrimp production
Ans: B
(191.) Read the following sentences
(PA/SA Exam 2020-AP Circle)
1. Godavari river flows from east to west
2. Krishna river flows from east to west
3. Tapti river flows from west to east
4. Narmada river flows from west to east
Which are correct?
(A.) Only 1
(B.) 2 &4
(C.) 1, 2, 3 & 4
(D.) None
Ans: D
(192.) Which is the following is not a cash crop?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-AP Circle)
(A.) Rubber
(B.) Wool
(C.) Tobacco
(D.) Sugarcane
Ans: B
(193.) Arrange the following cities from north to south
(PA/SA Exam 2020-AP Circle)
(A.) Eluru – Vijayawada – Narasaraopeta-Guntur
(B.) Vijayawada- Guntur- Eluru-Narasaraopeta
(C.) Eluru – Vijayawada-Guntur-Narasaraopeta
(D.) Guntur- Narasaraopeta-Eluru-Vijayawada
Ans: C
(194.) Tropic of cancer passes through how many states of India
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Bihar Circle)
(A.) 5
(B.) 6
(C.) 7
(D.) 8
Ans: D
(195.) Sariska tiger reserve is located in which state
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Bihar Circle)
(A.) Rajasthan
(B.) Gujarat
(C.) Madhya Pradesh
(D.) Uttrakhand
Ans: A
(196.) Which of the following is not a Kharif crop?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) Jowar
(B.) Groundnut
(C.) Maize
(D.) Wheat
Ans: D
(197.) Which of the following cities never experiences vertical rays of the sun during noon?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) Chennai
(B.) Mumbai
(C.) Mangalore
(D.) New Delhi
Ans: D
(198.) In which state is the folk painting ‘Madhubani’ popular?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) Assam
(B.) West Bengal
(C.) Bihar
(D.) Odisha
Ans: C
(199.) The tropic of cancer does not pass through which of these Indian states?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Gujrath Circle)
(A.) Rajasthan
(B.) Odisha
(C.) Madhya Pradesh
(D.) Gujarat
Ans: B
(200.) The river Narmada is originating from
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Gujrath Circle)
(A.) Satpura
(B.) Amarkantak
(C.) Brahmagiri
(D.) Slopes of the Western Ghats
Ans: B
(201.) The world’s largest desert is?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Gujrath Circle)
(A.) Sahara
(B.) Thar
(C.) Kalahari
(D.) Sonaran
Ans: A
(202.) The Shimla Convention an agreement that
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Shimla as the capital of Himachal Pradesh
(B.) Shimla as a tourist spot
(C.) Boundary between India and Tibet
(D.) Signed between India and Pakistan
Ans: D
(203.) The oldest mountains in India are
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Vindhya
(B.) Satpura
(C.) Nilgiri
(D.) Aravali
Ans: D
(204.) The highest mountain peak of India is
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Jammu Kashmir Circle)
(A.) Mt. Karakoram
(B.) Mt. Everest
(C.) Mt. Kanchenjunga
(D.) Mt.Nilgiris
Ans: C
(205.) Lake Chilika is located at
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Jammu Kashmir Circle)
(A.) Andhra Pradesh
(B.) Odisha
(C.) J&K
(D.) Jharkhand
Ans: B
(206.) Name the place where Bhagirathi and Alakananda rivers meet and become Ganga river.
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) Rudraprayag
(B.) Devprayag
(C.) Karnprayag
(D.) Uttarkashi
Ans: B
(207.) Which of the following is the longest river originating with in India?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) Brahmputra
(B.) Ganga
(C.) Yamuna
(D.) Godavari
Ans: B
(208.) Indira Point was formerly known as …….
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Barsaat Point
(B.) Pyramidal point
(C.) Python point
(D.) Pygmalion Point
Ans: D
(209.) Name the National Park which is famous for Asiatic Lions
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Kanha National park
(B.) Gir National Park
(C.) Jim Corbett Sanctuary
(D.) Ranthambore National Park
Ans: B
(210.) Which of the following rivers does not drain into the Arabian Sea
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Tapi
(B.) Godavari
(C.) Narmada.
(D.) Indus
Ans: B
(211.) How many National highways were merging to form National Highway 44
(NH 44)
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) 4
(B.) 8
(C.) 6
(D.) 7
Ans: D
(212.) Which is known as Red River in India?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Yamuna
(B.) Brahmaputra
(C.) Kaveri
(D.) Sutlej
Ans: B
(213.) Which of the following State of India does not share boundary with Bangladesh?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Assam
(B.) Tripura
(C.) Nagaland
(D.) Meghalaya
Ans: C
(214.) Which of the following Ramsar site (Wetlands) is located in the state of Odisha?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Kolleru lake
(B.) Chilika lake
(C.) Wular lake
(D.) Loktak lake
Ans: B
(215.) Which of the following river has the largest river basin in India?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Madya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) The Indus
(B.) The Ganga
(C.) The Brahmaputra
(D.) The Krishna
Ans: B
(216.) Which of the following part of India receives the first monsoon in summer?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Madya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Western Ghats
(B.) Himalayas
(C.) Meghalaya Plateau
(D.) Eastern Ghats
Ans: A
(217.) Which place is said to be the cathedral city of India?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Madya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Varanasi
(B.) Madurai
(C.) Kolkata
(D.) Bhubaneswar
Ans: D
(218.) The famous Rock Garden is located in which city?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Madya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Jaipur
(B.) Shimla
(C.) Chandigarh
(D.) Lucknow
Ans: C
(219.) Where is “Pushkar Fair” held?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Madya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Jaipur
(B.) Udaipur
(C.) Jodhpur
(D.) Ajmer
Ans: D
(220.) Which Indian State is known as the “Land of Five Rivers”?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) Uttar Pradesh
(B.) Punjab
(C.) Haryana
(D.) Madhya Pradesh
Ans: B
(221.) Where is “Sariska Sanctuary” located?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) Sonitpur, Assam
(B.) Bellary, Karnataka
(C.) Junagarh, Gujarat
(D.) Alwar, Rajasthan
Ans: D
(222.) Two places in India, Rishikulya and Gahirmatha have become well known for:
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Odisha Circle)
(A.) Uranium Deposits
(B.) Captive breeding of Gharial
(C.) Egg-laying by sea turtles
(D.) Pre-historic paintings
Ans: C
(223.) Tropic of Cancer passes through
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Odisha Circle)
(A.) Jammu and Kashmir
(B.) Himachal Pradesh
(C.) Bihar
(D.) Jharkhand
Ans: D
(224.) Where is the famous Hussaini Sagar Lake situated?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Kolkata
(B.) Lucknow
(C.) Hyderabad
(D.) Mangalore
Ans: C
(225.) “Satmala Hills” are located in which among the following states?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Gujarat
(B.) Uttar Pradesh
(C.) Maharashtra
(D.) Rajasthan
Ans: C
(226.) What is the other name of Sahyadri Range?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) Lesser Himalayas
(B.) Shivaliks
(C.) Western Ghats
(D.) Eastern Ghats
Ans: C
(227.) The Radcliffe line is a boundary between
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) India and Pakistan
(B.) India and China
(C.) India and Myanmar
(D.) India and Afghanistan
Ans: A
(228.) Country that was called as Land of Rising Sun?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) Japan
(B.) Russia
(C.) Korea
(D.) Holland
Ans: A
(229.) An important river in the Indian desert is
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Luni
(B.) Narmada
(C.) Tapti
(D.) Jhelum
Ans: A
(230.) Which type of rock in India produces manganese?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Gondwana
(B.) Dharwar
(C.) vindya
(D.) Tertiary
Ans: B
(231.) Yellow Revolution is associated with the production of
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Poultry
(B.) Oil seeds
(C.) Sunflower
(D.) Gold
Ans: B
(232.) Which of the foreign country is closest to Andaman Island?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Indonesia
(B.) Myanmar
(C.) Thailand
(D.) SriLanka
Ans: B
(233.) The Coast that belongs to Tamilnadu is known as
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Konkan coast
(B.) Malabar coast
(C.) coramandal coast
(D.) canara coast
Ans: C
(234.) Which one of the following rivers in India has been declared as the National river?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Ganga
(B.) Yamuna
(C.) Krishna
(D.) Saraswathi
Ans: A
(235.) The longest National Highway of India is
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Telangana Circle)
(A.) NH 7
(B.) NH 44
(C.) NH 74
(D.) NH 47
Ans: B
(236.) First National Park of India is
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Telangana Circle)
(A.) Kaziranga
(B.) Jim Corbett
(C.) Simplipal
(D.) Satpura
Ans: B
(237.) The international Border between India and China is known by the name
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Telangana Circle)
(A.) Radcliffe line
(B.) Durand line
(C.) McMahon line
(D.) Siegfried line
Ans: C
(238.) Jim Corbett National Park is situated in which Indian state:
(PA/SA Exam 2020-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Rajasthan
(B.) Chhattisgarh
(C.) Uttarakhand
(D.) Himachal Pradesh
Ans: C
(239.) Which of the following passes cuts through the Pir Panjal range and links Manali and Leh by road?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-AP Circle)
(A.) Rohtas Pass
(B.) Mana Pass
(C.) Niti Pass
(D.) Nathula Pass
Ans: A
(240.) The Vice-President is the Ex-Officio Chairman of the ……..?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-AP Circle)
(A.) Rajya Sabha
(B.) Lok Sabha
(C.) Planning Commission
(D.) National Development Council
Ans: A
(241.) Zojila pass connects:
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Chhattisgarh Circle)
(A.) Nepal and Tibet
(B.) Leh and Kargil
(C.) Leh and Srinagar
(D.) Kashmir and Tibet
Ans: C
Exp: Zojila Pass connects Leh and Srinagar. Zoji La is a high mountain pass in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, located on National Highway 1 between Srinagar and Leh in the western section of the Himalayan mountain range.
(242.) Delhi is located on the banks of which river?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Chhattisgarh Circle)
(A.) Yamuna
(B.) Ganga
(C.) Kosi
(D.) Narmada
Ans: A
Exp: New Delhi is situated in the north-central part of India on the west bank of the Yamuna River, adjacent to and just south of Old Delhi, the historic centre of Delhi, and within the Delhi national capital territory
(243.) With reference to Narmada River, consider the following statements:
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Delhi Circle)
i.) It is the largest west flowing river of peninsular India.
ii.) It forms the Dhuan Dhar Fall.
iii.) It rises from the Chota Nagpur Plateau.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(A.) ii only
(B.) ii and iii only
(C.) i and ii only
(D.) i, ii and iii
Ans: C
(244.) Umling La connects which of the following areas?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Delhi Circle)
(A.) Spiti valley & Parvati valley
(B.) Chisumle&Demchok in ladakh
(C.) Leh&Lahaul
(D.) Kashmir valley &Pir Panjal Range
Ans: B
(245.) The forest in Sundarban is called
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Gujrath Circle)
(A.) Scrub Jungle
(B.) Mangrove
(C.) Deciduous Forest
(D.) Tundra
Ans: B
(246.) Which hill station is called as the Queen of the Satpuras’?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Gujrath Circle)
(A.) Pachmarhi
(B.) Mahendragiri
(C.) Nilgiri
(D.) Saputara
Ans: A
(247.) Which of the following is the oldest mountain range in India?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Haryana Circle)
(A.) Aravali Mountains
(B.) Western Ghats
(C.) Himalayas
(D.) Both A&C
Ans: A
(248.) Which of the followingis the largest and the deepest ocean of the world?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Haryana Circle)
(A.) Arctic
(B.) Atlantic
(C.) Indian
(D.) Pacific
Ans: D
Exp: The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest of the world ocean basins. Covering approximately 63 million square miles and containing more than half of the free water on Earth, the Pacific is by far the largest of the world’s ocean basins
(249.) Which of the following state is notbeneficiary of “Bhakra Nangal Project”?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Punjab
(B.) Haryana
(C.) Gujrath
(D.) Rajasthan
Ans: C
(250.) The redcolour of the red soil is due to
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Iron
(B.) Magnesium
(C.) Cobalt
(D.) Phosphorous
Ans: A
Exp: In this type of soil the soil particles have a coating of ferric oxides. These iron oxides have hematite or hydrous ferric oxide which is red in color.
(251.) Indian Standard Time (IST) is based on which line
(PA/SA Exam 2021-J & K Circle)
(A.) 82.5 degrees East
(B.) 82.5 degrees West
(C.) 75 degrees North
(D.) 75 degrees South
Ans: A
Exp: The Indian Standard Time corresponds to the longitude 82.5 degrees East. It passes through Mirzapur city in Uttar Pradesh
(252.) The largest state of India in terms of area(PA/SA Exam 2021-J & K Circle)
(A.) Uttar Pradesh
(B.) Rajasthan
(C.) Maharashtra
(D.) Madhya Pradesh
Ans: B
(253.) Sikkim became 22nd state of India in the year(PA/SA Exam 2021-J & K Circle)
(A.) 1970
(B.) 1972
(C.) 1975
(D.) 1976
Ans: C
Exp: Sikkim became the 22nd State of India Vide Constitution (36th Amendment) Act 1975
(254.) Which of the following are the youngest mountains? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Jharkhand Circle)
(A.) Western Ghats
(B.) Himalayas
(C.) Eastern Ghats
(D.) Vindhya
Ans: B
Exp: Himalayas: The Himalayas mountain range began to form between 40 and 50 million years ago.
(255.) Which among the following ‘longitudes determine ‘Indian Standard Time’? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Jharkhand Circle)
(A.) 85.5degrees E
(B.) 83.5 degrees E
(C.) 82.5 degrees E
(D.) 84.5 degrees E
Ans: C
Exp: Indian Standard Time is calculated on the basis of 82.5 °E longitude which is just west of the town of Mirzapur, near Allahabad in the state of Uttar Pradesh
(256.) Which among the following states of India is also known as ‘DevBhoomi’? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Haryana
(B.) Uttarakhand
(C.) Rajasthan
(D.) Tamilnadu
Ans: B
(257.) Bundla falls are located in which of the following States? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Madhya Pradesh
(B.) Himachal Pradesh
(C.) Karnataka
(D.) Gujarat
Ans: B
(258.) India’s only Naval Aviation Museum is located in(PA/SA Exam 2021-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Karnataka
(B.) Kerala
(C.) Tamil Nadu
(D.) Goa
Ans: D
Exp: The Naval Aviation Museum is a military museum located in Bogmalo, 6 km from Vasco da Gama, Goa, India
(259.) Which among the following is not correctly matched?(PA/SA Exam 2021-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Aga Khan Palace -Pune
(B.) BharatBhawan – Bhopal
(C.) AkalTakht – Amritsar
(D.) All are correctly matched
Ans: D
(260.) How many states of India have a coastal line?(PA/SA Exam 2021-Kerala Circle)
(A.) 6
(B.) 9
(C.) 8
(D.) 11
Ans: B
(261.) Largest fresh water lake in India?(PA/SA Exam 2021-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Wullar
(B.) Puskar
(C.) Chilka
(D.) Sambar
Ans: A
(262.) The Panama Canal in Panama is a man-made 77 km waterway that connects (PA/SA Exam 2021-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Arctic Ocean and Antarctic Ocean
(B.) Atlantic Ocean and Arctic
(C.) Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean
(D.) Pacific Ocean and Arctic Ocean
Ans: C
Exp: Panama Canal the Panama Canal is an artificial 77 km waterway that connects the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean. The canal cuts across the Isthmus of Panama and is a conduit for maritime trade
(263.) Which of the following passes cuts through the Pir Panjal range and links Manali and Leh by road? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Rohtas Pass
(B.) Mana Pass
(C.) Niti Pass
(D.) Nathula Pass
Ans: A
Exp: It is a high mountain pass on the eastern end of the Pir Panjal Range of the Himalayas around 51 km from Manali. It connects the Kullu Valley with the Lahaul and Spiti Valleys of Himachal Pradesh. It links Manali and Leh by road.
(264.) Which of the following is the oldest mountain range in India?(PA/SA Exam 2021-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Aravali Mountains
(B.) Western Ghats
(C.) Himalayas
(D.) Both A&C
Ans: A
Exp: The Aravali mountain range is the oldest mountain range in India. Aravalli, is derived from a Sanskrit word from ‘ara’ and ‘vali’, literally means the ‘line of peaks’. It is an eroded stub of ancient mountains.
(265.) Amravathi Reservoir is located in which national park in India? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) Indira Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park
(B.) Mudumalai National Park
(C.) Pampadum Shola National Park
(D.) None of them
Ans: A
Exp: Amaravathi Reservoir at Amaravathinagar, 25 km (16 mi) south on SH 17 from Udumalpet, is located in Indira Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park in Tirupur district, Tamil Nadu, India.
(266.) PortPipavav, which is the first private le sector port in India, is located in which of the following states? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) West Bengal
(B.) Maharashtra
(C.) Gujarat
(D.) Andhra Pradesh
Ans: C
Exp: Port Pipavav is located in Rajula Saurashtra, Gujarat, at a distance of 90 km South of Amreli, 15 km South of Rajula and 140 km South West of Bhavnagar. The port handles both bulk, container and liquid cargo.
(267.) Which of the following areas regions is most prone to earthquakes?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-North Eastern Circle)
(A.) Deccan Plateau
(B.) Plains of northern India
(C.) Ganga Brahmaputra Valley
(D.) Western Ghats
Ans: C
Exp: Ganga-Brahmaputra valley areas or regions are most prone to earthquakes. Generally, the areas having trap rock or basaltic rock are prone to earthquakes.
(268.) India accounts for which percent of the world’s land surface area?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-North Eastern Circle)
(A.) 1.8%
(B.) 2.4%
(C.) 2.8%
(D.) 3.2%
Ans: B
Exp: India occupies 2.4 percent of the total land area of the world, but supports 16.7 percent of the world population.
(269.) Which of the following is the basic reason for winter rainfall in the north western part of India?(PA/SA Exam 2021-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Trade wind
(B.) Western disturbances
(C.) Retreating of Monsoon
(D.) South West Monsoon
Ans: B
Exp: Western cyclonic disturbances cause rainfall during winters in the north-western part of India
(270.) Govind Ballabh Sagar’ Dam is located in which of the following states? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Uttar Pradesh
(B.) Orissa
(C.) West Bengal
(D.) Uttarakhand
Ans: A
Exp: Rihand Dam also known as Govind Ballabh Pant Sagar, is the largest dam of India by volume. The reservoir of Rihand Dam is called Govind Ballabh Pant Sagar and is India’s largest artificial lake. Rihand Dam is a concrete gravity dam located at Pipri in Sonbhadra District in Uttar Pradesh, India
(271.) Which latitude passes through almost middle of India?(PA/SA Exam 2021-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) Tropic of Capricorn
(B.) Tropic of Cancer
(C.) Equator
(D.) None of these
Ans: B
Exp: The tropic of cancer i.e23 and a half degree latitude passes through the middle of India. The equator, the tropic of Capricorn and the arctic circle do not pass through India.
(272.) What is the name of the boundary line between India and Pakistan?(PA/SA Exam 2021-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) Radcliff Line
(B.) Curzon Line
(C.) McMahon Line
(D.) Durand Line
Ans: A
Exp: The Radcliffe Line, the geopolitical border that divides India and Pakistan, came into existence on this day, August 17, in the year 1947. It was formed following the partition.
(273.) Which one of the following type of resource is from iron ore? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Renewable
(B.) Biotic
(C.) Flow
(D.) Non-renewable
Ans: D
Exp: Iron is a non-renewable type of resource. Iron ore is a natural resource which is discovered in limited quantities on our planet. It’s used up quicker than it can be formed by the natural process. Hence, it is a non-renewable resource
(274.) Which one of the following is arabi crop? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Rice
(B.) Millet
(C.) Gram
(D.) Cotton
Ans: C
Exp: Gram is a rabi crop and is most important of all the pulses and accounting for 37 per cent of the total production and 28.28 per cent of the total area of pulses in India.
(275.) What does urbanization mean?(PA/SA Exam 2021-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Migration of birds from one country to another
(B.) Cutting of trees
(C.) Shift of population from rural areas to urban areas
(D.) None of the above
Ans: C
(276.) Where is Chilika Lake Located?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Uttar Pradesh Circle)
(A.) West Bengal
(B.) Odisha
(C.) Kerala
(D.) Tamil Nadu
Ans: B
Exp: Chilika is largest brackish water estuarine Lake of Asia. It sprawls over an area of 1100 sqkms. Covering parts of three districts of Odisha i.e Puri on the East, Khurda on the North and Ganjam on the South. It is the largest coastal lagoon in India and the second largest lagoon in the World
(277.) Which of the following crops requires maximum water per hectare?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Uttar Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Barley
(B.) Corn
(C.) Sugarcane
(D.) Wheat
Ans: C
Exp: Sugarcane crops needs maximum water per hectare. The crop water need or crop evapo transpiration consists of transpiration by the plant and evaporation from the soil and plant surface
(278.) Kunchikal Falls are located in which of the following states in India?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Uttar Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Madhya Pradesh
(B.) Uttar Pradesh
(C.) Karnataka
(D.) None of the above
Ans: C
Exp: Kunchikal Falls is located Nidagodu village near Masthikatte in Shimoga district of state Karnataka
(279.) The hottest planet in our solar system is
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Uttar Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Jupiter
(B.) Saturn
(C.) Venus
(D.) Mars
Ans: C
Exp: Venus’ thick atmosphere traps heat creating a runaway greenhouse effect – making it the hottest planet in our solar system with surface temperatures hot enough to melt lead. The greenhouse effect makes Venus roughly 700°F (390°C) hotter than it would be without a greenhouse effect.
(280.) The Chamera Dam is located in which State/UT? (PA/SA Exam 2021-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Uttar Pradesh
(B.) Himachal Pradesh
(C.) Puducherry
(D.) Jharkhand
Ans: B
Exp: The Chamera Dam is located near the town of Dalhousie, in the Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh. It impounds the River Ravi and supports the hydroelectricity project in the region. The reservoir of the dam is the Chamera Lake. The catchment of the dam is 472.5 square kilometres. The reservoir has a live storage capacity of 110 MCN and mean annual inflow of 1,273 BCM. The unique feature of the region is the fluctuating day and night temperature. The temperature during the day near the dam rises up to 35 degrees Celsius and drops to a minimum of 18 to 20 °C at night. The water level in the Chamera Lake rises to a maximum of 763 meters while the minimum water level is 747 meters
(281.) Which is the longest river of the Peninsular India? (PA/SA Exam 2021-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Narmada
(B.) Godavari
(C.) Krishna
(D.) Mahanadi
Ans: B
Exp: Godavari is the longest river of peninsular India.
Godavari, also known as ‘Dakshin Ganga’ – the South Ganges, is the longest river of peninsular India, and the second longest river of India after the Ganges.
(282.) Satellite Launching Station is locatedat(PA/SA Exam 2021-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Sriharikotta (Andhra Pradesh)
(B.) Solapur (Maharashtra)
(C.) Salern (Tamilnadu)
(D.) Warangal (Telangana)
Ans: A
(283.) Which one of the following river originates trans from Himalayas?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Bihar Circle)
(A.) Narmada
(B.) Tapti
(C.) Sutej
(D.) Kaveri
Ans: C
(284.) Which one of the following Indian state does not share its boundary with Myanmar?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Bihar Circle)
(A.) Mizoram
(B.) Tripura
(C.) Nagaland
(D.) Manipur
Ans: B
(285.) In which valley statue of Unity is situated?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-AP Circle)
(A.) Krishna
(B.) Narmada
(C.) Tapti
(D.) None of the above
Ans: B
(286.) Which one of the following is not the tributary of river Brahmaputra
(PA/SA Exam 2022-AP Circle)
(A.) Subansiri
(B.) Dhansiri
(C.) Manas
(D.) Gandak
Ans: D
(287.) Except Assam riverBrahhmaputra pass through which state in India?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Assam Circle)
(A.) Tripura
(B.) Manipur
(C.) Arunachal Pradesh
(D.) West Bengal
Ans: C
(288.) The area of India accounts for how much total surface of the world?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) 2.1%
(B.) 2.3%
(C.) 2.2%
(D.) 2.4%
Ans: D
(289.) Which of the following cities never experience vertical rays of the sun during noon?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) Chennai
(B.) Mumbai
(C.) Mangalore
(D.) New Delhi
Ans: D
(290.) Which is the longest National Highway in India?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Delhi Circle)
(A.) NH-44
(B.) NH-1
(C.) NH-2
(D.) NH-10
Ans: A
(291.) The Jakham Dam is located in which state?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Delhi Circle)
(A.) Madhya Pradesh
(B.) Gujaat
(C.) Rajasthan
(D.) Uttar Pradesh
Ans: C
(292.) How much time is Indian Standard Time (IST) ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Gujarath Circle)
(A.) 5 hours and 30 minutes
(B.) 4 hours and 30 minutes
(C.) 3 hours and 30 minutes
(D.) 2 hours and 30 minutes
Ans: A
(293.) Lipulekh is located in which state?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Gujarath Circle)
(A.) Rajasthan
(B.) Uttarakhand
(C.) Maharashtra
(D.) Sikkim
Ans: B
(294.) Which one of the following Indian state does not share its boundary with Myanmar?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Haryana Circle)
(A.) Mizoram
(B.) Tripura
(C.) Nagaland
(D.) Manipur
Ans: B
(295.) Which one of following city is capital of Rajasthan?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Haryana Circle)
(A.) Jaipur
(B.) Ajmer
(C.) Nagaland
(D.) Kota
Ans: A
(296.) Which of the following state is surrounded by Bangladesh from three sides?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Nagaland
(B.) Assam
(C.) Arunachal Pradesh
(D.) Tripura
Ans: D
(297.) Which of the following river does not originate in Indian territory?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Mahanadi
(B.) Brahmaputra
(C.) Ravi
(D.) Chenab
Ans: B
(298.) Which latitude passes through almost middle of India?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Jammu Kashmir Circle)
(A.) Tropic of Capricorn
(B.) Equator
(C.) Tropic of Cancer
(D.) None of these
Ans: C
(299.) Which of the following cities never experiences vertical rays of the sun during noon?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Jammu Kashmir Circle)
(A.) Chennai
(B.) Mumbai
(C.) Mangalore
(D.) New Delhi
Ans: D
(300.) Which of the following pairs (State-date of formation) is correctly matched?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Mizoram-25 June, 1986
(B.) Telangana-15 August, 2014
(C.) Chhattisgarh-20 November, 2000
(D.) Haryana-1 November 1966
Ans: D
(301.) The paintings and sculptures of Ajanta and Ellora Caves give us the teachings of
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Guru Nanak
(B.) Jesus Christ
(C.) Lord Buddha
(D.) Swami Vivekananda
Ans: C
(302.) Which of the following was the former name of India Point?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Pygmalion Point
(B.) Cape Camorin
(C.) Greek Point
(D.) Guhar Moti
Ans: A
(303.) Which of the following river does not originate in Indian territory?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Mahanadi
(B.) Ganga
(C.) Brahmaputra
(D.) Narmada
Ans: C
(304.) Chambai and Betwa are tributaries of
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Narmada
(B.) Yamuna
(C.) Godavari
(D.) None of these
Ans: B
(305.) KeibulLamjao National Park is located in:
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Sikkim
(B.) Nagaland
(C.) Arunachal Pradesh
(D.) Manipur
Ans: D
(306.) Chambal,Betwa and Ken are tributaries of which of the following:
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Maharshtra Circle)
(A.) Ganga
(B.) Yamuna
(C.) Brahmaputra
(D.) Godavari
Ans: B
(307.) The Western Ghats are also known as
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Maharshtra Circle)
(A.) Satpura
(B.) Siwalik
(C.) Sahyadri
(D.) Malwa
Ans: C
(308.) Dodabetta is situated in which of the following:
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Maharshtra Circle)
(A.) Nilgiri Hills
(B.) Annamalai Hills
(C.) Cardamom Hills
(D.) Garo Hills
Ans: A
(309.) Hirakud Hydroelectric power project is on which of the following:
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Maharshtra Circle)
(A.) Godavari
(B.) Krishna
(C.) Narmada
(D.) Mahanandi
Ans: D
(310.) Anthracite, Bituminous, Lignite and Peat are varieties of
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Maharshtra Circle)
(A.) Coal
(B.) Iron Ore
(C.) Mica
(D.) Zinc
Ans: A
(311.) Which is the best planned city in India?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Odisha Circle)
(A.) Coimbatore
(B.) New Delhi
(C.) Chandigarh
(D.) Salem
Ans: C
(312.) South-west monsoon reaches Assam in:
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Odisha Circle)
(A.) End of September
(B.) Mid-October
(C.) November
(D.) Mid-September
Ans: D
(313.) Which among the following longitudes determines Indian standard Time?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Punjab Circle)
(A.) 80.5°E
(B.) 81.5°E
(C.) 82.5°E
(D.) 87.5°E
Ans: C
(314.) Which of the following Union Territories of India has the largest size area wise?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Chandigarh
(B.) Andaman and Nicobar
(C.) Pondicherry
(D.) Daman and Diu
Ans: B
(315.) Grampani sanctuary is located at?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Gangtok, Sikkim
(B.) Kohima, Nagaland
(C.) Diphu, Assam
(D.) Junagarh, Gujarat
Ans: C
(316.) Which one of the following is not correctly matched?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) Darjeeling-West Bengal
(B.) Mount Abu-Rajasthan
(C.) Kodaikanal – Tamil Nadu
(D.) Shimla-Uttar Pradesh
Ans: D
(317.) Limestone is a raw material used by which industry?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) Aluminium
(B.) Fertilizers
(C.) Cement
(D.) Petrochemicals
Ans: C
(318.) ……….is a planned city in India
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Varanasi
(B.) Srinagar
(C.) Pune
(D.) Chandigarh
Ans: D
(319.) Which of the following is grown in the cold climate of Kashmir?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Coconut
(B.) Palm
(C.) Saffron
(D.) Jute
Ans: C
(320.) The following is India’s largest salt producing state
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Rajasthan
(B.) Gujarat
(C.) Odisha
(D.) Tamil Nadu
Ans: B
(321.) The following state does not share boundary with Myanmar?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Tripura
(B.) Arunachal Pradesh
(C.) Nagaland
(D.) Manipur
Ans: A
(322.) Which is the origin of Narmada River?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Telangana Circle)
(A.) Nashik Hills
(B.) Mahabaleswar Hills
(C.) Amarkantak
(D.) Cardamom Hills
Ans: C
(323.) Where is Gobi desert located?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Telangana Circle)
(A.) India
(B.) China
(C.) Africa
(D.) Chile
Ans: B
(324.) Rihand Dam is located in which district of UP?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-UttarPradesh Circle)
(A.) Mirzapur
(B.) Sonbhadra
(C.) Yajurveda
(D.) Atharveda
Ans: B
(325.) On which lake is the India’s only floating post office located?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-UttarPradesh Circle)
(A.) Dal Lake
(B.) Chilka Lake
(C.) Loktak Lake
(D.) Wular Lake
Ans: A
(326.) Which one of the following river originates trans from Himalayas?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Indus
(B.) Sutluj
(C.) Brahmaputra
(D.) All the above
Ans: D
(327.) Which one of the following Indian state does not share its boundary with Myanmar?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Mizoram
(B.) Tripura
(C.) Nagaland
(D.) Manipur
Ans: B
(328.) The capital city of Ukrain?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) Kyiv
(B.) Moldawa
(C.) Kharkiv
(D.) Luhansk
Ans: A
(329.) Parasnath hills are found in which state?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) Tamil Nadu
(B.) Karnataka
(C.) Jharkhand
(D.) Odisha
Ans: C
(330.) Which of the following is the highest tropic level in an ecosystem?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) Omnivores
(B.) Carnivores
(C.) Herbivores
(D.) Decomposers
Ans: A
(331.) Which is the origin source of Narmadariver?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) Sihawa hills
(B.) Western Ghats
(C.) Chhota Nagpur hills
(D.) Amarkantak hills
Ans: D
(332.) Which of the following is the largest and the deepest ocean of the world?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) Arctic
(B.) Atlantic
(C.) Indian
(D.) Pacific
Ans: D
(333.) Which among the following is not a Himalayan river?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Ganga
(B.) Godavari
(C.) Brahmaputra
(D.) Indus
Ans: B
(334.) A landmass which is surrounded by water on three sides is known as?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Island
(B.) Gulf
(C.) Plateau
(D.) Peninsula
Ans: D
(335.) Who had written the play “The Post Office”?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) Devabrata Mukherjee
(B.) Jawaharlal Nehru
(C.) Rabindranath Tagore
(D.) MaithiliSharanGupt
Ans: C
(336.) Who has written the book, “Glimpses of Word History”?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) Mahatma Gandhi
(B.) Jawaharlal Nehru
(C.) SwamiVivekanand
(D.) ValentineChirol
Ans: B
(337.) The novel war and peace is written by
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Jammu Kashmir Circle)
(A.) Pt. Nehru
(B.) Mahatma Gandhi
(C.) Mark Tully
(D.) Leo Tolstoy
Ans: D
(338.) “The Future oflidia” book is written by?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Amartya Sen
(B.) Abhishek Nayar
(C.) Chetan Bhagat
(D.) Bimal Jalan
Ans: D
(339.) Who is the author of the book “The Parrot Green Saree”?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Nabaneeta Sen
(B.) Keshava Guha
(C.) Hariharan Balagopal
(D.) Dr. AnitaBhatnagar Jain
Ans: A
(340.) The famous book ‘Anandmath’ was authored by
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) Sarojini Naidu
(B.) Bankim Chandra Chottapadhya
(C.) SriAurobindo
(D.) Rabindrnath Tagore
Ans: B
(341.) Who is the author of the famous book “The Indian Struggle?”
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad
(B.) Jawaharlal Nehru
(C.) Lala Lajpet rai
(D.) Subash Chandra bose
Ans: D
(342.) Who is the author of the book ‘Freedom Behind Bars’?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Chhattisgarh Circle)
(A.) Kiran Bedi
(B.) Jawaharlal Nehru
(C.) Sheikh Abdullah
(D.) Nelson Mandela
Ans: A
(343.) Who wrote the book “Why Socialism”?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Gujrath Circle)
(A.) Acharya Narendra Dev
(B.) Mahatma Gandhi
(C.) Jayaprakash Narayan
(D.) M.N. Roy
Ans: C
(344.) Umayun Nama was written by which of the following authors? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) Umayun
(B.) Khwand Amir
(C.) GulbadanBeghum
(D.) AbuFaza
Ans: C
Exp: Gulbadan Begum was a Mughal princess and the daughter of Emperor Babur,who is the founder of the Mughal Empire. She is best known as the author of Humayun-Nama, the account of the life of her half-brother, Emperor Humayun, which she wrote on the request of her nephew, Emperor Akbar.
(345.) Who is the author of Satyarth Prakash?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Uttar Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Vivekananda
(B.) Subramanian Bharti
(C.) Dayanand Saraswati
(D.) None.
Ans: C
(346.) Who started the famous institution Shanti Niketan
(PA/SA Exam-2019)
(A.) Jawaharlal Nehru
(B.) Sardar Patel
(C.) Mahatma Gandhi
(D.) Rabindranath Tagore
Ans: D
(347.) Bharatnatyam dance is from which state
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Bihar Circle)
(A.) Karnataka
(B.) Tamilnadu
(C.) Gujarat
(D.) Kerala
Ans: B
(348.) The famous artist ‘Bismillah Khan’ was associated with which of the following?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) Guitar
(B.) Tabla
(C.) Shehnai
(D.) Flute
Ans: C
(349.) When was Reserve Bank of India established?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) 1st April, 1947
(B.) 1st April 1935
(C.) 1st April, 1952
(D.) 1st April 1937
Ans: B
(350.) The study of phenomenon at very low temperatures is called what?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) Heat transfer
(B.) Morphology
(C.) Cryogenics
(D.) Crystallography
Ans: C
(351.) What is the colour of Ashok Chakar, part of Indian National Flag?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) Black
(B.) Grey
(C.) Blue
(D.) Violet
Ans: C
(352.) Classical dance ‘Mohiniattam’ belongs to which state?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Gujrath Circle)
(A.) Tamilnadu
(B.) Manipur
(C.) Kerala
(D.) Andhra Pradesh
Ans: C
(353.) The Himalayan Mountaineering Institute is located
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Dehradun
(B.) Shimla
(C.) Darjeeling
(D.) Shillong
Ans: C
(354.) Kuchipudi is a classical dance of which state
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Andhra Pradesh
(B.) Tamil Nadu
(C.) Karnataka
(D.) Kerala
Ans: A
(355.) Santhosh Trophy is associated with
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Jammu Kashmir Circle)
(A.) Cricket
(B.) Hockey
(C.) Football
(D.) Table Tennis
Ans: C
(356.) Kathak is dance form of which state?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Jammu Kashmir Circle)
(A.) Madhya Pradesh
(B.) Uttar Pradesh
(C.) Bihar
(D.) Haryana
Ans: B
(357.) Who among the following wrote Sanskrit Grammar?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) Kalidasa
(B.) Charak
(C.) Panini
(D.) Aryabhatt
Ans: C
(358.) Term ‘Chinaman’ is related to which sport?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) Football
(B.) Hockey
(C.) Cricket
(D.) Table Tennis
Ans: C
(359.) In which of the following dance, the story theme is always taken from Mahabharata and Ramayana?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) Kuchipudi
(B.) Bhangra
(C.) Odissi
(D.) Bharatanatyam
Ans: D
(360.) ________is the harvest festival of South India
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Pongal
(B.) Diwali
(C.) Harmpi
(D.) Pooram
Ans: A
(361.) Which Indian received the Nobel Peace Prize after Mother Teresa
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Vandana Shiva
(B.) Kailash Satyarthi
(C.) K Radhakrishnan
(D.) Fali Nariman
Ans: B
(362.) First state in India to introduce Aadhar Card
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Maharashtra
(B.) Kerala
(C.) Telangana
(D.) Tamilnadu
Ans: A
(363.) What was the another name of Quit India Movement
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Khilafat Movement
(B.) Swadeshi Movement
(C.) Home Rule Movement
(D.) August Movement
Ans: D
(364.) Sattriya is a classical dance related to:
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Telangana
(B.) Karnataka
(C.) Gujarat
(D.) Assam
Ans: D
(365.) Which of the following is a popular folk dance of Maharashtra?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Madya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Garba
(B.) Dandiya
(C.) Tamasha
(D.) Bhangra
Ans: C
(366.) English is the not official language of which of the following Indian States?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Odisha Circle)
(A.) Nagaland
(B.) Tripura
(C.) Mizoram
(D.) Sikkim
Ans: C
(367.) International Yoga Day is observed on
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Odisha Circle)
(A.) 21 March
(B.) 21 May
(C.) 21 June
(D.) 21 December
Ans: C
(368.) Who among the following wrote Sanskrit Grammar?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Odisha Circle)
(A.) Kalidasa
(B.) Charaka
(C.) Panini
(D.) Aryabhatt
Ans: C
(369.) Who among the following receiver Sahitya Akademi Award 2019?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Virat Kohli
(B.) Shashi Tharoor
(C.) Amitabh Bachchan
(D.) Yashwant Sinha
Ans: B
(370.) Kathakali is a classical dance form practiced in which state
(PA/SA Exam-Cancelled-2019)
(A.) Odisha
(B.) Tamil Nadu
(C.) Kerala
(D.) Manipur
Ans: C
(371.) Which of the following folk dance forms is associated with Gujarat?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) Nautanki
(B.) Garba
(C.) Kathakali
(D.) Bhangra
Ans: B
(372.) Who established first women university in India?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) DK.Karve
(B.) Anne Besant
(C.) Ramabairamde
(D.) Hirabai TATA
Ans: A
(373.) National Voter’s Day is observed on which date?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Telangana Circle)
(A.) 25th January
(B.) 26th January
(C.) 15th August
(D.) 26th November
Ans: A
(374.) “Lavani” is one of the most popular forms of dance and music that is practiced in which state?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Telangana Circle)
(A.) Andhra Pradesh
(B.) Maharashtra
(C.) Bihar
(D.) Meghalay
Ans: B
(375.) Mohiniattam is a dance form from which of the following states:
(PA/SA Exam 2020-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Tamil Nadu
(B.) Kerala
(C.) Karnataka
(D.) Maharashtra
Ans: B
(376.) Which of the following is a dance form from Gujarat?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Nautanki
(B.) Bhangra
(C.) Kathak
(D.) Garba
Ans: D
(377.) Who composed our National Song:
(PA/SA Exam 2020-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Mohammad Iqbal
(B.) Rabindranath Tagore
(C.) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
(D.) Jaidev
Ans: A
(378.) Santosh Trophy is associated with:
(PA/SA Exam 2021-AP Circle)
(A.) Badminton
(B.) Football
(C.) Cricket
(D.) Hockey
Ans: B
(379.) The Indian football team made its first appearance at Olympics in?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Chhattisgarh Circle)
(A.) 1936
(B.) 1948
(C.) 1952
(D.) 1956
Ans: B
(380.) The “Garba” folk dance is associated with which state?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Chhattisgarh Circle)
(A.) Odisha
(B.) Madhya Pradesh
(C.) Punjab
(D.) Gujarat
Ans: D
Exp: Garba is an Indian form of dance that originated in the Gujarat region. The name is derived from the Sanskrit term Garbha (“womb”) and Deep (“a small earthenware lamp”)
(381.) Which of the following is the main language of Goa?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Chhattisgarh Circle)
(A.) Marathi
(B.) Konkani
(C.) Hindi
(D.) Malayalam
Ans: B
(382.) With reference Lilavati Award, consider the following statements:
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Delhi Circle)
i.) It is an innovative education program to empower women.
ii.) It is launched by the Ministry of Education
iii.) The award has been named after a book written by Baudhayana.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(A.) i and ii only
(B.) ii only
(C.) ii and iii only
(D.) i, ii and iii
Ans: A
(383.) Thomos cup is associated with which game:
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Delhi Circle)
(A.) Badminton
(B.) Football
(C.) Golf
(D.) Tennis
Ans: A
(384.) The award given for outstanding performance in sports is
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Gujrath Circle)
(A.) Arjuna Award
(B.) Dronacharya Award
(C.) BharatRatna
(D.) Padma Shri Award
Ans: A
(385.) Kuka Movement is associated with which of the following states?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Gujrath Circle)
(A.) Assam
(B.) Bengal
(C.) Punjab
(D.) Maharashtra
Ans: C
(386.) With reference to India’s culture and tradition, what is “Yakshagana”?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Gujrath Circle)
(A.) A folk theatre of Karnataka
(B.) An ancient style bronze and brass work of Andhra Pradesh
(C.) A martial art practiced in Manipur
(D.) A music style of Tamil Nadu
Ans: A
(387.) Which state of India is associated with the Folk Dance ‘Teratali’?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Gujrath Circle)
(A.) Haryana
(B.) Punjab
(C.) Madhya Pradesh
(D.) Rajasthan
Ans: D
(388.) Geet Govind is a famous creation of
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Haryana Circle)
(A.) Bana Bhatt
(B.) Kalidas
(C.) Jayadev
(D.) Bharat Muni
Ans: C
(389.) “Khantumm” bamboo dance is the folk dance of which state
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Meghalaya
(B.) Madhya Pradesh
(C.) Mizoram
(D.) J & K
Ans: D
(390.) Kalaripayattu is a martial art of which state
(PA/SA Exam 2021-J & K Circle)
(A.) Kerala
(B.) Tamil Nadu
(C.) Andhra Pradesh
(D.) Telangana
Ans: A
Exp: Kalaripayattu is an ancient martial art indigenous to Kerala, a small state in the southern tip of India, but is known and practiced throughout the globe today.
(391.) Maach is the theatre form of which state (PA/SA Exam 2021-J & K Circle)
(A.) West Bengal
(B.) Himachal Pradesh
(C.) Tamilnadu
(D.) Madhya Pradesh
Ans: D
Exp: Maach is a form of folk theatre from the Malwa region of the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh
(392.) Who is the author ofPanch tantra (PA/SA Exam 2021-J & K Circle)
(A.) Nagarjuna
(B.) Vishnu Sharma
(C.) Kalidas
(D.) Amar Sen
Ans: B
Exp: Vishnu Sharma was an author and Indian scholar and author. It is a widely accepted belief that he wrote the Panchatantra, which makes him one of the most widely translated non-religious authors in history.
(393.) Fill in the blank with correct option
SOHRAI is the biggest festival of ___Tribe. (PA/SA Exam 2021-Jharkhand Circle)
(A.) Oraon
(B.) Santhal
(C.) Birhor
(D.) Munda
Ans: B
Exp: Sohrai is the chief festival of Santhal tribe held in after the chief rice crop of the year has been got in
(394.) In which month,Vishu is celebrated in Kerala? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) January
(B.) February
(C.) March
(D.) April
Ans: D
Exp: Friday, 15 April
(395.) Where was the first All IndianKisan Sabha formed? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Lucknow
(B.) Calcutta
(C.) Patna
(D.) Madras
Ans: A
(396.) Which Indian Academy is promoting dance, drama and music? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Sahitya Academy
(B.) Lalit Kala Academy
(C.) National School of Drama
(D.) Sangeet Academy
Ans: D
(397.) The word ‘Sathyameva Jayate’ is taken from (PA/SA Exam 2021-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Yajur Veda
(B.) Atharva Veda
(C.) Mundaka Upanishad
(D.) Sam Veda
Ans: C
(398.) Rovers cup is associated with which game:(PA/SA Exam 2021-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Badminton
(B.) Football
(C.) Golf
(D.) Tennis
Ans: B
Exp: The Rovers Cup was an annual football tournament held in India, organized by the Western India Football Association.
(399.) Shanthi Swaroop Bhatnagar awards are given for: (PA/SA Exam 2021-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Outstanding contribution to sports
(B.) Outstanding contribution to Science
(C.) Creating mass awareness on Politics
(D.) Excellence in film direction
Ans: B
(400.) Muga silk is associated to which states of India? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) Assam
(B.) Bihar
(C.) Mizoram
(D.) Tamilnadu
Ans: A
(401.) When is the National Sports Day (Major Dhyon Chand Jayanti) celebrated?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-North Eastern Circle)
(A.) 25th August
(B.) 26th August
(C.) 28th August
(D.) 29th August
Ans: D
Exp: The National Sports Day is celebrated on Dhyan Chand’s birthday on August 29 to honour the hockey legend.
(402.) In which of the following festivals are the boat races a special feature?(PA/SA Exam 2021-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) Onam
(B.) Rangoli bihu
(C.) Navaratri
(D.) Pongal
Ans: A
Exp: Boat races of Kerala are a special feature of Onam. Onam is the harvest festival of Kerala which is celebrated to welcome King Mahabali
(403.) Hari Prasad Chaurasia is associated with (PA/SA Exam 2021-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) violin
(B.) guitar
(C.) flute
(D.) tabla
Ans: C
Exp: ariprasadChaurasia, Hariprasad also spelled Hari Prasad, (born July 1, 1938, Allahabad, United Provinces, British India [now in Uttar Pradesh, India]), Indian flutist in the Hindustani classical tradition whose performances and compositions brought global recognition to the bansuri, a simple side-blown bamboo flute.
(404.) The words “Satyameva Jayate” inscribed below the base plate of the emblem of India are taken from(PA/SA Exam 2021-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Rigveda
(B.) Satpath Brahmana
(C.) Mundak Upanishad
(D.) Ramayana
Ans: C
Exp: ‘Truth alone triumphs’, is a part of a mantra from the Hindu scripture Mundaka Upanishad. Following the independence of India, it was adopted as the national motto of India on 26 January 1950, the day India became a republic
(405.) Nagara style is famous for which of the following activity?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Bihar Circle)
(A.) Temple architecture
(B.) Classical music
(C.) Indian painting
(D.) Classical dance
Ans: A
(406.) Famous classical dance “Bharatnatyam” has its roots in which Indian state?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Bihar Circle)
(A.) Punjab
(B.) Gujrat
(C.) Tamil Nadu
(D.) Manipur
Ans: C
(407.) Padma Shri awardee Shri. NarasimharaoGarikapati is from which field?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-AP Circle)
(A.) Science and Engineering
(B.) Arts
(C.) Social work
(D.) Literature and Education
Ans: D
(408.) National Anthem (JanaGana Mana) was originally composed in which language?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-AP Circle)
(A.) Hindi
(B.) Bangla
(C.) Telugu
(D.) English
Ans: B
(409.) Which is the National Song of India?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-AP Circle)
(A.) JanaGana Mana
(B.) VandeMataram
(C.) Sarejahan se Acha
(D.) None of the above
Ans: B
(410.) The Central Rice Research station is situated in?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Assam Circle)
(A.) Cuttack
(B.) Chennai
(C.) Bangaluru
(D.) Kolkatta
Ans: A
(411.) The term “Googly” is associated with?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Assam Circle)
(A.) Football
(B.) Cricket
(C.) Volleyball
(D.) Hockey
Ans: B
(412.) Apatanis are the tribes found in:
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Assam Circle)
(A.) Sikkim
(B.) Nagaland
(C.) Himachal Pradesh
(D.) Arunachal Pradesh
Ans: D
(413.) In which city of India the famous Rath Yatra festival is celebrated?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Assam Circle)
(A.) Mumbai
(B.) Delhi
(C.) Varanasi
(D.) Puri
Ans: D
(414.) In the Indian mythology, who sung Shiva Tandavastotra?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Assam Circle)
(A.) Ravana
(B.) Rama
(C.) Kuber
(D.) Vibhishana
Ans: A
(415.) Manas National Park or Manas Wildlife Sanctuary is a national park located in?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Assam Circle)
(A.) Manipur
(B.) Assam
(C.) Uttar Pradesh
(D.) Bihar
Ans: B
(416.) Kathak is ca classical dance of which place?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) North India
(B.) Manipur
(C.) Tamilnadu
(D.) Kerala
Ans: A
(417.) When was Reserve Bank of India established?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) 1st April, 1947
(B.) 1st April, 1935
(C.) 1st April, 1952
(D.) 1st April, 1937
Ans: B
(418.) Who among the following were the first to establish ‘Printing Press’ in India?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Delhi Circle)
(A.) British
(B.) Portuguese
(C.) Dutch
(D.) French
Ans: B
(419.) Baul dance is related to which state?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Gujarath Circle)
(A.) Kerala
(B.) Gujarat
(C.) Bihar
(D.) WestBangal
Ans: D
(420.) Which woman was the first governor of a state in Independent India?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Gujarath Circle)
(A.) Smt.Sarojini Naidu
(B.) Mrs.Sucheta Kriplani
(C.) Smt.Indira Gandhi
(D.) Mrs. VijayLakshmi Pandit
Ans: A
(421.) Famous classical dance “Bharatnatyam” has its roots in which Indian state?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Haryana Circle)
(A.) Punjab
(B.) Gujrat
(C.) Tamil Nadu
(D.) Manipur
Ans: C
(422.) Nagara style is famous for which of the following activity?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Haryana Circle)
(A.) Temple architecture
(B.) Classical music
(C.) Indian painting
(D.) Classical dance
Ans: A
(423.) In which year state Haryana came into existence?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Haryana Circle)
(A.) 1966
(B.) 1967
(C.) 1968
(D.) 1969
Ans: A
(424.) The famous artist ‘Bismillah Khan’ was associated with which of the following?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Jammu Kashmir Circle)
(A.) Gultar
(B.) Tabla
(C.) Shehnai
(D.) Flute
Ans: C
(425.) When was Reserve Bank of India established?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Jammu Kashmir Circle)
(A.) 1st April, 1947
(B.) 1st April, 1935
(C.) 1st April, 1952
(D.) 1st April, 1937
Ans: B
(426.) In which state is the folk painting ‘Madhubani’ popular?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Jammu Kashmir Circle)
(A.) Assam
(B.) West Bengal
(C.) Bihar
(D.) Odisha
Ans: C
(427.) When did constituent assembly adopt National Anthem?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Jammu Kashmir Circle)
(A.) 20 January 1950
(B.) 21 May 1949
(C.) 24 January 1950
(D.) 13 November 1949
Ans: C
(428.) Sattriya is a classical dance form of which State?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Assam
(B.) Manipur
(C.) Uttar Pradesh
(D.) Andhra Pradesh
Ans: A
(429.) World Tourism Day is celebrated on_
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) 12th September
(B.) 27th September
(C.) 25th September
(D.) 29th September
Ans: B
(430.) Which of the following is not a stringed musical instrument?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Shehnai
(B.) Santoor
(C.) Sarangi
(D.) Sarod
Ans: A
(431.) Jnanapith award is given for excellence in the field of:
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Maharshtra Circle)
(A.) Science and Technology
(B.) Music
(C.) Literature
(D.) Sports
Ans: C
(432.) Krishna Nagar is associated with which sports?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Odisha Circle)
(A.) High Jump
(B.) Boxing
(C.) Shooting
(D.) Badminton
Ans: D
(433.) What are thecolours of Lord Jagannath’s Chariot (Nandighosh)?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Odisha Circle)
(A.) Green and Red
(B.) Yellow and Black
(C.) Red and Yellow
(D.) Red and Black
Ans: C
(434.) ‘Madhubani’, a style of folk paintings, is EB popular in which state?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Odisha Circle)
(A.) Bihar
(B.) Rajasthan
(C.) Odisha
(D.) Uttar Pradesh
Ans: A
(435.) For which of the following disciplines is Noble prize awarded
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Literature, Peace and Economics
(B.) Physics and Chemistry
(C.) Physiology or Medicine
(D.) All of the above
Ans: D
(436.) BabaAmte is known for which of the following social work?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Work for Poor & homeless people
(B.) Work to saveGanga
(C.) Work for Leprosy Patients
(D.) Work for Landless laborers
Ans: C
(437.) Dandiya is a popular dance of which state?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Punjab
(B.) Gujarat
(C.) Tamilnadu
(D.) Maharastra
Ans: B
(438.) TheRath yatra at Puri is celebrated in honour of which hindu Deity?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Rama
(B.) Jagannath
(C.) Shiva
(D.) Vishnu
Ans: B
(439.) In which state ‘Bihu’ festival is celebrated?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-UttarPradesh Circle)
(A.) West Bengal
(B.) Maharashtra
(C.) Tamil Nadu
(D.) Assam
Ans: D
(440.) Nagara style is famous for which of the following activity?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Temple architecture
(B.) Classical music
(C.) Indian painting
(D.) Classical dance
Ans: A
(441.) Famous classical dance “Bharatnatyam” has its roots in which Indian state?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Punjab
(B.) Gujrat
(C.) Tamil Nadu
(D.) Manipur
Ans: C
(442.) Who among the following is the First Communication Minister of India?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Sardar Vallabhai Patel
(B.) Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
(C.) Jawaharlal Nehru
(D.) Rafi Ahmed Kidwai
Ans: D
(443.) Which among the following is not a classical language?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Hindi
(B.) Malayalam
(C.) Tamil
(D.) Sanskrit
Ans: A
(444.) GLONASS was developed by
(PA/SA Exam 2020-AP Circle)
(A.) USA
(D.) United Kindgdom
Ans: B
(445.) Which one is correct?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-AP Circle)
(A.) Chinook- multirole fighter jet
(B.) Pinaka- multi barrel rocket launcher
(C.) Sukhoi- fighter submarine
(D.) Akula- American submarine
Ans: B
(446.) Elysee palace is situated in
(PA/SA Exam 2020-AP Circle)
(A.) Germany
(B.) India
(C.) Russia
(D.) France
Ans: D
(447.) Laughing gas is.
(PA/SA Exam 2020-AP Circle)
(A.) Nitric oxide
(B.) Sulphurous oxide
(C.) Nitric acid
(D.) Nitrous oxide
Ans: D
(448.) The 1st case of COVID- 19 was spotted in which state of India
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Bihar Circle)
(A.) Kerala
(B.) Goa
(C.) Maharashtra
(D.) Gujarat
Ans: A
(449.) Odometer is to mileage as compass is to
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Jammu Kashmir Circle)
(A.) Speed
(B.) Hiking
(C.) Needle
(D.) Direction
Ans: D
(450.) If Apples, Fruit, Supermarket then
novel, book ?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Jammu Kashmir Circle)
(A.) Magazine
(B.) Book Store
(C.) Vegetable
(D.) Shopping
Ans: B
(451.) Which team won IPL trophy in 2019
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Jammu Kashmir Circle)
(A.) Chennai Super Kings
(B.) Mumbai Indians
(C.) Rajasthan Royals
(D.) Delhi Capitals
Ans: B
(452.) Among the following political leaders of South India, who has not acted in any film?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Odisha Circle)
(A.) N.T.Rama Rao
(B.) M.G.Ramachandram
(C.) C.N.Annadurai
(D.) Jayalalitha
Ans: C
(453.) Start up India Programme was launched on?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Punjab Circle)
(A.) 15th of August 2015
(B.) 15h of August 2016
(C.) 26th of January 2016
(D.) 16th of January 2016
Ans: D
(454.) The acid present in lemons and oranges is?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Acetic Acid
(B.) Hydrochloric Acid
(C.) Oxalic Acid
(D.) Citric Acid
Ans: D
(455.) Name of paintings which are known for the use of bright colours, animals representations and bird representations.
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Telangana Circle)
(A.) Apabhramsa paintings
(B.) Pahari paintings
(C.) Rajput paintings
(D.) Mughal paintings
Ans: B
(456.) Who is the winner of IPL 2020?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Chennai Super Kings
(B.) Kings Eleven Punjab
(C.) Delhi Capitals
(D.) Mumbai Indians.
Ans: D
(457.) The contact tracing mobile application developed by NIC for fighting Covid 19 is:
(PA/SA Exam 2020-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Swasthya Mitra
(B.) Arogya Setu
(C.) Kalyan Seva
(D.) Sahaj Sahay
Ans: B
(458.) Ornithology is the scientific study of:
(PA/SA Exam 2020-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Bones
(B.) Ornaments
(C.) Fishes
(D.) Birds
Ans: D
(459.) How many bones are there in an adult human skeleton?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) 204
(B.) 206
(C.) 208
(D.) 214
Ans: B
(460.) Which blood group is called universal donor:
(PA/SA Exam 2020-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) A
(B.) B
(C.) AB
(D.) O
Ans: D
(461.) Heavy water is
(PA/SA Exam 2021-AP Circle)
(A.) Deuterium oxide
(B.) PH7
(C.) Rain water
(D.) Tritium oxide
Ans: A
(462.) Who was the Flag bearer for India in the 2020 Olympics?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-AP Circle)
(A.) Abhinav Bindra
(B.) PV Sindhu
(C.) Sushil Kumar
(D.) Bajrang Punia
Ans: D
(463.) What is the main motto of Tokyo Paralympics Games 2020?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-AP Circle)
(A.) United by nations
(B.) United by Emotions
(C.) United by Motions
(D.) United by Games
Ans: B
(464.) Consider the following statements regarding Midday Meal Scheme:
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Delhi Circle)
i.) It is a Central Sector Scheme (CSS) launched under the Ministry of Education.
ii.) All government and government aided schools and Madarsa supported under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) are covered under the scheme.
iii.) The Central Government pays food security allowance in case of the non availability of Midday Meal on any school day
Which of the statements given above is/are not correct?
(A.) 1 and 2 only
(B.) 2 only
(C.) 1 and 3 only
(D.) 3 only
Ans: C
(465.) With reference to Tuberculosis, consider the following statements:
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Delhi Circle)
i.) It is caused by bacteria.
ii.) It is a vector-borne disease.
iii.) It is both a preventable and curable disease.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(A.) i only
(B.) ii only
(C.) i and iii only
(D.) i, ii and iii
Ans: C
(466.) Consider the following statements regarding the ASEAN:
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Delhi Circle)
i.) Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore are known as the founding fathers of the ASEAN. ii.) The ASEAN declaration is also known as the Jakarta declaration.
iii.) Russia is the largest provider of ASEAN region.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(A.) ionly
(B.) ii and iii only
(C.) iii only
(D.) i and iii only
Ans: A
(467.) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) can be described as which of the following bodies:
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Delhi Circle)
i.) Statutory Body
ii.) Quasi-legislative Body
iii.) Quasi-judicial Body
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
(A.) i and ii only
(B.) i and iii only
(C.) i only
(D.) i, ii and iii
Ans: D
(468.) Which of the following is responsible for givingcolour to human skin?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Delhi Circle)
(A.) Haemoglobin
(B.) Melanin
(C.) Luciferin
(D.) Flavonoids
Ans: B
(469.) Former Union Minister Thaawarchand Gehlot has been appointed as the new Governor of which state?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Haryana Circle)
(A.) Tamil Nadu
(B.) Karnataka
(C.) West Bengal
(D.) Odisha
Ans: B
(470.) DeepakPunia, a popular Indian Wrestler, is representing India in Tokyo, 2021 under which wrestling category?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Haryana Circle)
(A.) 65 Kg
(B.) 75 Kg
(C.) 57 Kg
(D.) 86 Kg
Ans: D
Exp: Naib Subedar Deepak Punia, is an Indian freestyle wrestler and Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) in the Indian Army who won a silver medal at the 2019 World Wrestling Championships in the freestyle 86 kg category and secured a place in the 2020 Summer Olympics
(471.) In the 2020 Paralympics Two sports have been added for the first time. One is Taekwondo, what is another one?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Haryana Circle)
(A.) Cricket
(B.) Badminton
(C.) Heptathlon
(D.) Golf
Ans: B
(472.) Which of the following is responsible for giving colour to human skin?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Haryana Circle)
(A.) Hemoglobin
(B.) Melanin
(C.) Luciferin
(D.) Flavonoids
Ans: B
Exp: Melanin is a pigment that gives human skin, hair, and eyes their color.
(473.) Which country has re-elected Abiy Ahmed as its Prime Minister?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Haryana Circle)
(A.) Egypt
(B.) Ethiopia
(C.) Ecuador
(D.) Afghanistan
Ans: B
(474.) Which of the following is the highest tropic level in an ecosystem?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Haryana Circle)
(A.) Herbivores
(B.) Carnivores
(C.) Omnivores
(D.) Decomposers
Ans: C
Exp: Omnivores constitute the highest trophic level in an ecosystem. Omnivores are tertiary consumers and feed on both plants and animals. Decomposers feed on all the trophic levels.
(475.) The chemical name of Caustic soda is
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Sodium Hydroxide
(B.) Potassium Hydroxide
(C.) Sodium Nitrate
(D.) Potassium Nitrate
Ans: A
(476.) Which of the following test is done for detecting typhoid fever?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Elisa
(B.) Widal
(C.) Montoux
(D.) Wassermann
Ans: B
Exp: Widal test is a serological test that is done for the diagnosis of typhoid fever. This test detects the ”0 ”and ” H” antigens of Salmonella typhi.
(477.) Who is the winner of the 2021 Australian open Women’s title?(PA/SA Exam 2021-J & K Circle)
(A.) Jennifer Brady
(B.) Venus Williams
(C.) Naomi Osaka
(D.) Serena Williams
Ans: C
Exp: Naomi Osaka won her fourth Grand Slam title – adding a second Melbourne crown to her twin US Open triumphs – after beating USA’s Jennifer Brady 6-4 6-3 in the 2021 Australian Open women’s singles final in Melbourne
(478.) Who is the Lieutenant Governor ofLadakh
(PA/SA Exam 2021-J & K Circle)
(A.) Manoj Sinha
(B.) Radha Krishna Mathur
(C.) Praful Patel
(D.) Banwari Lal Purohit
Ans: B
(479.) In which of the following countries, women are allowed to take part in public activities? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Jharkhand Circle)
(A.) India
(B.) Mexico
(C.) Saudi Arabia
(D.) Chile
Ans: A
(480.) What is the name of the tourism app recently launched by the Delhi Government? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Jharkhand Circle)
(A.) My Delhi
(B.) Dekho Meri Dilli
(C.) Tour Delhi
(D.) Hamari Delhi
Ans: B
Exp: The Government of Delhi has recently launched a mobile application named “Dekho Meri Dilli”. This has been designed and built by the Tourism Department of the Delhi Government. The app is designed to act as a one-stop centre for all tourism related information in Delhi.
(481.) Salts of which metal are sensitive to light?(PA/SA Exam 2021-Jharkhand Circle)
(A.) Zinc
(B.) Silver
(C.) Copper
(D.) Aluminum
Ans: B
Exp: The salts formed by silver are sensitive to light. The silver salts are formed between silver and one of the halogens. Mainly this is used for providing colour to the photographic films.
(482.) Two main gases that cause greenhouse effect are Carbon dioxide and(PA/SA Exam 2021-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Argon
(B.) Nitrogen
(C.) Fluorine
(D.) Methane
Ans: D
(483.) LPG consists of mainly:(PA/SA Exam 2021-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Methane, Ethane and Hexane
(B.) Ethane, Hexane andNonane
(C.) Methane, Hexane andNonane
(D.) Methane, Butane and Propane
Ans: D
Exp: Liquefied Petroleum Gas or LPG consists mainly of methane, propane, propylene, butane, and butylene in various mixtures. It is produced as a by-product of natural gas processing and petroleum refining. The components of LPG are gases at normal temperatures and pressures.
(484.) Which country has re-electedAbiy Ahmed as its Prime Minister? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Egypt
(B.) Ethiopia
(C.) Ecuador
(D.) Afghanistan
Ans: B
Exp: Ethiopia’s ruling Prosperity Party has won the most seats in the country’s parliamentary election. With this victory, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed will be assured of a second five-year term in office. This was the first time Abiy faced voters as he was appointed Prime minister in 2018 following several years of anti-government protests. The Prosperity Party won 410 seats in the federal parliament out of 436 seats, where elections were held.
(485.) Which of the following is responsible for givingcolour to human skin? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Haemoglobin
(B.) Melanin
(C.) Luciferin
(D.) Flavonoids
Ans: B
Exp: Melanin is a pigment that gives human skin, hair, and eyes their color.
(486.) Pranati Nayak is an Indian sports person qualified for Tokyo Olympics in which sports? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) Weight Lifting
(B.) Gymnastics
(C.) Race Walking
(D.) Fencing
Ans: B
Exp: Indian gymnast Pranati Nayak has been qualified to participate in the Tokyo Olympics after qualifying through the continental quota. The 26-year-old from West Bengal had earlier claimed a bronze in vault at the Asian Artistic Gymnastic Championships in 2019
(487.) Curzon Wyllie who was murdered bymadan Lal Dhingra in Londo was__? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) Secretary of State for India
(B.) Adviser to the Secretary of State of India
(C.) Law Member
(D.) Governor of Bengal
Ans: B
Exp: Madan Lal Dhingra was a great revolutionary from Punjab,associated with the Indian Home Rule Society, The Abhinav Bharat Society and the Indian House in London. On July 1, 1909 he shot dead Curzon Wyllie an adviser to the secretary of state of India, and CowasLolcaca at the meeting of the Indian National Association in London to avenge the atrocities committed by the British in India.
(488.) Kalaripayattu, which was seen in the news recently, is a famous game originating from which state? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) Kerala
(B.) Tamil Nadu
(C.) Andhra Pradesh
(D.) Karnataka
Ans: A
Exp: In the Khelo India Youth Games 2021 Games scheduled to take place in Haryana, four games including Gatka, Kalaripayattu, Thang-Ta and Mallakhamba will be included along with Yogasana. Kalaripayattu originated from Kerala and has been practised across the world.
(489.) Who among the following won both Gold Bronze medal in Tokyo Paralympics 2020?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-North Eastern Circle)
(A.) Avani Lekhara
(B.) Bhavina Patel
(C.) Pramod Bhagat
(D.) SuhasYathiraj
Ans: A
Exp: On her debut, Avani Lekhara shot a new Paralympic record of 249.6 in the women’s 10m air rifle shooting standing SH1 class final to win the gold medal
(490.) Which of the following countries have the institution of Ombudsman?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Finland
(B.) Norway
(C.) Denmark
(D.) All of the above
Ans: D
Exp: More than 40 countries of the world have an institution like the Ombudsman. Following are some examples- 1. Sweden 2. Finland 3. Denmark 4. Norway 5. New Zealand 6. United Kingdom
(491.) Which Indian state launched its first paperless budget of Rs 5.50lakh crore? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Uttar Pradesh
(B.) Madhya Pradesh
(C.) Gujarat
(D.) Odisha
Ans: A
Exp: The state Government of Uttar Pradesh presented the first paperless budget of Rs 5.50 lakh crore in the state. The budget for the Financial Year 2021-22 was presented by the state’s Finance Minister Suresh Khanna
(492.) Where did the Olympics 2021 held(PA/SA Exam 2021-Punjab Circle)
(A.) U.S.A
(B.) Tokyo
(C.) Bangladesh
(D.) Russia
Ans: B
(493.) Which of the following metals remains in liquid state under normal conditions?(PA/SA Exam 2021-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) Radium
(B.) Zink
(C.) Uranium
(D.) Mercury
Ans: D
Exp: Mercury remains in liquid form under normal conditions. Mercury remains in the form of liquid in room temperature.
(494.) Which among of the following does not fall under the category ofAimperumKappiyangal of Tamil literature? (PA/SA Exam 2021-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Manimehalai
(B.) Kundalakesi
(C.) Valayapathi
(D.) Tirukkural
Ans: D
(495.) Which is the Head Quarters of WTO?(PA/SA Exam 2021-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Geneva – Switzerland
(B.) The Hague
(C.) Manila
(D.) None of the above
Ans: A
Exp: The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. At its heart are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of the world’s trading nations and ratified in their parliaments. The WTO officially commenced on 1 January 1995 under the Marrakesh Agreement, signed by 123 nations on 15 April 1994, replacing the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which commenced in 1948. The WTO deals with regulation of trade between participating countries by providing a framework for negotiating trade agreements and a dispute resolution process aimed at enforcing participant’s adherence to WTO agreements, which are signed by representative of member governments and ratified by their parliaments.
Most of the issues that the WTO focuses on drive from previous trade negotiations, especially from the Uruguay Round.
The WTO headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland.
(496.) The hydrogen bomb is based on the principle of?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Uttar Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Nuclear Fission
(B.) Nuclear Fusion
(C.) Photochemical Reaction
(D.) None of the above
Ans: B
Exp: The principle behind the hydrogen bomb is based on uncontrollable nuclear fusion. A nuclear bomb based on the fission of uranium is placed at the core of the hydrogen bomb. So hydrogen bomb is based on the principle of Nuclear Fusion Reaction
(497.) Under which category India bagged Gold Medal in Olympic Games held at Tokyo in 2021
(PA/SA Exam 2022-AP Circle)
(A.) Badminton
(B.) Wrestling
(C.) Javelin
(D.) Weightlifting
Ans: C
(498.) The study of phenomenon at very low temperatures is called what?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) Heat transfer
(B.) Morphology
(C.) Cryogenics
(D.) Crystallography
Ans: C
(499.) Electric bulb filament is made of?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Delhi Circle)
(A.) Copper
(B.) Aluminium
(C.) Lead
(D.) Tungsten
Ans: D
(500.) In which city, new centre of National Horticulture Board (NHB) has been recently inaugurated?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Delhi Circle)
(A.) New Delhi
(B.) Rohtak
(C.) Ranchi
(D.) Gwalior
Ans: D
(501.) Strong …………………..means you have a high sense of moral and ethical behavior that earns respect of others.
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Delhi Circle)
(A.) Honesty
(B.) Character
(C.) Integrity
(D.) Citric Acid
Ans: B
(502.) ……………. is essential at work because you must be able to work with others, especially if you don’t always agree with them.
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Delhi Circle)
(A.) Communication
(B.) Co-operation
(C.) Honesty
(D.) Integrity
Ans: B
(503.) Who is the Minister of State for communications in India?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Gujarath Circle)
(A.) Shri Ashwini Vaishnav
(B.) Shri Ravishankar Prasad
(C.) Shri Devusinh Chauhan
(D.) Shri Manoj Sinha
Ans: C
(504.) What is Full form of UIDAI?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Gujarath Circle)
(A.) Unique Identify Authority of India
(B.) Unik Identification Authority of India
(C.) Unique Identification Authority of India
(D.) Unique Identification Authorized of India
Ans: C
(505.) Who is the speaker of present Lok Sabha?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Haryana Circle)
(A.) Sh. Om Birla
(B.) Sh.KapilSibal
(C.) Sh.Anurag Singh Thakur
(D.) Sh.Piyush Goyal
Ans: A
(506.) Olympic champion Neeraj Chopra has won which medal in the 2022 world athletics championships?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Bronze
(B.) Silver
(C.) Gold
(D.) None of the above
Ans: B
(507.) A part from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh who are the other member countries of SAARC?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Nepal, Bhutan, Thailand and Singapore
(B.) Nepal, Bhutan, Malaysia and Maldives
(C.) Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan
(D.) Nepal, Bhutan, Singapore and Sri Lanka
Ans: C
(508.) When a cheque is payable across the counter of a bank it is called
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) OTC cheque
(B.) Open cheque
(C.) Crossed Cheque
(D.) Restricted cheque
Ans: B
(509.) The study of phenomenon at very low temperatures is called what?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Jammu Kashmir Circle)
(A.) Heat transfer
(B.) Morphology
(C.) Cryogenics
(D.) Crystallography
Ans: C
(510.) Night blindness is caused by the deficiency of
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Vitamin C
(B.) Vitamin B
(C.) Vitamin D
(D.) Vitamin A
Ans: D
(511.) Which of the following teams is the winner of Ranji Prophy 2022?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Odisha Circle)
(A.) Mumbai
(B.) Sourastra
(C.) Bengal
(D.) Madhya Pradesh
Ans: D
(512.) Neeraj Chopra is related to which sport?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) Discusthrow
(B.) Javelinthrow
(C.) Shot put
(D.) Hammerthrow
Ans: B
(513.) Human Development index is formulated by:
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Rajasthan Circle)
Ans: C
(514.) 44th chess Olympiad is being conducted at
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Telangana Circle)
(A.) Bangalore
(B.) Chennai
(C.) Pune
(D.) Hyderabad
Ans: B
(515.) Neeraj chopra is associated with which sports?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Telangana Circle)
(A.) Cricket
(B.) Boxing
(C.) Javelin
(D.) Hockey
Ans: C
(516.) Consider the following statements:
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Telangana Circle)
Statement I: Mercury has the fastest orbital motion
Statement II: Saturn is the fifth planet from the sun
Which of the statements is/are correct?
(A.) I only
(B.) I and II
(C.) II only
(D.) I and II incorrect
Ans: A
(517.) “Har GharTiranga Abhiyan” is related to which year?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-UttarPradesh Circle)
(A.) 1947
(B.) 1950
(C.) 2021
(D.) 2022
Ans: D
(518.) Who is one of the candidate in Indian Vice Presidential election to be held in the year 2022?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-UttarPradesh Circle)
(A.) Mr.Subramanyam Swamy
(B.) Mr.JagdipDhankad
(C.) Mr. M.Venkaiahnaidu
(D.) Mrs. JayaJaitley
Ans: B
(519.) Who won the gold medal in javelin throw in Tokyo Olympic 2020?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) Neeraj Chopra
(B.) TieHuyen
(C.) JanZeleny
(D.) Anderson Peters
Ans: A
(520.) Which of the following International Tennis tournament held in grass court?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) French open
(B.) US open
(C.) Wimbledon
(D.) Australian open
Ans: C
(521.) Which of the following is responsible for givingcolour to human skin?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) Melanin
(B.) Hemoglobin
(C.) Luciferin
(D.) Flavonoids
Ans: A
(522.) Who has been elected as president of India recently?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) Kiren Rijiju
(B.) Yashwant Sinha
(C.) Ramnath Kovind
(D.) DMurmu
Ans: D
(523.) Which country won the prestigious Thomas cup 2022 award?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) Indonesia
(B.) Malaysia
(C.) India
(D.) Korea
Ans: C
(524.) The FIFA world cup Football 2022 is hosted by which among the following country?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Brazil
(B.) Australia
(C.) Germany
(D.) Qatar
Ans: D
(525.) If a businessperson pays his debt on time to the bank, how is the situation benefitted?
(PA/SA Exam-Cancelled-2019)
(A.) Banking system is strengthened
(B.) Debt will increase in the country
(C.) People will go abroad after taking money from banks
(D.) Business and Economy will be badly affected
Ans: A
(526.) Values which are important for relationship
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Bihar Circle)
(A.) Aggression
(B.) Competition
(C.) Integrity
(D.) Arrogance
Ans: C
(527.) The purpose of value education is to:
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Bihar Circle)
(A.) Foster universal core values
(B.) Make the syllabus easy
(C.) Develop values in individuals
(D.) Both A&C
Ans: D
(528.) Some jobs cannot be done alone and some can be done much better and faster if you posses the quality of
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Gujrath Circle)
(A.) Conspiracy
(B.) Revenge
(C.) Teamwork
(D.) Greed
Ans: C
(529.) ___________are the true reasons for our actions when we have something to lose or gain as a result.
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) Motives
(B.) Plans
(C.) Relations
(D.) Profits
Ans: A
(530.) The word ethics stand for
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) Human values
(B.) Human beliefs
(C.) Study of right and wrong in human behavior
(D.) Human attitude
Ans: C
(531.) Which of the following can be considered as the ability of a person to understand and share someone else’s feelings or experiences by imagining what it would be like to be in that person’s situation
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Integrity
(B.) Empathy
(C.) Transparency
(D.) Sympathy
Ans: B
(532.) It is always important to…………yourself, others and the place where you work.
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Madya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Appearance
(B.) Greed
(C.) Communicate
(D.) Respect
Ans: D
(533.) Which of the following statements are true about ‘Morale’
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Maharashtra Circle)
1) It is a form of ‘attitude’
2) It is reflected in positive feelings about the work group
3) It in stills confidence that difficult goals can be achieved easily
4) It is the knowledge of the distinction between right and wrong action
(A.) 1, 2 and 3
(B.) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(C.) 2 and 3
(D.) 2, 3 and 4
Ans: A
(534.) How does an individual come to be able to make moral decisions?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Maharashtra Circle)
1) By understanding his motives
2) By understanding the consequences of his actions
3) By being deterred and frightened of the penalties incurred on him for his action
4) By understanding the means adopted to execute action
(A.) 1, 2 and 3
(B.) 1, 3 and 4
(C.) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(D.) 1, 2 and 4
Ans: D
(535.) Some jobs cannot be done alone and some can be done much better and faster if you possess the quality of:
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Odisha Circle)
(A.) Responsibility
(B.) Respect
(C.) Teamwork
(D.) Cooperation
Ans: C
(536.) Ethical behavior is a matter of:
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Odisha Circle)
(A.) Acting on a considered judgment
(B.) Juggling standards and business needs
(C.) Obeying the rules
(D.) None of these
Ans: A
(537.) Morality is science of..
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) Virtues
(B.) Vices
(C.) Both (A) and (B)
(D.) Neither (A) and (B)
Ans: C
(538.) To be effective, what must exist between individuals in the relationship?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) Antipathy
(B.) Rivalry
(C.) History
(D.) Empathy
Ans: D
(539.) What among the following elements takes the most direct and immediate set case of conflict of interest by a public official?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Telangana Circle)
(A.) The reputation of the officer
(B.) The trust that the public holds in the
(C.) The legitimacy of the office
(D.) The constitution of India
Ans: B
(540.) What are the possible ethical dilemmas that a whistle blower can face?
(PA/SA Exam 2020-Telangana Circle)
1) Public Interests versus Private interests
2) Citizenship versus Employment
3) Private Benefit versus Employer’s Benefit
4) Short term view versus the long term view
(A.) 1, 2 and 4
(B.) 1, 3 and 4
(C.) 1, 2 and 3
(D.) 1 and 4
Ans: C
(541.) (……….)skills such as writing, speaking and body language are important work ethics so that you can be clear in your messages to others.
(PA/SA Exam 2021-AP Circle)
(A.) Communication
(B.) Cooperation
(C.) Honesty
(D.) Integrity
Ans: A
(542.) If you have…………. you will be a trusted person because they will see that you are committed to your company.
(PA/SA Exam 2021-AP Circle)
(A.) Loyalty
(B.) Organizational Skills
(C.) Productivity
(D.) Respect
Ans: A
(543.) What are Organizational Values?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Chhattisgarh Circle)
(A.) Rules imposed by the Management Team
(B.) Beliefs or guiding principles that are core to the organization and help steer the right actions
(C.) The collective value of the organization’s assets
(D.) A statement setting out the organization’s strategy
Ans: B
(544.) Which of the following is an unethical business practice?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Gujrath Circle)
(A.) Collusion
(B.) False Communication
(C.) Insider Trading
(D.) All of the above
Ans: D
(545.) Fill in the blank with correct option
Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with (PA/SA Exam 2021-Jharkhand Circle)
(A.) Human values
(B.) Honesty
(C.) Moral values
(D.) Integrity
Ans: C
(546.) Fill in the blank with correct option –
In the knowledge tradition of India, ethics has its origin in its ________and philosophical thinking. (PA/SA Exam 2021-Jharkhand Circle)
(A.) Religious
(B.) Political
(C.) Economical
(D.) Social
Ans: A
Exp: In the knowledge tradition of India, ethics has its origin in its religious and
philosophical thinking
(547.) Which among the following is not one of the elements for an individual to be able to make moral decisions?(PA/SA Exam 2021-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Understanding his motives
(B.) Understanding the consequences of his actions
(C.) Being deterred and frightened of the penalties incurred on him for his action
(D.) Understanding the means adopted to execute action
Ans: C
(548.) If you can keep things at work in order to have a neat work place, then you have great(PA/SA Exam 2021-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Loyalty
(B.) Respect
(C.) Productivity
(D.) Organizational skills
Ans: D
(549.) ….work ethics is important because when you are at work, you are expected to perform your duties without wasting time or getting paid for doing very little. (PA/SA Exam 2021-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Productivity
(B.) Loyalty
(C.) Respect
(D.) Organizational skills
Ans: A
(550.) Strong…. means you have a high sense of moral and ethical behavior that earns respect of others.(PA/SA Exam 2021-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Honesty
(B.) Character
(C.) Integrity
(D.) Citric Acid
Ans: B
(551.) …………. is the ability to commit to doing what is right no matter the situation.(PA/SA Exam 2021-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Dedication
(B.) Drive
(C.) Motivation
(D.) Morale
Ans: A
(552.) ______(work ethic) is important because when you are at work you are expected to perform your duties without wasting time or getting paid for doing very little(PA/SA Exam 2021-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Loyalty
(B.) Organizational skills
(C.) Productivity
(D.) Respect
Ans: C
(553.) ______are the true reasons for our actions hen we have something to lose or gain as a result. (PA/SA Exam 2021-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Motives
(B.) Schemes
(C.) Plans
(D.) Rules
Ans: D
(554.) Factors that influence ethical and unethical behavior
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Uttar Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Moral dilemma
(B.) Diversity
(C.) Teamwork
(D.) Open Communication
Ans: A
(555.) It is a problem, situation, opportunity that the individual or community has to choose between different actions as right and wrong?
(PA/SA Exam 2021-Uttar Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Prosecution
(B.) Fraud
(C.) Crisis
(D.) Ethical issue
Ans: D
(556.) Personal commitment to work hard and do one’s very best is associated with which of the following?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Bihar Circle)
(A.) Confidentiality
(B.) Empathy
(C.) Work ethics
(D.) Impartiality
Ans: C
(557.) Nepotism means
(PA/SA Exam 2022-AP Circle)
(A.) Favouring the friends and relatives in office
(B.) Favouring the employees with awards
(C.) Punishing the employees with intention
(D.) None of the above
Ans: A
(558.) Deriving personal benefits out of official decisions is called
(PA/SA Exam 2022-AP Circle)
(A.) Conflict of interest
(B.) Conflict of profit
(C.) Conflict of relationship
(D.) Conflict of trust
Ans: A
(559.) Ethical behavior is a matter of
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Gujarath Circle)
(A.) Juggling standards and business needs
(B.) Obeying the rules
(C.) Acting on a considered judgment
(D.) None of these
(560.) The word “Ehtics” is derived from-
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Gujarath Circle)
(A.) Eternity
(B.) Elementary
(C.) Essentiality
(D.) Ethos
Ans: D
(561.) Personal commitment to work hard and do one’s very best is associated with which of the following?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Haryana Circle)
(A.) Confidentiality
(B.) Empathy
(C.) Work ethics
(D.) Impartiality
Ans: C
(562.) Mr. A delivers a basket of mango to Mr. B mistaking him to be Mr. C and Mr. B consumes those mangos. Hence
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Mr. B is bound to pay any compensation to Mr. A for the value of Mango.
(B.) Mr. B is not bound to pay any compensation as there was no agreement and it is ‘A’s fault.
(C.) Mr. B is bound to pay compensation for value of mango and damages.
(D.) None of the above
Ans: A
(563.) Ethics deals with the standards of:
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Beauty
(B.) Goodness
(C.) Truth
(D.) Fact
Ans: B
(564.) Unselfish concern for other people’s welfare is:
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Egoism
(B.) Altruism
(C.) Individualism
(D.) None of these
Ans: B
(565.) As per Rule 3(1) (i) of the Central Civil Services (conduct) Rules, 1964, every Government servant shall at all times maintain
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Impartiality
(B.) Good behavior with the senior citizens
(C.) Absolute integrity
(D.) None of these
Ans: C
(566.) You are working as PA in a double handed SO. On that day, the regular SPM is on CL on office arrangement. You received and email from Division Office for immediate reply at the closing hour. What will you do?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Odisha Circle)
(A.) Mark the email as unread and remain silent
(B.) Intimate the fact to the regular SPM for necessary action on tomorrow.
(C.) Delete the email and get prepared to reply DO as mail not received
(D.) Attend the email and try to send the reply as per records available
Ans: D
(567.) On the first day of joining, at a new office, due to traffic jamShyaam reached 20 mm late by public transport. His boss welcomed him and said nothing about late coming. What will shyam do from next day?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Odisha Circle)
(A.) He will purchase personal vehicle to come office
(B.) He will start early to avoid traffic rush and reach office timely
(C.) He will come as usual late to office till the warning of his boss
(D.) He will request for transfer to nearer office
Ans: B
(568.) ……. is essential at work because you must be able to work with others, especially if you don’t always agree with them.
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Communication
(B.) Co-operation
(C.) Honesty
(D.) Integrity
Ans: B
(569.) Fairness of process is classified as
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Descriptive justice
(B.) Procedural justice
(C.) Distributive justice
(D.) Severance justice
Ans: B
(570.) The word ethics is derived from which Greek word
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) ethos
(B.) ethies
(C.) ethees
(D.) ethise
Ans: A
(571.) Ethics is the Science of
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) beauty
(B.) truth
(C.) conduct
(D.) mind
Ans: C
(572.) Personal commitment to work hard and do one’s very best is associated with which of the following?
(PA/SA Exam 2022-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Confidentiality
(B.) Empathy
(C.) Work ethics
(D.) Impartiality
Ans: C
(573.) Ethics is the science of
(PA/SA Exam 2022-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Beauty
(B.) Mind
(C.) Truth
(D.) Conduct
Ans: D
(574.) Which among the following is best describes ‘ethics’
(PA/SA Exam 2022-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Always following the law.
(B.) Always doing what is good for oneself
(C.) Standards of what is and what can be good conduct
(D.) Always following societal Norms
Ans: C
(575.) Who has drafted a Constitution for India in 1928 itself?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-AP Circle)
(A.) Dr. B.R.Ambekar
(B.) Sarojini Naidu
(C.) Motilal Nehru
(D.) Abul Kalam Azad
Ans: C
(576.) Who is the present chairman of the Rajya Shaba?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-AP Circle)
(A.) Shri. Om Birla
(B.) Smt.Meera Kumar
(C.) Smt.Draupadi Murmu
(D.) Shri. Jagdeep Dhankhar
Ans: D
(577.) Which is the highest peak in the Eastern Ghats of India?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-AP Circle)
(A.) Dodabetta
(B.) Mahendragiri
(C.) Shevroy hills
(D.) Analmudi
Ans: B
(578.) Tropic of cancer does not pass through which of the following state?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-AP Circle)
(A.) Andhra Pradesh
(B.) Gujarat
(C.) Madhya Pradesh
(D.) West Bengal
Ans: A
(579.) Who among the following is a part of the political executive?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-AP Circle)
(A.) District collector
(B.) Secretary of Ministry of Home affairs
(C.) Home Minister
(D.) Director General of Police
Ans: C
(580.) Who is the present Minister for External affairs of India?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-AP Circle)
(A.) Shri. Jaishankar
(B.) Shri. Rajiv Gauba
(C.) Shri. Ajay kumarbhalla
(D.) None of the above
Ans: A
(581.) Which of the following is the name of the festival celebrated in Punjab during Sankranthi?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-AP Circle)
(A.) Pongal
(B.) Bihu
(C.) Hadaga
(D.) Lohri
Ans: D
(582.) Pingali Venkayya who designed the Indian National flag belongs to which of the following state?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-AP Circle)
(A.) Karnataka
(B.) Andhra Pradesh
(C.) Kerala
(D.) Tamilnadu
Ans: B
(583.) Consider the following factors in making ethical judgment:
1. The motive from which the action springs
2. The nature of the act itself, including the means adopted
3. The resulting consequences
Which of the above factors are correct?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-AP Circle)
(A.) 1 and 2 only
(B.) 1 and 3 only
(C.) 1, 2 and 3
(D.) 2 and 3 only
Ans: C
(584.) Which one of the following built a bridge between Indian culture and Western culture?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-AP Circle)
(A.) Swami Vivekananda
(B.) Narayana guru
(C.) SwamiSivananda Saraswati
(D.) None of the above
Ans: A
(585.) It is important to have a good ……………… be successful in your career
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Assam Circle)
(A.) Appearance
(B.) Attendance
(C.) Attitude
(D.) Respect
Ans: C
(586.) When was the “Quit India” movement launched by Mahatma Gandhi?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Assam Circle)
(A.) 1946 AD
(B.) 1939 AD
(C.) 1942 AD
(D.) 1940 AD
Ans: C
(587.) Which of the following states does not share a boundary with Myanmar?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Assam Circle)
(A.) Arunachal Pradesh
(B.) Manipur
(C.) Nagaland
(D.) Assam
Ans: D
(588.) The member of the Rajya Sabha are elected by
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Assam Circle)
(A.) The people
(B.) Lok Sabha
(C.) Elected members of the Legislative Assembly of the States
(D.) Elected members of the Legislative Council of the States
Ans: C
(589.) Which of the following is “not” a fundamental duty of a Citizen?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Assam Circle)
(A.) Respect for the Constitution
(B.) Respect for the National Flag
(C.) Respect for the National Anthem
(D.) Respect for the Government
Ans: D
(590.) “Martyr’s Day” is celebrated every year on
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Assam Circle)
(A.) 30th January
(B.) 31 January
(C.) 28th January
(D.) 29 January
Ans: A
(591.) “Ethics” is the science of
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Assam Circle)
(A.) Truth
(B.) Beauty
(C.) Conduct
(D.) Mind
Ans: C
(592.) 1024 kilo byte is equal to
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Assam Circle)
(A.) 1 (one) terabyte
(B.) 1 (one) megabyte
(C.) 1 (one) gigabyte
(D.) 1 (one) hexa byte
Ans: B
(593.) Which Indian Academy is promoting dance, drama and music?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Assam Circle)
(A.) Sahitya Academy
(B.) Lalita Kala Academy
(C.) National Theatre Academy
(D.) Sangeet Natak Academy
Ans: D
(594.) The Jakham dam is located in which State?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Assam Circle)
(A.) Madhya Pradesh
(B.) Gujarat
(C.) Rajasthan
(D.) Uttar Pradesh
Ans: C
(595.) Which one of the following state does not share its boundary with Assam?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Bihar Circle)
(A.) Mizoram
(B.) Nagaland
(C.) Manipur
(D.) Sikkim
Ans: D
(596.) Which one of the following river originates from Himalayas?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Bihar Circle)
(A.) Narmada
(B.) Tapti
(C.) Ravi
(D.) Kaveri
Ans: C
(597.) Who is the present Governor of Bihar?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Bihar Circle)
(A.) Dr. C.VAnanda Bose
(B.) ProfGaneshi Lal
(C.) Sh.Phagu Chauhan
(D.) Sh.Mangubhai C. Patel.
(598.) Municipal Corporation is associated with which administrative set up?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Bihar Circle)
(A.) Rural area local bodies
(B.) Hilly area administrative bodies
(C.) Tribal area administrative bodies
(D.) Urban area local bodies
Ans: D
(599.) During Indian freedom struggle in which year the famous Non Cooperation movement started?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Bihar Circle)
(A.) 1918
(B.) 1920
(C.) 1925
(D.) 1930
Ans: B
(600.) Which one of the following was associated with “Bhoodan Movement”?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Bihar Circle)
(A.) Bhagat Singh
(B.) Subhash Chandra Bose.
(C.) Vinoba Bhave
(D.) Mangal Pande
Ans: C
(601.) Madhubani” style is famous for which of the following activity?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Bihar Circle)
(A.) Temple architecture
(B.) Classical music
(C.) Indian painting
(D.) Classical dance
Ans: C
(602.) Famous classical dance “Kathak has its roots in which Indian state?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Bihar Circle)
(A.) Kerala
(B.) Tamil Nadu
(C.) Uttar Pradesh
(D.) Manipur
Ans: C
(603.) The total geographical area of Bihar approximately?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Bihar Circle)
(A.) 94.163 Sq KM
(B.) 84,163 Sq KM
(C.) 74,163 Sq KM
(D.) 64,163 Sq KM
Ans: A
(604.) Personal commitment to work hard and do one’s very best is associated with which of the following?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Bihar Circle)
(A.) Confidentiality
(B.) Empathy
(C.) Work ethics
(D.) Impartiality
Ans: C
(605.) The forest in Sundarban is called
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) Scrub jungle
(B.) Mangrove
(C.) Deciduous forest
(D.) Tundra
Ans: B
(606.) Red soil is normally found in India in which regions?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) Easter Region only
(B.) Southern Region only
(C.) Eastern & Southern part of the Deccan Plateau
(D.) None of these
Ans: C
(607.) Which is not an All India Service?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) Indian Administration Service
(B.) Indian Police Service
(C.) Indian Foreign Service
(D.) Indian Forest Service
Ans: C
(608.) The Drafting of the Constitution was completed on:
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) 26th January, 1950
(B.) 26th December, 1949
(C.) 26th November, 1949
(D.) 30th November, 1949
Ans: C
(609.) Human Development index was formulated by:
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Chattisgarh Circle)
Ans: C
(610.) Which one of the following National Park/Sanctuary is not in Rajasthan?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) Sariska National Park
(B.) Sambar Wildlife Sanctuary
(C.) Rajaji National Park
(D.) Rhanthambore National Park
Ans: C
(611.) Which of the following folk/tribal dances is associated with Karnataka?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) Yakshagana
(B.) Veedhi
(C.) Jatra
(D.) Jhora
Ans: A
(612.) Who founded the association ‘Naujawan Bharat Sabha’ to help foster revolution against the British Raj by gathering together worker and peasant youth in 1928?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) ChandraShekhar Azad
(B.) SuryaSen
(C.) Bhagat Singh
(D.) V.D.Savarkar
Ans: C
(613.) ‘A’ threatened to commit suicide if his wife did not execute a sale deed infavour of his brother. The wife executed the sale deed. This transaction is
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) Voidable due to undue influence.
(B.) Voidable due to coercion.
(C.) Void being immoral.
(D.) Void being forbidden by law.
Ans: B
(614.) Who is liable for necessaries supplied to a minor?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Chattisgarh Circle)
(A.) The guardian of the minor
(B.) The minor
(C.) His property
(D.) None of the above
Ans: C
(615.) Which of the following countries has the longest International boundary with India?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Delhi Circle)
(A.) Bangladesh
(B.) Bhutan
(C.) China
(D.) Pakistan
Ans: A
(616.) Which state of India has the smallest land area?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Delhi Circle)
(A.) Tripura
(B.) Nagaland
(C.) Sikkim
(D.) Goa
Ans: D
(617.) How many Fundamental Duties are in the Indian Constitution at present?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Delhi Circle)
(A.) Nine
(B.) Eleven
(C.) Twelve
(D.) Twenty
Ans: B
(618.) Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with ‘Fundamental Rights’?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Delhi Circle)
(A.) Part-I
(B.) Part-II
(C.) Part-III
(D.) Part-IV
Ans: C
(619.) Which of the following festivals are the boat races a special feature?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Delhi Circle)
(A.) Onam
(B.) Rongali Bihu
(C.) Navratri
(D.) Pongal
Ans: A
(620.) From where did Mahatma Gandhi start his historic Dandi March?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Delhi Circle)
(A.) Sabarmati Ashram
(B.) Chauri Chaura
(C.) Dandi
(D.) Champaran
Ans: A
(621.) Which of the following metals remains in liquid state under normal conditions?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Delhi Circle)
(A.) Radium
(B.) Zink
(C.) Uranium
(D.) Mercury
Ans: D
(622.) In which Article of the Indian Constitution Fundamental Duties have been enumerated?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Delhi Circle)
(A.) 50 A
(B.) 52 A
(C.) 51 A
(D.) 53 A
Ans: C
(623.) Kathak is a classical dance of which place?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Delhi Circle)
(A.) North India
(B.) Tamilnadu
(C.) Manipur
(D.) Kerala
Ans: A
(624.) How many times financial emergency under Article 360 of the Indian Constitution has been declared in India?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Delhi Circle)
(A.) Never
(B.) 21 times
(C.) 19 times
(D.) Only once
Ans: A
(625.) Which country among the following is not a permanent member of UN Security Council?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Gujarath Circle)
(A.) United Kingdom
(B.) Japan
(C.) China
(D.) France
Ans: B
(626.) Lungs are primary organs of
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Gujarath Circle)
(A.) Digestion
(B.) Constipation
(C.) Perspiration
(D.) Respiration
Ans: D
(627.) How many KB is equal to 1 GB?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Gujarath Circle)
(A.) 1024
(B.) 256×1024
(C.) 1024×1024
(D.) 1024X1024X128
Ans: C
(628.) Highest peak in Saputara range is
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Gujarath Circle)
(A.) Dhupgarh
(B.) Pachmari
(C.) Anegondi
(D.) Nilgiri
Ans: A
(629.) Ranthambore is which type of forest
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Gujarath Circle)
(A.) Evergreen forest
(B.) Temperate forest
(C.) Deciduous forest
(D.) Dense forest
Ans: C
(630.) Who elects Vice President of India?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Gujarath Circle)
(A.) Members of Rajya Sabha only
(B.) Members of Lok Sabha only
(C.) Members of Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha
(D.) Members of State Assembly
Ans: C
(631.) How many fundamental duties are listed in article 51 (A)
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Gujarath Circle)
(A.) 9
(B.) 10
(C.) 11
(D.) 12
Ans: C
(632.) Dandi March started on
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Gujarath Circle)
(A.) March 12, 1930
(B.) April 12, 1930
(C.) May 19, 1930
(D.) June 12, 1930
Ans: C
(633.) Short selling of stocks is
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Gujarath Circle)
(A.) Legal in India
(B.) Illegal In India
(C.) Criminal offence In India
(D.) None of the above
Ans: B
(634.) Ghoomar is a traditional dance form of which state?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Gujarath Circle)
(A.) Rajasthan
(B.) Bihar
(C.) Punjab
(D.) Maharashtra
Ans: A
(635.) Read the following statement
(1)Ghaggar river flows in Haryana.
(2)Ghaggar is a penneal river.
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Haryana Circle)
(A.) 1 is correct
(B.) 2 is correct
(C.) Both are correct
(D.) None of the above is correct
Ans: A
(636.) Haryana shares the lengthiest land borders with which state
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Haryana Circle)
(A.) UP
(B.) Rajasthan
(C.) Punjab
(D.) Delhi
Ans: B
(637.) Read the following statement regarding state animals of Haryana –
1) Antilope cervicapra is the state animal.
2) Hunting of this animal is prohibited under Schedule I of the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972.
3) It is the least concern animal as per IUCN red list.
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Haryana Circle)
(A.) 1is not correct
(B.) Only 2 is correct
(C.) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
(D.) Only 3 is correct
Ans: C
(638.) Which of the following presidents of 54 India had shortest tenure?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Haryana Circle)
(A.) S Radhakrishanan
(B.) V.VGiri
(C.) Zakir Hussain
(D.) B DJatti
Ans: C
(639.) Who was the champion of Men’s single ‘India Open Badminton Tournament 2023 recently held in India?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Haryana Circle)
(A.) ViktorAxelsen
(B.) Loh Ken Yew
(C.) Lakshya Sen
(D.) KunlavutVitidsarn
Ans: D
(640.) Arrange the capital cities of India from North to South
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Haryana Circle)
(A.) Jaipur lucknow, Patna, Shillong
(B.) Shillong, Patna, Jaipur Lucknow
(C.) Shillong, Patna, Lucknow, Jaipur
(D.) Jaipur, Shillong, Lucknow, Patna
Ans: C
(641.) The Third battle ofPanipat was fought between?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Haryana Circle)
(A.) Babur & Ibrahim Lodi
(B.) Ahmed ShahAbdali& Marathas
(C.) Akbar &Shershah Suri
(D.) Shershah Suri & Humayun
Ans: B
(642.) Which country touches the Black sea.
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Haryana Circle)
(A.) Ukrain
(B.) Hungry
(C.) Switzerland
(D.) Italy
Ans: A
(643.) Which among the following is India’s first ministry to have an account on twitter?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Haryana Circle)
(A.) Ministry of External Affairs
(B.) Ministry of Commerce and Industry
(C.) Ministry of Finance
(D.) Home Ministry
Ans: A
(644.) Which article is considered as “The heart and soul of Indian Constitution”
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Haryana Circle)
(A.) Article 40
(B.) Article 20
(C.) Article 14
(D.) Article 32
Ans: D
(645.) Which one of the following states does not form part of Narmada River basin?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Madhya Pradesh
(B.) Rajasthan
(C.) Gujarat
(D.) Maharashtra
Ans: B
(646.) With which country, India has the longest International boundary?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Nepal
(B.) Pakistan
(C.) China
(D.) Bangladesh
Ans: D
(647.) If there is a deadlock between Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha over an ordinary bill, it will be resolved by:
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) The President
(B.) The Council of Ministers
(C.) The Joint Session of Parliament
(D.) The Supreme Court
Ans: C
(648.) In the Constitution of India, the budget is known as
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Annual Financial Statement
(B.) Annual Revenue Statement
(C.) Annual Budget Statements
(D.) Annual Expenditure Statement
Ans: A
(649.) The organization Involved primarily with environmental planning is
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
Ans: D
(650.) Which one of the following pairs is wrongly matched?
Place | Location |
(a) Tiananmen Square | Beijing |
(b) Tahrir Square | Abu Dhabi |
(c) Trafalgar Square | London |
(d) Red Square | Moscow |
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) a
(B.) b
(C.) c
(D.) d
Ans: B
(651.) In which of the following festivals are boat races a special feature?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Rongali Bihu
(B.) Onam
(C.) Pongal
(D.) Navratri
Ans: B
(652.) Madhubani’, a style of folk paintings, is popular in which of the following states in India?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Uttar Pradesh
(B.) Rajasthan
(C.) Madhya Pradesh
(D.) Bihar
Ans: D
(653.) M is minor; B, the borrower, approaches M for a loan on the basis of a mortgage of the house owned by B. hence, M advances the money and B executed a mortgage infavour of M. a minor. In these circumstances
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) The mortgage is not enforceable by M, because he is a minor.
(B.) The mortgage is enforceable but only when he attains majority.
(C.) The mortgage is enforceable by M even though he is minor.
(D.) None of the above
Ans: C
(654.) A contract to trade with an enemy is
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Himachal Pradesh Circle)
(A.) An immoral agreement.
(B.) A valid agreement.
(C.) An agreement opposed to public policy
(D.) An enforceable agreement.
Ans: C
(655.) The top of the Indian National Flag contains colour?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Jammu & Kashmir Circle)
(A.) Saffron
(B.) White
(C.) Green
(D.) Blue
Ans: A
(656.) Maharaja Hari Singh belongs to?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Jammu & Kashmir Circle)
(A.) Assam
(B.) Gujarat
(C.) J&K
(D.) Bihar
Ans: C
(657.) Salt March relates to?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Jammu & Kashmir Circle)
(A.) Non-cooperation Movement
(B.) Civil Disobedience Movement
(C.) Quit India Movement
(D.) None of the above
Ans: B
(658.) Gandhiji was born at?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Jammu & Kashmir Circle)
(A.) Porbander
(B.) Nausari
(C.) Ahmedabad
(D.) Surat
Ans: A
(659.) SuryaMandir is located at?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Jammu & Kashmir Circle)
(A.) Sihar
(B.) Konark
(C.) Dehradun
(D.) Kohima
Ans: B
(660.) Who was the first Home Minister of Free India?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Jammu & Kashmir Circle)
(A.) Sardar Patel
(B.) Nehruji
(C.) Netaji
(D.) Maulana Azad
Ans: A
(661.) What is the tenure of the President of India?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Jammu & Kashmir Circle)
(A.) 5 years
(B.) 4 years
(C.) 6 years
(D.) 7 years
Ans: A
(662.) National Anthem is written by?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Jammu & Kashmir Circle)
(A.) Rabindranath Tagore
(B.) Akbar
(C.) Bankimchandra Chatterjee
(D.) None
Ans: A
(663.) Seven Sisters do not include?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Jammu & Kashmir Circle)
(A.) Arunachal
(B.) Tripura
(C.) Sikkim
(D.) Nagaland
Ans: C
(664.) Khetri Mines is located at?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Jammu & Kashmir Circle)
(A.) Bihar
(B.) Assam
(C.) Rajasthan
(D.) Jharkhand
Ans: C
(665.) The YarlungZangbo River, in India, is known as
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) Ganga
(B.) Indus
(C.) Brahmaputra
(D.) Mahanadi
Ans: C
(666.) The Red cliff line is boundary between:
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) India and Pakistan
(B.) India and China
(C.) India and Myanmar
(D.) India and Afghanistan
Ans: A
(667.) Right to life and personal liberty comes under which article?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) Article 19
(B.) Article 21
(C.) Article 23
(D.) Article 17
Ans: B
(668.) How many articles are there in Indian Constitution?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) 380
(B.) 415
(C.) 470
(D.) 450
Ans: C
(669.) National Youth Day is celebrated on the birth anniversary of which personality?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) Bhagat Singh
(B.) Swami Vivekanand
(C.) Mahatma Gandhi.
(D.) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Ans: B
(670.) National Game of India is
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) Hockey
(B.) Cricket
(C.) Wrestling
(D.) Kho kho
Ans: A
(671.) First President of Indian National Congress?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) George Yule
(B.) Dadabhal Naoroji
(C.) Womesh Chandra Banerjee
(D.) Romesh Chunder Dutt
Ans: C
(672.) Who built Humayun’s Tomb in Delhi?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) Babur
(B.) Akbar
(C.) Haji Begum
(D.) Humayun
Ans: C
(673.) Gandhi’s Salt Satyagraha is also known as?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) Non-Cooperation Movement
(B.) Civil Disobedience Movement
(C.) Champaran Satyagraha
(D.) Quit India Movement
Ans: B
(674.) Which value is important to become successful in your professional career.
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Jharkand Circle)
(A.) Appearance
(B.) Attendance
(C.) Attitude
(D.) Respect
Ans: C
(675.) The only zone in the country which produces gold and is also rich in iron is
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Southern Zone
(B.) Northern Zone
(C.) North Easter Zone
(D.) Western Zone
Ans: A
(676.) The percentage of earth surface covered by India is
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) 3.4
(B.) 4.4
(C.) 5.4
(D.) 2.4
Ans: D
(677.) The members of the Panchayat are
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Nominated by the district officer
(B.) The electorates of the respective territorial constituencies
(C.) Nominated by local self-government minister of the state
(D.) Nominated by the block development organization
Ans: B
(678.) The residuary powers can be exercised by the Parliament of India
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) At all times
(B.) Only during national emergency
(C.) During national emergency as well as constitutional emergency as well in a state
(D.) None of the above
Ans: A
(679.) Entomology is the science that studies
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Behavior of human beings
(B.) Insects
(C.) The origin and history of technical and scientific terms
(D.) The formation of rocks
Ans: B
(680.) Garampani Sanctuary is situated in
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Assam
(B.) Gujarat
(C.) West Bengal
(D.) Sikkim
Ans: A
(681.) The treaty of Srirangapatna was signed between Tipu Sultan and
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Robert Clive
(B.) Dalhousie
(C.) Warren Hastings
(D.) Cornwallis
Ans: D
(682.) The title given by the British Government to Mahatma Gandhi which he surrendered during the non-cooperation movement was
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Hind Keasri
(B.) Kaiser-e-Hind
(C.) Ral Bahadur
(D.) Rt. Honorable
Ans: B
(683.) Ethics means
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) Moral Judgments
(B.) Determinants of what is wrong or right
(C.) Standards governing a Profession
(D.) All of the above
Ans: D
(684.) What does Corporate Social Responsibility mean?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Karnataka Circle)
(A.) The responsibility of an organization to use its resources solely to increase profits
(B.) The responsibility of an organization to fulfill its economic, social and environmental obligations to all of its stakeholders
(C.) The responsibility of an organization to donate any excess profits to charities and community organizations
(D.) The responsibility of an organization to protect the environment at all costs
Ans: B
(685.) Which of the following is not suitable for agriculture?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Desert soil
(B.) Alluvial soil
(C.) Black soil
(D.) Laterite soil
(686.) Statue of Unity is located at
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Tamilnadu
(B.) Rajasthan
(C.) Maharashtra
(D.) Gujarat
Ans: D
(687.) Who is the present Chief of Defence Staff of Indian Armed Forces?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Kerala Circle)
(A.) GeneralManoj Pande
(B.) General AnilChauhan
(C.) GeneralBipin Rawat
(D.) Admiral R.Hari Kumar
Ans: B
(688.) Which country is not a part of the member countries In G20?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Kerala Circle)
(A.) China
(B.) United States of America
(C.) Pakistan
(D.) South Africa
Ans: C
(689.) In which state, the recently Inaugurated New Zuari Bridge across Zuari River exists?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Goa
(B.) Uttarakhand
(C.) Gujarat
(D.) Madhya Pradesh
Ans: A
(690.) Jal Jeevan Mission is envisioned to provide safe and adequate drinking water in Rural India through house hold tap connections by the year…….
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Kerala Circle)
(A.) 2022
(B.) 2023
(C.) 2024
(D.) 2025
Ans: C
(691.) Chhath puja is celebrated in……….
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Kerala Circle)
(A.) J&K
(B.) Jharkhand
(C.) Punjab
(D.) Gujarat
(692.) Dak Karmayogi is
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Kerala Circle)
(A.) An e-Commerce portal of Department of Posts
(B.) An e-Learning platform of Department of Posts
(C.) An e-Auction portal of Department of Posts
(D.) None of the above
Ans: B
(693.) The word “Ethics” comes from
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Kerala Circle)
(A.) Ethos
(B.) Eternity
(C.) Elementary
(D.) Essentiality
Ans: A
(694.) It is important for a government servant to maintain
I. Absolute integrity all times
II. Absolute devotion to duty all times
III. High ethical standards and honesty
IV. Political neutrality
Which of the following is correct in respect of the above statement
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Kerala Circle)
(A.) I & II only
(B.) I, II, III & IV
(C.) IV only
(D.) I only
Ans: B
(695.) Which one of the following state does not share its boundary with Assam?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Mizoram
(B.) Nagaland
(C.) Manipur
(D.) Sikkim
Ans: D
(696.) Which one of the following river originates from Himalayas?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Narmada
(B.) Tapti
(C.) Ravi
(D.) Kaveri
Ans: C
(697.) Who is the present Governor of Bihar?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Dr. C.VAnanda Bose
(B.) Prof Ganeshi Lal
(C.) Sh.Phagu Chauhan
(D.) Sh.Mangubhai C. Patel.
(698.) Municipal Corporation is associated with which administrative set up?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Rural area local bodies
(B.) Hilly area administrative bodies
(C.) Tribal area administrative bodies
(D.) Urban area local bodies
Ans: D
(699.) During Indian freedom struggle in which year the famous Non Cooperation movement started?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) 1918
(B.) 1921
(C.) 1925
(D.) 1930
(700.) Which one of the following was associated with “Bhoodan Movement”?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Bhagat Singh
(B.) Subhash Chandra Bose.
(C.) Vinoba Bhave
(D.) Mangal Pande
Ans: C
(701.) Madhubani” style is famous for which of the following activity?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Temple architecture
(B.) Classical music
(C.) Indian painting
(D.) Classical dance
Ans: C
(702.) Famous classical dance “Kathak” has its roots in which Indian state?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Kerala
(B.) Tamil Nadu
(C.) Uttar Pradesh
(D.) Manipur
Ans: C
(703.) The total geographical area of Bihar approximately?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) 94.163 Sq KM
(B.) 84,163 Sq KM
(C.) 74,163 Sq KM
(D.) 64,163 Sq KM
Ans: A
(704.) Personal commitment to work hard and do one’s very best is associated with which of the following?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Madhya Pradesh Circle)
(A.) Confidentiality
(B.) Empathy
(C.) Work ethics
(D.) Impartiality
Ans: C
(705.) Kalpana Chawla was born in this city
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) Ambala
(B.) Modi Nagar
(C.) Ludhiana
(D.) Karnal
Ans: D
(706.) Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre is located in this city
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) Sriharikota
(B.) Trivendrum
(C.) Ahmedabad
(D.) Bangalore
Ans: B
(707.) Which among the following is least prone to fire?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) Terry cot
(B.) Nylon
(C.) Rayon
(D.) Cotton
Ans: D
(708.) Which of the following lies on the river Nile
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) Kinshasa
(B.) Khartoum
(C.) Nairobi
(D.) Addis Ababa
Ans: B
(709.) After the first war of Independence, the Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah-II was exiled to
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) Rangoon
(B.) Port Blair
(C.) Kabul
(D.) London
Ans: A
(710.) Who is considered the father of Mathematics?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) Pythagorus
(B.) Euclid
(C.) Lao Tzu
(D.) Ramanujam
Ans: B
(711.) Who was the first Chief Election Commissioner of India?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) Sukumar Sen
(B.) KVKSundaram
(C.) SPSen Varma
(D.) Dr.Nagendra Singh
Ans: A
(712.) Which of the following constitutional amendments states that 1/3 of the seats in each Gram Panchayat would be reserved for women?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) 81
(B.) 84
(C.) 71
(D.) 73
Ans: D
(713.) In which year was Mangalyaan launched by ISRO?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) 2013
(B.) 2014
(C.) 2015
(D.) 2016
Ans: A
(714.) Who is the first citizen of India?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) Prime Minister
(B.) President of India
(C.) Speaker of Lok saba
(D.) Chief Justice of India
Ans: B
(715.) The smallest ocean in the world is
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Maharashtra Circle)
(A.) Indian
(B.) Pacific
(C.) Arctic
(D.) Atlantic
Ans: C
(716.) Who allots symbol to political parties?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-North East Circle)
(A.) The constitution of India
(B.) The Party leaders
(C.) The Election Commission
(D.) The Government of India.
Ans: C
(717.) In the Indian mythology, who sung ShivaTandava Stotra?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-North East Circle)
(A.) Ravana
(B.) Rama
(C.) Kuber
(D.) Vibhishana
Ans: A
(718.) Who built a bridge between Indian culture and Western cultures?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-North East Circle)
(A.) Akbar
(B.) Swami Vivekananda
(C.) Aurangzeb
(D.) Jawaharlal Nehru
Ans: B
(719.) Which wildlife sanctuary is situated in Mizoram?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-North East Circle)
(A.) Sonal Rupai
(B.) Manas
(C.) Trishna
(D.) Murlen
Ans: D
(720.) Who was the first Chief Minister of Assam?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-North East Circle)
(A.) Gopinath Bordoloi
(B.) Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed
(C.) Golap Borbora
(D.) Bishnu Ram Medhi
Ans: A
(721.) The term ‘Dribble’ is associated with?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-North East Circle)
(A.) Basket Ball
(B.) Cricket
(C.) Tennis
(D.) Hockey
Ans: A
(722.) Titagarh, Amlal and Nepanagar are known for:
(PA/SA Exam 2023-North East Circle)
(A.) Ship Building
(B.) Sugar Industry
(C.) Paper Industry
(D.) Iron and Steel Industry
Ans: C
(723.) Which government has two or more levels?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-North East Circle)
(A.) Coalition Government
(B.) Federal Government
(C.) Unitary Government
(D.) Community Government
Ans: B
(724.) Which type of government is chosen by the people?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-North East Circle)
(A.) Democratic Government
(B.) Dictatorship
(C.) Monarchy Government
(D.) None of these
Ans: A
(725.) Khilafat movement was organized by?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-North East Circle)
(A.) Jinnah
(B.) Aga Khan
(C.) Maulana Jafar
(D.) All Brothers
Ans: D
(726.) “Ethics is the science of
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Odisha Circle)
(A.) Truth
(B.) Beauty
(C.) Conduct
(D.) Mind
Ans: C
(727.) It is important to have a good ……… to be successful in your career
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Odisha Circle)
(A.) Appearance
(B.) Attendance
(C.) Attitude
(D.) Respect
Ans: C
(728.) Which of the following states does not share a boundary with Myanmar?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Odisha Circle)
(A.) Arunachal Pradesh
(B.) Manipur
(C.) Nagaland
(D.) Assam
Ans: D
(729.) The Jakham dam is located in which State?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Odisha Circle)
(A.) Madhya Pradesh
(B.) Gujarat
(C.) Rajasthan
(D.) Uttar Pradesh
Ans: C
(730.) Which of the following is “not” a fundamental duty of a Citizen?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Odisha Circle)
(A.) Respect for the Constitution
(B.) Respect for the National Flag
(C.) Respect for the National Anthem
(D.) Respect for the Government
Ans: D
(731.) The member of the Rajya Sabha are elected by
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Odisha Circle)
(A.) The people
(B.) Lok Sabha
(C.) Elected members of the Legislative Assembly of the States
(D.) Elected members of the Legislative Council of the States
Ans: C
(732.) 1024 kilo byte is equal to
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Odisha Circle)
(A.) 1 (one) terabyte
(B.) 1 (one) megabyte
(C.) 1 (one) gigabyte
(D.) 1 (one) hexabyte
Ans: B
(733.) “Martyr’s Day” is celebrated every year on
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Odisha Circle)
(A.) 30 January
(B.) 31 January
(C.) 28 January
(D.) 29 January
Ans: A
(734.) Which Indian Academy is promoting dance, drama and music
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Odisha Circle)
(A.) Sahitya Academy
(B.) Lalita Kala Academy
(C.) National Theatre Academy
(D.) Sangeet Natak Academy
Ans: D
(735.) When was the “Quit India” movement launched by Mahatma Gandhi?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Odisha Circle)
(A.) 1946 AD
(B.) 1939 AD
(C.) 1942 AD
(D.) 1940 AD
Ans: C
(736.) The headquarters of North Western Railway is located?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Gwalior
(B.) Bhopal
(C.) Jaipur
(D.) Chandigarh
Ans: C
(737.) The Barak is famous river of?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Satpura Hills
(B.) Manipur Hills
(C.) EasterGhat
(D.) WesternGhat
Ans: B
(738.) By which Constitutional Amendment Act was the elementary education made a fundamental right under Article 21-47
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Punjab Circle)
(A.) The 81st Constitutional Amendment Act 2000
(B.) The 80th Constitutional Amendment Act 2002
(C.) The 88th Constitutional Amendment Act 2004
(D.) The 96th Constitutional Amendment Act 2011
Ans: B
(739.) The states of Manipur, Tripura and Meghalaya were formed in?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Punjab Circle)
(A.) 1972
(B.) 1975
(C.) 1976
(D.) 1978
Ans: A
(740.) Who is the author of the book “A Minister and his responsibilities”?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Dr.Rajendra Prasad
(B.) Sh.Moraji Desal
(C.) Dr.Manmohan Singh
(D.) Sh APJ Abdul Kalam
Ans: B
(741.) The National Safety Day (NSD) is observed annually on which date in India?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Punjab Circle)
(A.) 1 March
(B.) 2 March
(C.) 3 March
(D.) 4 March
Ans: D
(742.) Which was the ancient port of Indus Civilization?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Harappa
(B.) Lotha
(C.) Surkotada
(D.) Dholvira
Ans: B
(743.) How many British members were there in the Simon Commission?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Punjab Circle)
(A.) 4
(B.) 5
(C.) 6
(D.) 7
Ans: D
(744.) Ethics is always absolute
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Punjab Circle)
(A.) True
(B.) False
(C.) Cannot be determined
(D.) None of these
Ans: A
(745.) Strong………..means you have a high sense of moral and ethical behavior than earns respect of others
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Punjab Circle)
(A.) Honesty
(B.) Character
(C.) Integrity
(D.) Citric Acid
Ans: B
(746.) Which of the following is called the ‘ecological hot spot of India’
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) Western Ghats
(B.) Easter Ghats
(C.) Western Himalayas
(D.) Easter Himalayas
Ans: A
(747.) With which country India has the longest International boundary?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) Nepal
(B.) Pakistan
(C.) China
(D.) Bangladesh
Ans: D
(748.) The speaker of the Lok Sabha has to address his/her letter of resignation to
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) Prime Minister of India
(B.) President of India
(C.) Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha
(D.) Minister of Parliamentary Affairs
Ans: C
(749.) Which type of democracy do we follow in India?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) Direct
(B.) Presidential
(C.) Representative
(D.) Dictatorship
Ans: C
(750.) First Indian Prime Minister to visit Siachen has been
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) Rajiv Gandhi
(B.) Inder Kumar Gujaral
(C.) Man Mohan Singh
(D.) Narendra Modi
Ans: C
(751.) What is the name of the currency of Bangladesh?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) Taka
(B.) Lek
(C.) Dinar
(D.) Peso
Ans: A
(752.) Which of the following folk/tribal dances is associated with Uttar Pradesh?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) Veedhi
(B.) Thora
(C.) Tamasha
(D.) Raut
Ans: B
(753.) Which among the following incidents took place immediately after the Chauri-Chaura incident?
1. Gandhi called off Civil Disobedience Movement
2. Gandhi was arrested and sent to jail
3. Swaraj Party was established
Which among the above statements is/are correct?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) Only 1 & 2
(B.) Only 2 & 3
(C.) Only 1&3
(D.) 1, 2&3
Ans: B
(754.) A paid 500 to a Government servant to get him a contract for the canteen. The Government servant I could not get the contract for A. can A recover 500 paid by him to the Government servant?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) Yes, the agreement between them is valid and enforceable.
(B.) Yes, the agreement is not opposed to public policy,
(C.) No, the agreement is a voidable agreement and can be avoided by A
(D.) No, the agreement is void.
Ans: D
(755.) S sells certain goods to B of Bombay. The goods are handed over to the railways for transmission to B. in. the meantime, B sells the goods to a third party T for consideration without the consent of S. B becomes Insolvent. In this case
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Rajasthan Circle)
(A.) S has the right of stoppage in transit.
(B.) 5has lost his right of stoppage in transit.
(C.) Station Master has the right of stoppage in transit.
(D.) None of the above.
Ans: C
(756.) Sinovac, Covaxin, Covishield are names of
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Covid Vaccines
(B.) Enzymes secreted by the adrenalin gland
(C.) Viruses
(D.) All the above
Ans: A
(757.) Hornbill festival is celebrated in which of the following Indian States?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Manipur
(B.) Nagaland
(C.) Meghalaya
(D.) Mizoram
Ans: B
(758.) Which of the following matches of mangrove forests of India and their places are correct?
i. Bhitarkanika: Odisha
ii. Sundarban: West Bengal
iii. Pichavaram: Tamil Nadu
iv. Coringa: Andhra Pradesh
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) i & iii are correct
(B.) i, ii & iii are correct
(C.) i & iii are correct
(D.) All are correct
Ans: D
(759.) Which of the following hill stations is referred to as the Queen of Satpura?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Amarkantak
(B.) Pachmarhi
(C.) Yusmarg
(D.) Palampur
Ans: B
(760.) What is “Bicameral Legislature”?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) A single house assembly
(B.) An secret Legislature
(C.) A Legislature consisting of a lower and a upper house
(D.) Parliamentary System of Government
Ans: C
(761.) What is the minimum age required to become a member of Rajya Sabha?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) 21 years
(B.) 25 years
(C.) 30 years
(D.) 32 years
Ans: C
(762.) Oath of office to the President of India is administered by which of the following?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Vice President of India
(B.) Chief Election Commissioner of India
(C.) Chief Justice of India.
(D.) Attorney General of India
Ans: C
(763.) Which country will host the 15th BRICS summit in August 2023?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Brazil
(B.) Spain
(C.) India
(D.) South Africa
Ans: D
(764.) World Cancer Day is celebrated on?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) January 28
(B.) February 4
(C.) March 13
(D.) April 19
Ans: B
(765.) Sarang, Chetah, Dhruv are names of?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Tamilnadu Circle)
(A.) Stars of the Great Bear constellations
(B.) Musical Instruments
(C.) Helicopters
(D.) Missiles developed by DRDO
Ans: C
(766.) Kalhana wrote
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Telangana Circle)
(A.) Kumarasambhava
(B.) Amukthamalyada
(C.) Rajatarangini
(D.) Gitagovinda
Ans: C
(767.) Uthiramerur inscription belongs to
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Telangana Circle)
(A.) Cheras
(B.) Kakatiyas
(C.) Cholas
(D.) Rashtrakutas
Ans: C
(768.) Where is ICF located?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Telangana Circle)
(A.) Bangalore
(B.) Chennai
(C.) Hyderabad
(D.) Mumbai
Ans: A
(769.) The Indian State which has the longest Coastline is
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Telangana Circle)
(A.) Tamilnadu
(B.) Kerala
(C.) Andhra Pradesh
(D.) Gujarath
Ans: D
(770.) Who was the Chief Guest of 74 Republic day celebrations of India?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Telangana Circle)
(A.) President of USA
(B.) Prime Minister of UK
(C.) President of Egypt
(D.) President of Sri Lanka
Ans: C
(771.) Who allots symbol to Political Parties
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Telangana Circle)
(A.) The president of India.
(B.) The parliament
(C.) The Election Commission of India
(D.) The Prime Minister of India
Ans: C
(772.) Which one of the following is not one of the three organs of Government?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Telangana Circle)
(A.) Legislative
(B.) Executive
(C.) Bureaucracy
(D.) Judiciary
Ans: C
(773.) Utkal plain is found in…….. State
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Telangana Circle)
(A.) Andhra Pradesh
(B.) Maharashtra
(C.) Odisha
(D.) Tamilnadu
Ans: C
(774.) If you can keep things at work in order and have a neat workplace, then you have great…….
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Telangana Circle)
(A.) Loyalty
(B.) Organization skills
(C.) Communication skills
(D.) Humour
Ans: B
(775.) Having……..means you can be trusted to do what you are expected to do at work
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Telangana Circle)
(A.) Responsibility
(B.) Respect
(C.) Teamwork
(D.) Cooperation
Ans: A
(776.) Which one of the following state does not share its boundary with Assam?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Uttarakhand Circle)
(A.) Mizoram
(B.) Nagaland
(C.) Manipur
(D.) Sikkim
Ans: D
(777.) Which one of the following river originates from Himalayas?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Uttarakhand Circle)
(A.) Narmada
(B.) Tapti
(C.) Ravi
(D.) Kaveri
Ans: C
(778.) Who is the present Governor of Bihar?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Uttarakhand Circle)
(A.) Dr. C.VAnanda Bose
(B.) ProfGaneshi Lal
(C.) Sh.Phagu Chauhan
(D.) Sh.Mangubhai C. Patel.
(779.) Municipal Corporation is associated with which administrative set up?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Uttarakhand Circle)
(A.) Rural area local bodies
(B.) Hilly area administrative bodies
(C.) Tribal area administrative bodies
(D.) Urban area local bodies
Ans: D
(780.) During Indian freedom struggle in which year the famous Non Cooperation movement started?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Uttarakhand Circle)
(A.) 1918
(B.) 1921
(C.) 1925
(D.) 1930
(781.) Which one of the following was associated with “Bhoodan Movement”?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Uttarakhand Circle)
(A.) Bhagat Singh
(B.) Subhash Chandra Bose.
(C.) Vinoba Bhave
(D.) Mangal Pande
Ans: C
(782.) Madhubani” style is famous for which of the following activity?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Uttarakhand Circle)
(A.) Temple architecture
(B.) Classical music
(C.) Indian painting
(D.) Classical dance
Ans: C
(783.) Famous classical dance “Kathak has its roots in which Indian state?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Uttarakhand Circle)
(A.) Kerala
(B.) Tamil Nadu
(C.) Uttar Pradesh
(D.) Manipur
Ans: C
(784.) The total geographical area of Bihar approximately?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Uttarakhand Circle)
(A.) 94.163 Sq KM
(B.) 84,163 Sq KM
(C.) 74,163 Sq KM
(D.) 64,163 Sq KM
Ans: A
(785.) Personal commitment to work hard and do one’s very best is associated with which of the following?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Uttarakhand Circle)
(A.) Confidentiality
(B.) Empathy
(C.) Work ethics
(D.) Impartiality
Ans: C
(786.) Postage stamps were started in India during the time of which Governor General of the British Government?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Uttarpradesh Circle)
(A.) Lord William Bentinck
(B.) Lord Canning
(C.) Lord Dalhousie
(D.) Lord Auckland
Ans: C
(787.) Swarajya is my birthright and I will have it – who said this?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Uttarpradesh Circle)
(A.) Subhash Chandra Bose
(B.) BalGangadhar Tilak
(C.) Mahatma Gandhi
(D.) Motilal Nehru
Ans: B
(788.) According to the Indian Constitution, who is the Supreme Commander of the three armies of the country?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Uttarpradesh Circle)
(A.) Chief of Army Staff
(B.) Chief of Defence Staff
(C.) The President
(D.) Defence Minister
Ans: C
(789.) What is the name of the present Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Uttarpradesh Circle)
(A.) Justice Ranjan Gogol
(B.) Justice S. A.Bobde
(C.) Justice Ranjana Desai
(D.) Justice D Y Chandrachud
Ans: D
(790.) The concept of fundamental rights in the constitution of India has been taken from the constitution of which country?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Uttarpradesh Circle)
(A.) USA.
(B.) U.K
(C.) Ireland
(D.) Canada
Ans: A
(791.) Why is ‘Vande Bharat’ in news?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Uttarpradesh Circle)
(A.) Being the national song of India
(B.) Being the national anthem of India
(C.) Being the fastest train of India
(D.) All of the above
Ans: C
(792.) Where is Sariska Bird Sanctuary located?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Uttarpradesh Circle)
(A.) Uttar Pradesh
(B.) Madhya Pradesh
(C.) Chhattisgarh
(D.) Rajasthan
Ans: D
(793.) Match the following
A. Increase in food production | 1. Blue revolution. |
B. Milk production | 2. Brown revolution |
C. Fertilizer production | 3. White revolution |
D. Fish production | 4. Green revolution |
The correct answer is
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Uttarpradesh Circle)
(A.) A-4 B-2 C-1 D-3
(B.) A-4 B-3 C-2 D-1
(C.) A-1 B-2 C-4 D-3
(D.) A-2 B-4 C-3 D-1
Ans: B
(794.) Fill in the blank-
Ethics deals with the correctness of………………
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Uttarpradesh Circle)
(A.) Conduct
(B.) Thought
(C.) Perception
(D.) Intuition
Ans: A
(795.) Fill in the blanks
A motive is………..mental process
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Uttarpradesh Circle)
(A.) An intuitive
(B.) An unconscious
(C.) A conscious
(D.) An immediate
Ans: C
(796.) Postage stamps were started in India during the time of which Governor General of the British Government?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-Uttarpradesh Circle)
(A.) Lord William Bentinck
(B.) Lord Canning
(C.) Lord Dalhousie
(D.) Lord Auckland
Ans: C
(797.) The southernmost part of India, i.e.,Kanya kumari is…………..
(PA/SA Exam 2023-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) North of equator
(B.) South of Capricorn
(C.) North of tropic of cancer
(D.) None of the above
Ans: A
(798.) The ratio of width of Indian National Flag to its length is
(PA/SA Exam 2023-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) 3:5
(B.) 2:3
(C.) 3:4
(D.) 4:3
Ans: B
(799.) In India, the YarlungZangbo River, is known as
(PA/SA Exam 2023-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Indus
(B.) Ganga
(C.) Mahanadi
(D.) Brahmaputra
Ans: D
(800.) The minimum age to qualify for election to Lok Sabha is
(PA/SA Exam 2023-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) 25 years
(B.) 21 years
(C.) 27 years
(D.) 35 years
Ans: A
(801.) The members of Rajya Sabha are elected by
(PA/SA Exam 2023-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Lok Sabha
(B.) The People
(C.) Elected Members of Legislative Assembly
(D.) All members of Legislative Council
Ans: C
(802.) Who was the first Asian winner of Nobel Prize……
(PA/SA Exam 2023-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) C. V. Raman
(B.) Rabindranath Tagore
(C.) Rajiv Gandhi
(D.) Mother Teresa
Ans: B
(803.) The current Lok Sabha is the………..
(PA/SA Exam 2023-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) 15th
(B.) 17th
(C.) 18th
(D.) 16th
Ans: B
(804.) B. C. Roy award is given in the field of………
(PA/SA Exam 2023-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Music
(B.) Medicine
(C.) Environment
(D.) Sports
Ans: B
(805.) Ethics is science of……….
(PA/SA Exam 2023-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Truth
(B.) Law
(C.) Conduct
(D.) Mind
Ans: C
(806.) “Mohinattam dance developed originally from which state?
(PA/SA Exam 2023-West Bengal Circle)
(A.) Kerala
(B.) Tamilnadu
(C.) Orissa
(D.) Karnataka
Ans: A
AP postal Circle
Assam postal Circle
Bihar postal Circle
Chhattisgarh postal Circle
Delhi postal Circle
Gujarat postal Circle
Haryana postal Circle
Himachal Pradesh postal Circle
Jammu & Kashmir postal Circle
Jharkhand postal Circle
Karnataka postal Circle
Kerala postal Circle
Madhya Pradesh postal Circle
Maharashtra postal Circle
North East postal Circle
Orrisa postal Circle/Odisha postal Circle
Punjab postal Circle
Rajasthan postal Circle
Tamil Nadu postal Circle
Telangana postal Circle
Uttarakhand postal Circle
Uttar Pradesh postal Circle
West Bengal postal Circle
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