Click Here to download Andhra Pradesh Circle MTS Direct Recruitment Admit Card.
EXAM DATE 22/10/17. AT10:00 to 12:00 and 2:00 P.M TO 4:00
Dear Candidate,
- The candidates to bring their original photo identity along with a photocopy of same, issued by the Central/ State Govt or original 10th class certificate with photo or Voter ID or Aadhar Card or passport copy or ID card issued by School or College with photo and to produce the same in the examination hall for verification of their identity with the details in Admit card. The photocopy of the same photo identity card is to be handed over to the room invigilator.
- You are requested to appear for the written test at the Centre on the date and time specified below. In case of your scanned photograph is not available on the admit card then you have to paste your recent passport size photograph and then attestation be done by a gazetted officer in such a manner that one part of the attestation appear on the photograph and other part on the paper,failing which you will not be allowed in the written test.
- The Admit Card should be brought to the examination centre and handed over to the Room Invigilator.
- You should reach the test centre before the reporting time as mentioned above. Candidate coming late beyond 15 minutes from start of the examination shall not be permitted to appear in the examination.
- Your candidature for this test is provisional and is subject to your fulfillment of the prescribed educational and other eligibly conditions etc. as per department rules, failing which your candidature will be summarily rejected at the further stages of verification and scrutiny during the selection process.
- Request for change of Test Centre/test date and address of correspondence shall not be entertained under any circumstances..
- You may kindly note that no traveling expenses will be admissible for appearing in the examination.
- Please note down your Roll Number and Registration Number for future reference and keep a photocopy with you as this Admit Card in original will be collected from you.
- Please ensure that you bring with you blue or black ball point pen for appearing in the written test.
- Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate