RRB Coaching in Vijayawada
If you are searching for the best RRB Coaching in Vijayawada then you’re at the right place , V V Academy is the best coaching centre in Vijayawada to provide the best coaching for RRB Coaching . It is the No 1 institute for training the candidate to reach their dream in achieving RRB Job and other Government Sector Jobs . We are the leaders in every sector of government examination and best in the Vijayawada , We at V V Academy provide Coaching for all sectors of RRB – RRB ALP , NTPC , TC /RPF Coaching ,RRB Asst Loco Pilot, Group D

RRB Coaching in Vijayawada
Indian Railways Services Recruitment Exams
Indian Railways, one of the largest rail network in the world recruits large number of personnel in various cadres. Indian Railways is divided into zones, which are further sub-divided into divisions. These zone and divisions have technical and non technical departments to which recruitment are done through competitive exams
Staff are classified into gazetted (Group A and B) and non-gazetted (Group C and D) employees. The recruitment of Group A gazetted employees is carried out by the Union Public Service Commission through exams conducted by it. The recruitment to Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ employees on the Indian Railways is done through 19 Railway Recruitment Boards which are controlled by the Railway Recruitment Control Board (RRCB). The training of all cadres is entrusted and shared between six centralised training institutes.
Group A
Recruitment to Group A Service in the various departments of Railways are made through
(a) Competitive Examination held by the Union Public Service Commission. Mainly the exams are as under
* Civil Service Examination for Indian Railway Traffic Services (IRTS) and the Indian Railways Accounts Services (IRAS)
* Combined Engineering Service for Indian Railway Service of Engineers (IRSE), Indian Railway Service of Electrical Engineers (IRSEE), Indian Railway Services of Signal Engineers (IRSSE) and Indian Railway Store Service (IRSS)
(b) Promotion of officers in Group B Service including officiating Group B Railway officers of the service or department;
(c) By appointment of candidates initially recruited as Special Class Apprentices on the results of the examination conducted by U.P.S.C. in accordance with the rules for recruitment to Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineers.
(d) By transfer of an officer in service of the Government provided the recruitment rules include a provision to this effect;
(e) By occasional admission of other qualified persons in consultation with the U.P.S.C
Group B
Group B officers are directly promoted from Group C.
Group C
Railway Group C Jobs Recruitment: Railway issued employment notification for these posts. There are both Technical and Non-technical jobs in Group c posts. The Railway Recruitment Control Board recruits Group C posts both technical and non technical by its 21 Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) across all zones in Indian Railways.
- Non Technical Posts: There are two types of Non Technical Popular Category posts. They are Graduate Level and Under Graduate Level. Some of the Non-Technical posts are Commercial Apprentice, Traffic Apprentice (TA), Assistant Station Masters (ASM), Goods Guard, Senior Clerks, Reservation Clerk, AccountsAssistant, Trains Clerks, Clerk Typist, Ticket Collectors, Commercial Clerk, Ticket Examiner (TE) and various others.
- Technical Posts: Some of the Technical posts are Technical engineers in Signal, Telecommunication, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and others.
Group D
Railway Group D Jobs Recruitment: The Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC) recruits various Group D posts in Indian Railway at the Divisional level. These Railway Group D jobs include Trackman, peon, tracker, gunman, Safaiwala, Points man, Gate man, Porter and various other posts.
Group C and Group D posts on Indian Railways and other Railway Administration are filled in either of the following ways according to the relevant recruitment rules or other extant orders, if any—
(i) by direct recruitment;
(ii) by promotion;
(iii) by transfer of suitable staff, if necessary, from other Government offices.
Direct recruitment to Railway Services, Group C are made through Railway Recruitment Board for different Zonal Railways/Production Units.
In all, there are 19 RRBs, which cater to the respective zonal staffing requirements. Based on staff requirements, Employment Notifications are released in Employment News ( A publication of the Government of India) and Indicative advertisements in other News Papers .
There are generally two Notifications in a year by each RRB.
Recruitment to the non-technical categories in Class III services, i.e., Clerks, Assistant Station Masters, Ticket Collectors, Train Clerks, Traffic Apprentice, Goods Guards etc., is done through direct recruitment to these categories by a competitive examination conducted by the Railway Recruitment Boards. These Boards are located at Allahabad, Ahmedabad, Ajmer, Chandigarh, Jammu, Gorakhpur, Patna, Guwahati, Calcutta, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Thiruvananthapuram, Bangalore, Secunderabad, Mumbai, Bhopal, Malda, Ranchi, etc. The Boards advertise the vacancies through a combined advertisement in Newspapers/ Employment News and conduct written examination.The employment notification is also published on the web sites of the railway boards as well as leading newspapers of different areas.
There shall be a single stage common CBT (Computer Based Test) for all the 8 notified categories followed by
Aptitude Test/Typing Skill Test wherever necessary as per the posts.
- Aptitude Test is required for ASM and Traffic Assistant only.
- Typing test is required for Senior Time Keeper, Senior Clerk-cum-Typist, Junior Accounts-Assistant cum
Typist only. - Typing Speed 25 WPM in Hindi and 30 WPM in English.
Indian Railway Eligibility Criteria
Check Indian Railway Eligibility Criteria for all Technical & Non-technical cadres!!! Indian Railway stands for Railway Control Board (RCB) which conducts various examinations every year to fill up various Positions for railway recruitment. Candidates, if you are going to apply for any RRB Exam, first of all you should know about the RRB Exam Eligibility Criteria. So, we are going to provide Indian Railway Eligibility Criteria on this webpage.
You may get the Railway Qualification Criteria, RRB Age Limit and so on….from the below segment.
Category of Indian Railway Examinations:
- Technical
- Non-technical
- Group- D
Qualification Based
- 10th
- 12th / Intermediate
- Degree
- Trackman
- Helper
- Assistant
- Points Man
- Safaiwala / Safaiwali
- Gunman
- Peon etc
- Lower Division Clerk
- Station Master
- Railway Constable
- Engine Driver
- Track man
- Store Keeper
- Signal Maintenance
- Railway Ticket Collector
- Railway Constable
- Railway clerk
- Assistant Loco pilot
- Helpers
- Goods guards
- Typist etc.
- Commercial Apprentice
- Traffic Apprentice
- Goods Guard
- Traffic Assistant
- Sr. Clerk cum Typist
- Jr. Accounts Assistant cum Typist
- Assistant Station Master (ASM) etc.
Selection Process
RRB selection process basically consists of the following phases:
- RRB Preliminary Exam
- RRB Mains Exam
- Medical Exam
- Interview
Relaxation in age will be given to the reserved category aspirants are as follows under-
- SC/ ST applicants- 5 years
- OBC candidates- 3 years
- PWD aspirants- 10 years
RRB in India:
Below list specifies the names of RRBs in India which provide great opportunities to candidates every year in various departments of Railways:
RRB Bangalore | RRB Chandigarh | RRB Bhopal |
RRB Bhubaneswar | RRB Jammu -Srinagar | RRB Kolkata |
RRB Mumbai | RRB Patna | RRB Secunderabad |
RRB Bilaspur | RRB Ahmedabad | RRB Ranchi |
RRB Mysore | RRB Malda | RRB Gorakhpur |
RRB Allahabad | RRB Thiruvananthapuram | RRC Chennai |
V V Academy is the best coaching in Vijayawada for RRB Coaching