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Types Of Vegetations


Types Of Vegetations

Types Of Vegetations


Climate can be classified on the basis of temperature, precipitation, evaporation and their seasonal characteristics. The classification scheme of W. Koppen is the most popular system and universally accepted. A classification of the world climatic types is given ahead:

  1. Tropical Rain Forest/Equatorial Forest Type Extent:
  1. Tropical Grassland/Savanna Type Extent:
  1. Tropical Monsoon Type
  1. Tropical Deserts Extent:
  1. Mid-Latitude/Temperate Deserts
  1. Mild-Humid Climate with a Dry Winter/ China Type
  1. Mid-Humid Climate with Dry Summer/ Mediterranean Type
  1. Snowy Forest Climate with moist Winter/ Taiga
  1. Tundra Climate




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