VV Academy

[:en]AP POSTAL Recruitment of Staff car Drivers in various postal Divisions &MMS Units under Vishakhapatnam,Vijayawada Region.[:]


 Notification regarding Recruitment of Staff car Drivers(Ordinary Grade)(Group C) in various postal Divisions &MMS Units under Vishakhapatnam,Vijayawada Region


POSTS No. of Posts. Communal Breakup
Staff Car Driver (Ordinary Grade) General Central Service, Gr-C, Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial













The last date for receipt of applications is    30-11-2017 up to 17:30 hrs.

Age limit for direct recruits:

18 to 27 years [Relaxable 5 years for SC & ST and 3 years for OBC candidates, for Government servants upto 40 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government. The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date for receipt of applications from the candidates in India.
(b) Educational & Other qualifications for direct recruits:
(i) Possession of valid Driving License (HMW/ Transport to drive Light and Heavy Motor Vehicles).
(ii) Knowledge of Motor Mechanism (The candidate should be able to remove minor defects in vehicle).
(iii) Experience of driving in light & heavy motor vehicles for at least three years.

(iv) Pass in 10 th  Standard from recognized board or Institute.

(c) Desirable qualification: Three years service as Home Guard or Civil Volunteers.


Selection will be made from amongst the candidates possessing the required qualifications and license and on the basis of a “driving test” to assess their competency to drive light and heavy motor vehicles. The particulars of date and venue of the Test will be communicated to the eligible candidates separately. No information will be sent in respect of ineligible applicants.

Application should be submitted in the following bio-data:

1. Full name (in block letters)
2. Father’s full name.
3. Post applied for
4. PermanentAddress
5. Address for correspondence
6. Citizenship
7. Date of Birth (By Christian Era)
8. Age as on closing date of receipt of application
9. Community
Are you a member of SC/ST/OBC
(If yes indicate the name of the caste
and Certificate in the prescribedform
issued by the Competent Authority
not below rank of Tahasildar / MRO)
(OBC Candidate should submit creamylayer
Certificate, for appointment in Central Govt.
10.Educational Qualification
11.lssued of Driving license details with validity
(LMV & HMV separately)
12. Driving experience period
14.Any other relavant information

Applications must be signed by the candidate and accompanied with:

1. Photocopiesof the following certificates attested by Gazetted Officer
i) Age proof, ii) Educational Qualifications, iii) Driving experience certificate as indicated SI. No.1)(b)(iii), iv) ST/SC/OBC issued by competent authority, v) Driving License, vi) Technical qualification, vii) Copy of citizenship certificate / permanent Residential certificate or any certificate issued State / Central government to show Indian
2. Two copies of recent passport size photographs attested by Gazetted Officer. One should be pasted in the application form and other should be attached to the application form.
The applications should be sent in an envelope superscripting the post applied for addressing to “The Manager, Mail Motor Services, Koti, Hyderabad – 500 095” either by Speed post or Register post on or before 30-11-2017 up to 17:30 Hrs and other means will be rejected. Incomplete/Unsigned applications are liable to be rejected.
Application(s) without complete information or without copies of certificates or the application(s) enclosing copies of the certificate(s) without attestation by State / Central Govt. Officer(s) will be rejected straight away without any notice or information. Applications received after due date will be summarily rejected. No allowances and expenses will be paid for attending the test and the candidates will have to bear the cost. The vacancy notified is subject to change without assigning any reasons and Department reserves the right to cancel the recruitment if so warranted


 [:te]Age limit for direct recruits: 18 to 27 years [Relaxable 5 years for SC & ST
and 3 years for aBC candidates, for Government servants upto 40 years in
accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government.
The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date
for receipt of applications from the candidates in India.
(b) Educational & Other qualifications for direct recruits:
(i) Possession of valid Driving License (HMWlTransport to drive Light and
Heavy Motor Vehicles).
(ii) Knowledge of Motor Mechanism (The candidate should be able to
remove minor defects in vehicle).
(iii) Experience of driving in light & heavy motor vehicles for at least three
(iv) Pass in io” Standardfrom recognized board or Institute.[:]



V V Academy
Vvacademy,v.v.academy,vvacademy,V V ACADEMY, Institute for Competitive Exams. V V Academy a vision of victory have been giving coaching for CONSTABLE, SI , APPSC,BANK CLERKS, POs,SSC, SSC CGL ,MTS,CHSL,RRB,RRB LOCOPILOT , RRB JE ,RRB SE,POSTAL ,LGO ,POSTMAN, LIC RRB GROUP-D ,RRB PSYCHOLOGY TEST,RPF for last 5 years. Every year our students get Jobs in every competitive exam. We give quality education to the students providing excellent study materials and online exams, well experienced faculty and with a planned schedule.
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