

V V ACADEMY ( a vision of victory) at Vijayawada, we provide the best quality coaching and guidance to Sub Inspector of Police, Police Constable and Excise Police exams RPF SI and Constable Police competitive aspirants from Andhra Pradesh/Telangana. Both states Competitive exam aspirants of Vijayawada.
Motto of V.V.Academy is “success through hard work and knowledgeable guidance”. Our sincere coaching is evolved over the last 5 years i.e. from 2012.
v v academy is now the first choice of the students and has grown with thousands of candidates getting jobs through v v academy each year. V V ACADEMY has been producing consistently good success results in every notification, which are the best in Andhra Pradesh/Telangana. Both states in terms of the success ratio 70% in SI Exam and Police constable Exam.
In the year 2017 SI exam results, we had state 1st place in VIJAYAWADA and above 4 SI AND 32 constable selections in Si /constable exam results list out of 150 students . Our Teaching is so comprehensive that most of our students have been consistently doing well in police competitive exams like Sub Inspector of Police, Police Constable and Excise Police exams RPF SI and Constable Police competitive aspirants from Andhra Pradesh/Telangana. Both states . We maintained coaching quality, student support and the healthy competitive environment made V V ACADEMY the best choice.
V V ACADEMY is the best police coaching institute for the candidates who are searching of best police coaching centers in VIJAYAWADA and good guidance. The specialized notes, workbooks and manuals prepared by our experts consultants and faculty on all the subjects of Sub Inspector and Constable examinations, are thorough research-based and supplied FREE to students as part of the Course have contributed in a great measure to our achievements. These resources and carefully chosen books resources together contain thousands of model and typical question answers of Police Recruitment Examinations and are updated for every exam. These books are supplied as part of our Courses and are not available separately.
It is our firm belief that most of aspirants always have problem to choose their right pioneer in a faulty system of Competitive Coaching. Aspirants who prepare for Competitive Exams should develop and progress on their own strength. If it does not, they must be having some deficiency in skills and knowledge and therefore needs to be equipped with proper guidance to get succeeded. In this sense, our coaching system has failed and we need to redefine the system so that the vast majority of the aspirants acquires through, the ability to solve their own troubles and progress with confidence. We also believe that accomplished coaching and guidance are integrated. Motto of V.V.Academy is “success through hard work and knowledgeable guidance”. Our sincere coaching is evolved over the last 5 years i.e. from 2012.
We are not giving coaching about any particular trade but we are providing multiple coaching. Due to this coaching, they are not dependant on one job. This is very much required in competitive field. Postal Department recruitments, Railway Recruitment, Staff Selection Commission, Police (Central & State), Groups (APPSC) BANKS (IBPS,SBI) and using internet for collecting information are essential for the student while giving the coaching and we have web portal also. We get students mainly from rural & urban area. When they stay with us lots of learning takes place without teaching anything. We expect our students to work as instructors in our formal system during coaching period. More than 1520 selections within 4 years.
Recent selections 4 sub inspectors and 32 constables in AP POLICE.