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SSC Recruitment of Sub-Inspectors in Delhi Police, CAPFs & Assistant Sub Inspectors in CISF

[:en]SSC  Recruitment of Sub-Inspectors in Delhi Police, CAPFs & Assistant Sub Inspectors in CISF

The Staff Selection Commission will hold an open competitive Computer Based Examination for Recruitment of Sub-Inspectors in Delhi Police, Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) and Assistant Sub Inspectors in CISF, in the month of June & July 2017, the details of which are as under :-


Date of Computer Based Examination: Paper-I: 30-06-2017 to 07-07-2017

Paper-II: 08-10-2017

Closing date for receipt of application: 15-05-2017 (up to 5.00 PM)

  •  Notice

[:te]SSC  Recruitment of Sub-Inspectors in Delhi Police, CAPFs & Assistant Sub Inspectors in CISF

The Staff Selection Commission will hold an open competitive Computer Based Examination for Recruitment of Sub-Inspectors in Delhi Police, Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) and Assistant Sub Inspectors in CISF, in the month of June & July 2017, the details of which are as under :-




Date of Computer Based Examination: Paper-I: 30-06-2017 to 07-07-2017

Paper-II: 08-10-2017

Closing date for receipt of application: 15-05-2017 (up to 5.00 PM)

  •  Notice




V V Academy
Vvacademy,,vvacademy,V V ACADEMY, Institute for Competitive Exams. V V Academy a vision of victory have been giving coaching for CONSTABLE, SI , APPSC,BANK CLERKS, POs,SSC, SSC CGL ,MTS,CHSL,RRB,RRB LOCOPILOT , RRB JE ,RRB SE,POSTAL ,LGO ,POSTMAN, LIC RRB GROUP-D ,RRB PSYCHOLOGY TEST,RPF for last 5 years. Every year our students get Jobs in every competitive exam. We give quality education to the students providing excellent study materials and online exams, well experienced faculty and with a planned schedule.
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